

ドイツ発: 行方不明の少年捜索(北海道)をドイツでも報じています。

2016-05-31 10:40:31 | 日記
2016年5月31日(Tue.) 日本国内でも報道中ですが、北海道で行方不明になっている少年のことを、ドイツでも報じています。(ニュースソース: DW-DE 5月30日発 )

Rescuers search for Japanese boy left in forest as punishment
A seven-year-old boy went missing in a Japanese forest after his parents made him leave the car as punishment. Rescuers used sniffer dogs and horses to comb the mountainous area, according to broadcaster NTV.

Some 180 police officers and rescuers were searching the forest on the Japan's northern Hokkaido Island, NTV reported on Monday.

They were looking for a seven-year-old boy who has been missing since Saturday afternoon, when his parents left him on the roadside.

At first, the parents said the boy disappeared while they were picking wild vegetables in the forest. However, they soon admitted they made him leave the car as form of "discipline." According to the couple, the boy was being punished for throwing rocks at people and cars while playing at a river earlier.

After driving only 500 meters (some 550 yards) away, the parents turned around to pick the boy up, according to Japanese media.

"They said they went back to the site immediately, but the boy was no longer there," a local police spokesman told the AFP news agency.

The boy's father said he avoided telling the truth because he found it embarrassing to ask for a massive search as a result of his punishment.

"I feel very sorry for my child," the father told an NTV reporter. "I am so sorry for causing trouble for many people."

Authorities warn of bears
The rescuers used sniffer dogs and horses to search through overgrown forest and tall bushes, according to NTV.

Mitsuru Wakayama, a spokesman for the nearby town of Nanae, said locals passed through the forest only occasionally.

"Not many people or cars pass by, and it gets totally dark as there are no lights," Wakayama said. "It's not surprising to encounter bears anywhere in the area."

The temperature in the forest dropped to 7 degrees Celsius (45°F) and heavy rain fell overnight, according to the media.

The police were determining whether the boy's parents should be charged with child abandonment, Kyodo News service reported.



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デンマーク:  Aalborg’s Carnival が終了

2016-05-30 20:47:35 | 日記
2016年5月30日(Mon.) 北ヨーロッパで最大級のカーニバルが終了したと伝えています。(ニュースソース: CPH POST ONLINE 5月30日発 )

Today’s Date: Final day of Carnival

Join northern Europe's biggest Carnival parade in Aalborg! (Photo: Flickr)

May 30th, 2016 7:00 am| by TheCopenhagenPost
Today marks the final day of Aalborg’s Carnival, first held in 1983. Street parties are organised throughout the week in Denmark’s fourth largest city. The event culminates with northern Europe’s biggest carnival parade, ‘The Grand Parade’, which attracts over 100,000 every year. This year’s theme is ‘Once upon a time’ and the participants are encouraged to follow in their choice of costumes.

(抜粋)デンマーク北部(ユトランド半島の)にある Aalborg で開かれていたカーニバルが終了しました。(5月20~28日で開催されていたものです。) 北ヨーロッパで最大級のカーニバルと言われているようで、1983年から続いている催しです。この街はデンマークでは4番目の大きさであり、グランド・パレードには、毎年10万人以上が参加するそうです。また、今年のテーマは「 Once upon a time 」(むかしむかし・・・)だったと伝えています。




場所は下の地図で確認できます。(出典: Google Earth )


それにしても、世界は広い・・・と言う印象です。知らない世界が実に多いものですね。 2012年に90日間デンマークに滞在していましたが、このユトランド半島北部の街で開かれるカーニバルの件は、全く知りませんでした。



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ドイツ発: 雷が各地を襲う

2016-05-29 16:55:15 | 日記
2016年5月29日(Sun.) ヨーロッパ各地を雷が襲ったそうです。「桑原、桑原・・・」 (ニュースソース: DW-DE 5月28日発 )

Lightning storms leave dozens injured in Paris and Germany
Dozens of people, many of them children, have been injured in lightning strikes in Paris and a small town in western Germany. One man was killed by lightning in Poland and several were injured.

A freak lightning strike hit a football pitch in the town of Hoppstädten in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate on Saturday, injuring 35 people including 30 children, police said.

The lightning directly hit a referee who was resuscitated before being transported by helicopter to a hospital in serious condition. Two other adults were also gravely injured. The 30 children aged between nine and 11 had irregular heartbeats and were taken to the hospital as a precaution.

The bolt appeared to come out of nowhere, police said.

"There was no rain and no dark sky according to witnesses," a police spokesman said.

The German weather service had warned of continuing storms following a wet and windy Friday, which saw people and transport services impacted by landslides and flooding in some areas.

Lightning strikes children's birthday party in Paris, several injured.

Park in Paris hit
Separately on Saturday, 11 people, including eight children aged about nine years old, were injured by lightning in Park Monceau in northwest Paris during a birthday party.

Six of the victims were in serious condition, police said. Three of the children and one adult have life-threatening injuries.

The lightening struck when the group had ducked under a tree to shelter from rain.

Twenty-nine fire engines responded to the scene in Paris.

Man killed in Poland

Also on Saturday, a man in Poland was killed by lightning on Babia Gora mountain. Three others were also injured by lightning in the same area and a man drowned in a flood.

(抜粋)昨日の土曜日(5月28日)、ドイツの街( Hoppstädten in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate )では、フットボール中の35人(うち30人は子供)が落雷で負傷しました。二人の大人が重篤、30人の子供は予防的措置で病院に運ばれたそうです。尚、目撃者によると、この落雷では、雨や黒雲などの前兆はなかった・・・そうです。



下の地図は、落雷のあったドイツの街の場所を示しています。(出典: Google Earth )

これからの季節は、屋外で過ごすことが増える時期でもあります。天気予報には注意を払っておきたいし、できうる限り、安全確保の考えで臨みたいものです。 何れにせよ、他人(ひと)の動きに惑わされることなく、最後は自己判断に依るところが多きいのかも知れません、何事も。

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デンマーク: 空中散歩?

2016-05-28 19:05:25 | 日記
2016年5月28日(Sat.) 森の中の木々、その中に張り巡らせた空中ロープ、そこを散歩・・・。 デンマーク、ユトランド半島にあるバイレ( Vejle )でトライできるようです。(ニュースソース: CPH POST ONLINE  5月28日発 )

Schools in photos: Walking in the trees!

It was like a scene from The Minpins at Gorilla Park last week.

May 28th, 2016 7:00 am| by The Copenhagen Post
Walking in the trees, climbing like monkeys, the students from Esbjerg International School visited Gorilla Park in Vejle last week, where they got to test their personal limits on several kilometres of high ropes courses and practised teambuilding skills.

They enjoyed a day full of laughter and adventure and got a lot of exercise in the fresh air.

(抜粋)インターナショナル学校の生徒たちが、バイレ( Vejle )にあるゴリラ・パークで、一日楽しんだそうです。彼らはモンキーのように木に登ったり、数キロにわたって張り巡らされた空中のロープの上を歩いたりしました。新鮮な空気の中で、笑い声と冒険に包まれた一日のようでした・・・。



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ドイツ: ICEが25周年を迎えた・・・

2016-05-26 18:33:22 | 日記
2016年5月26日(Thu.) ドイツを鉄道で旅したことがある人にはなじみ深いものがあるかも知れません。ICE( Intercity Express )に関する短いニュースです。(ニュースソース: DW-DE 5月25日発 )

Happy Birthday, Intercity Express!

The ICE is turning 25. On May 25, 1991, five high-speed trains zoomed from different corners of the German republic to converge on the city of Kassel, ushering in the era of the white trains dubbed the Intercity Express.

King of the rails
Every German knows the ICE. That's according to ICE operator Deutsche Bahn, which claims the ICE brand has a 100 percent recognition rate. The high-speed train is Deutsche Bahn's flagship, although it accounts for only 8 to 10 percent of the railway's total revenues.

New model unveiled
A new ICE 4, at its unveiling in Berlin in December 2015, as an ICE 3 races past. The new model is expected to run within test operations starting in autumn this year, and have its place on the normal train timetable in 2017. The ICE 4 is close to 350 meters (382 yards) long and seats 830 passengers.

International competitors
The fastest of all trains based on conventional rail technology is France's TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse). It's been around since 1981. The newest version, the AGV, reached a speed of 574 km/h (356 mph) in 2007, compared to its normal operating speed of 320 km/h. TGV trains can be found in Germany, Belgium, the UK, Switzerland, and Italy.

Japan, the high-speed pioneer
Even before the French, Japanese engineers developed a high speed train - the Shinkansen. An early model of this train ran at speeds of 210 km/h during the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. The newest model, like the one pictured here, runs at a maximum speed of 320 km/h.

Racing into the future at supersonic speed
The Hyperloop is a conceptual high-speed transport system originally put forward by Tesla founder Elon Musk.It incorporates reduced-pressure tubes in which pressurized capsules ride on an air cushion driven by linear induction motors and air compressors, allowing for speeds of more than 1,200 km/h.

(抜粋)1991年の5月25日から、25年目を迎えたICEです。 写真を中心に、鉄道の歴史、フランスのTGVや日本の新幹線などのコンペチター、そして、未来の超音速列車(1200km/h以上)などを簡単に紹介しています。

ちなみに、ICEはドイツ人なら誰でも知っていますが、DB( Deutsche Bahn: ドイツ鉄道 )の売上の8~10%を占めるに過ぎない・・・とコメントしています。








*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。 ( Arielle Kebbel )

