

UK発: アイルランドの復活祭蜂起百年を伝える

2016-03-30 22:15:31 | 日記
2016年3月30日(Wed.) アイルランドが伝える復活祭蜂起・百年記念行事については既に紹介しました。一方、気になっていたのは、UK(イギリス)でのそれに関する報道です。 網羅的にwatch できているわけではありませんが、客観的事実を冷静に報道している印象を持ちました。(ニュースソース: BBC、他)

Easter Rising 1916 commemorations in pictures
Commemorations to mark the centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising have been taking place in Dublin and Belfast




1916年復活祭蜂起後の1930年代(以降)を描いた「 Angela's Ashes (アンジェラの灰): Frank McCourt 」を読んでいる最中ですが、アイルランドの苦難の道のりはまだまだ続いていたようです。 Frank McCourt筆者の回想録でもありますので、真実味が高く興味深く読めます。 アイルランドに関心がある方にはお薦めの書籍です。


下の写真は Geese ( Wild Geese ) です。 鶴やアヒルとは違うことがわかります。
Wild Geese の意味するところは、以前の当ブログを参照下さい。


アイルランド: イースター蜂起・百年(続報)

2016-03-28 17:31:19 | 日記
2016年3月28日(Mon.) 今日は Easter Monday です。 昨日のブログUPは遅い時刻になってしまいましたので、その後に報道された写真で特徴的なものを、いくつかピックアップします。(ニュースソース: THE IRISH TIMES )

Images of the Day - 1916 State Commemoration







残念ながら、私はアイルランドには行ったことがないので、現地事情には詳しくはありません。しかし、国際交流を図ったり、国際感覚を深めたりする意味でも、現地に「滞在」してみることをお薦めします(アイルランド以外も含め)。 但し、テロの可能性の低くない地域に関しては、今しばらくは渡航しない方がよいのかも知れません(親心)。

今はアイルランドのこともわかる「アンジェラの灰」( Angela's Ashes : フランク・マコート著)を読んでいる最中です。


アイルランド: イースター蜂起・百年の記念セレモニー

2016-03-27 22:52:19 | 日記
2016年3月27日(Sun.) 今日は復活祭( Easter Sunday )、アイルランドでは、1916年の復活祭蜂起( Easter Monday: 4月24日)を記念する行事に染まっている感じです。(ニュースソース: THE IRISH TIMES )

かなり前から、この百年の節目を迎える「 1916 Easter Rising 」を伝える報道が目立っていましたが、昨日や本日は、多くの関連行事が挙行されているようです(首都ダブリン)。

1916 centenary: Thousands attend Easter Rising events

Proclamation read outside GPO as some 250,000 expected to line streets of Dublin

The Proclamation was read out at the GPO on O’Connell Street in Dublin on Sunday as part of the series of events marking the centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising.

The Proclamation was read by Capt Peter Kelleher. President Michael D Higgins then laid wreath at the GPO, with relatives of those who fought in the rebellion in attendance.

The flag above the GPO was then raised to full mast and Amhrán na bhFiann was played as a fly-over of military planes took place 700ft above O’Connell Street.

Ahead of the reading, the flag over the GPO had been lowered to half-mast and the President inspected a guard of honour.

Head Chaplain of the Defence Forces Fr Seamus Madigan lead a specially-composed prayer for “ all who lost their lives in 1916 and throughout the troubled history of our island.”

President Higgins earlier laid a wreath in the Stone Breakers’ yard in Kilmainham Gaol on the spot where 15 rebels were executed in the days after the 1916 Easter Rising. The ceremony was the first of the main commemorative events in Dublin marking the centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising.

About a quarter of a million people were expected to line the streets of the capital for the parade.

President Higgins used an address to descendants on Saturday to call on Irish people to take responsibility for building a true Republic and said the ideals of the Proclamation can still inspire today.

Hundreds of thousands of people lined the 4.5km route across Dublin from 10am for the parade.

Some 3,722 Defence Forces personnel marched in front of military vehicles along with emergency services personnel and army veterans, many of whom served on United Nations’ peacekeeping missions.







1916年4月24日( Easter Monday )、百年前の出来事ですが、イースター(復活祭)に合わせてメインの行事を挙行しているようです。以前のブログ内においても触れていますが、この蜂起をキッカケにして、アイルランドの自治に向って大きく動き出していったことに間違いないようです。




ドイツ発: イースター休暇

2016-03-25 21:59:09 | 日記
2016年3月25日(Fri.) EU各地から、イースター休暇を伝えています。 日本ではそれほどなじみではありませんが、EU各国でこれをお祝いしています。クリスマス同様のようにも伝わってきます。(ニュースソース: DW-DE, THE LOCAL DK )

How to celebrate Easter in Germany

Watch out for sugar-coated lambs, fire and lots and lots of chocolate. Here's what to expect during the four-day Easter holiday in Germany.

Why Easter always falls on a different day

According to the Bible, Jesus was crucified around the time of the Jewish Passover, which was observed at the first full moon following the vernal equinox. Based on the Gregorian calendar, Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday following Passover: that is, depending on lunar cycles, between March 22 and April 25. German pupils look forward to two weeks of vacation surrounding the Easter holiday.

Easter surprises

The gift of calories is still the most popular Easter present in Germany, according to a 2015 Statista survey: 62 percent give sweets on Easter, while 38 percent give eggs. However, nearly half (45 percent) said they purchase small items like games, books or stuffed animals for their loved ones, especially kids. But not everyone participates in Easter commerce: 22 percent don't give gifts.

Extinguishing winter

According to an early Saxon tradition, fires are lit in Germany and elsewhere in northern Europe on Easter Saturday or Sunday. In the pre-Christian spring ritual, the fire was likely meant to expel winter. In rural northern Germany, Easter bonfires are lit by official brigades or on private premises and can turn into small festivals. The fire generally burns throughout the night.

Everyone knows that the Easter Bunny doesn't lay eggs, but that doesn't stop him from hiding them for children in countries all over the world - including Germany.

A symbol of fertility, spring and new life, eggs have become an integral part of Easter celebrations. In Germany, however, passion for eggs extends well beyond the holiday.

日本語では「復活祭」と訳されています。キリストの復活を祝うものとされており、春分後の満月の後の最初の日曜日が Easter Sunday とされているため、毎年この日は移動することになります。そして、今年は明後日の3月27日になっています。

また、直前の木曜日は Maundy Thursday :聖木曜日・洗足木曜日、翌日は Good Friday 、土曜日は通常の休日、Easter Sunday 、Easter Monday と続き、この土曜日を除く4日間を特別な日として扱っているようです。


The complete guide to Easter in Denmark

Easter is big in Denmark. It kicks off the summer season after a long, dull Nordic winter, and the Danes go all in for hygge - a warm, cozy environment with good times and good people.

When: Thursday to Monday

Denmark is a Christian country (at least on paper) and Easter celebrations therefore include Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. These are national holidays in Denmark. Schools are closed and most people do not work.





また、百年前の1916年4月24日 Easter Monday 、アイルランドでの復活祭蜂起、処刑されてしまったパトリック・ピアス達は、どんな想いでその日を過ごしたのでしょうか。



ドイツ: 忘れそうだったGermanwings(2015,3,24)、あれから1年

2016-03-24 16:45:06 | 日記
2016年3月24日(Thu.) ベルギー・ブリュッセルでのテロ事件報道が冷めやらぬ今日、ドイツから、ちょうど1年前の Germanwings 墜落を追悼するニュースが流れています。(ニュースソース: DW-DE)

One year on, victims' families gather to mark Germanwings crash

Memorials in Spain, France, and Germany are set to take place to mark the first anniversary of the Germanwings crash. Co-pilot Andreas Lubitz deliberately brought the plane down on March 24, 2015, killing all on board.

Lufthansa was planning to take some 650 relatives of those who died aboard Germanwings Flight 9525 to France on Thursday to mark the first anniversary of the crash. The parent company of the budget airline was also set to unveil memorials to the victims in Barcelona, where the plane took off, and Düsseldorf, where it was schedule to land.

"We are doing everything we can to lessen the blow for the relatives, if that is at all possible," Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr said last week. The company has paid relatives at least 100,000 euros ($112,000) per passenger, and in some cases compensation has been in the millions.

All 150 passengers and crew were killed on March 24, 2015 when co-pilot Andreas Lubitz purposely crashed the aircraft about an hour into the flight. The 27-year-old was suffering from suicidal tendencies that he had not disclosed to his employer. The discovery, however, that some mental health professionals knew of his condition and did not report it has caused aviation authorities to question the limits of doctor-patient confidentiality.

French report: Germany needs to clarify rules

A recent report by French air accident investigators called on Germany to clarify its rules about doctors breaching their patients' privacy when public safety is in jeopardy. Germany's ruling coalition has also called for random drug and alcohol tests to be administered to pilots.

"As we have seen, the existing regulations have failed," said Silvia Chaves, the chair of an association for the victims' families at a memorial ceremony at Barcelona airport on Wednesday.

Black box recordings revealed that Lubitz took advantage of the other pilot's excusing himself to use the toilet to lock his colleague out of the cockpit and force the plane to rapidly descend. This revelation has prompted new laws around the world requiring at least two members of airline staff to be in the cockpit at all times.





2015年6月10日、Haltern am See(ドイツ国内) に向う車列、捧げられた白いバラ。




