

アイルランド発(datelined Ireland): Former Nissan chief

2019-12-31 14:56:00 | 日記
2019年12月31日(Wed.) 大晦日の今日、驚きのニュースが飛び交っています。何故に、このようなことが可能だったのでしょうか、事実とすれば・・・。(ニュースソース: THE IRISH TIMES 12月31日発 )

Former Nissan chief Carlos Ghosn believed to have left Japan
Unclear whether the former carmaker’s chairman has escaped house arrest

Carlos Ghosn, once celebrated for his turnaround of the ailing car companies, has suffered a dramatic fall from grace.

Carlos Ghosn is no longer under house arrest in Japan and has arrived in his parents’ native Lebanon, according to a source close to the Nissan-Renault chairman’s family and a professional associate.
Mr Ghosn, once celebrated for his turnaround of the ailing car companies, has suffered one of the decade’s most dramatic corporate falls from grace, arrested in Japan in November 2018 under four charges of financial misconduct, which he denies.
He landed at Beirut’s Rafic al-Hariri international airport late on Sunday, according to an associate of Mr Ghosn. Local media reported that he arrived in a private jet, which the Financial Times was unable immediately to confirm.
It is unclear whether the former carmaker’s chairman has escaped house arrest in Japan or whether a deal has been struck for his release. Japanese and Lebanese authorities were not immediately available for comment.

The terms of Mr Ghosn’s detention meant he could leave his flat, followed by police and prosecutors, as well as a private detective, according to FT reporting.
Nissan alleges that Mr Ghosn understated his personal pay, and two filings say he failed to report more than $80 million in deferred compensation.
Mr Ghosn has denied all charges against him from the Japanese prosecutor, and Japan’s Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission (SESC) in mid-December disputed some findings of a Nissan internal probe.
However, the regulator also fined Nissan $22 million over allegations it understated Mr Ghosn’s pay over a four-year period.
Mr Ghosn holds Lebanese, French and Brazilian citizenship and was long considered one of Lebanon’s most successful expatriate businesspeople. He is a partner in several Lebanese businesses, including a winery, and the Lebanese government advocated on his behalf after his arrest last year.
Japanese prosecutors built part of their case on a laptop obtained in Lebanon from one of Mr Ghosn’s aides, the FT reported in May. – Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2019

(注: 和訳は省略します。原文を流し読みして下さい。)






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ドイツ(Germany 🇩🇪): 'Stolperstein' (つまづく石)

2019-12-30 16:34:57 | 日記
2019年12月30日(Mon.) 今日は終日の雨模様で、少々寒い一日になっています(愛知県平野部)。 さて、ドイツで、負の歴史遺産を忘れない為の活動を続けている人達が居ます。(ニュースソース: DWーDE 12月29日発 )

Germany: 75,000th 'Stolperstein' for Holocaust victims laid
The small brass "stumbling blocks" are familiar to anyone who has walked the streets of Germany. Each one commemorates a victim of the Nazi regime, and now the 75,000th stone has been laid in a small Bavarian town.
(抜粋)ドイツ: 大虐殺の犠牲者の為の75,000番目になる 'Stolperstein' (つまづく石)が埋め込まれました。

The artist Gunter Demnig installed the 75,000th "Stolperstein" or "stumbling stone" in Germany on Sunday to memorialize the Jewish family Rosenbaum, who were persecuted under the Nazi regime, the Stolperstein Society said.
"Stolpersteine," literally "stumbling stones" or "stumbling blocks," are small brass plaques inserted into sidewalks and roads throughout Germany and the rest of Europe to preserve the memory of victims of the Nazis.
Each stone features the name of a victim and some short biographical information. German artist Gunter Demnig began the project in 1992, and has since seen the stones become part of the landscape, with 75,000 now laid. The first stone outside of Europe was laid in 2017, in Argentina.

(超抜粋)芸術家の Gunter Demnig が、75,000番目となるこの石を日曜日に埋めました。これはユダヤ人一家のRosenbaumが、ナチ政権に迫害されたことを示しています。
Stolpersteine は、文字通り“つまづく石”なのですが、小さな真鍮プレートが組み込まれ歩道などに設置されています。これはヨーロッパやドイツ等が、ナチによる犠牲者の記憶を護る為のものです。
それぞれの石は犠牲者の名前が刻まれ、伝記的な情報も少し加わります。ドイツ人の芸術家Gunter Demnigが1992年から始めたプロジェクトで、75,000個に至っています。ヨーロッパ以外で最初に設置されたのは2017年のアルゼンチンでした。

The words "Here lived..." begin almost every stone, giving the passer-by who may quite literally "stumble" across any of the stones a personal connection with the victim.
Bavaria's government representative for anti-Semitism Ludwig Spaenle said in Memmingen on Sunday that "memories create the future."
"It doesn't matter what form of memorialization you think is best — by commemorating names and the biographical information then we remain aware of the victims," he added.

(超抜粋)言葉は(注: 真鍮に刻まれている)、“ここに住んでいたのは”で始まります。通行人は、文字通り、この石につまづき犠牲者が居たことを気づかされます。(意訳)(注: 以下、原文を流し読みして下さい。)

Gunter Demnig lays a Stolperstein

The town of Memmingen in Bavaria has seen about 100 stones installed since 2014. These stones were laid at the home of Martha and Benno Rosenbaum, who fled Nazi persecution to Uruguay from Memmingen in 1941.
Distraught at leaving his home town and by the seeming endless reign of Nazism, Benno died in 1944, one year before Hitler.
The stumbling stones can be found in 1,250 towns and cities all over Germany. Despite recently turning 70, Demnig has shown no indication that he plans to end the project any time soon.

(超抜粋)バイエルン州のMemmingenには、2014年以降でおよそ100個ほどの石が設置されて来ました。今回の石は、Martha and Benno Rosenbaumの家の場所に埋め込まれました。彼らはナチの迫害から逃れて、この街からウルグアイに行きました、1941年のことです。家を離れざるを得なかったことと、ナチの統治に終わりが見えないことを嘆き、Bennoは1944年に亡くなりました。ヒトラーの1年前のことでした。




権威主義、全体主義、独裁国家などは二度と許してはなりません! 非民主的な思考は絶対に排除すべきです。日本の今の政治は、どこから見ても独裁に限りなく近い状態に陥っています。 海上自衛隊を“調査研究目的”とこじつけて中東海域に派遣するなど持っての他です、これを、国会の審議を経ることなく閣議決定するなど、独裁そのものと変わりはありません。どこがシビリアン・コントロールになっているのか、独裁・暴走と一緒です。こんな危険で歴史に学べない連中は政界から追放すべきです。


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ドイツ(Germany 🇩🇪): German fireworks sales fizzle

2019-12-29 17:50:00 | 日記
2019年12月29日(Sun.) ドイツでは、花火も自粛方向に動いているようです。(ニュースソース: THE LOCAL.de 12月27日発 )

German fireworks sales fizzle on climate anxiety

Photo: DPA

Pyrotechnic-mad Germany loves to see in the New Year with a bang but concerns about climate change have prompted several major retailers to take fireworks off the shelves this year, local media said Friday.

"The fireworks last for an hour, but we want to protect animals and have clean air 365 days a year," said Uli Budnik, who runs several REWE supermarkets in the Dortmund area that have stopped selling fireworks.

One of the country's main DIY chains, Hornbach, last month announced it was too late to stop this year's order but that it would ban pyrotechnics from 2020.

Rival chain Bauhaus said it would be rethinking its fireworks offerings next year "in view of the environment", while franchise owners of a string of Edeka supermarkets have already removed them from their stores.

Environmentalists have cheered the trend, which would have once been unthinkable in a country where revellers famously fire off huge amounts of pyrotechnics from their lawns and balconies every New Year's Eve.

It caps a year marked by heightened climate awareness following massive "Fridays for Future" demonstrations and a summer of record-high temperatures and severe droughts.

"We hope to see a shift in society and that people buy fewer rockets and crackers this year," Jürgen Resch, head of the German environmental campaign group DUH, told DPA news agency.

他の流通業者も、環境の視点から、今後の花火の取り扱いは再考すると語っています。また、環境活動家は、こうした動勢を歓迎しています。(注: 以下、和訳省略。原文を流し読みして下さい。)

Germany's fireworks festivities release some 5,000 tonnes of fine particulate matter into the air on a single night -– equivalent to about two months of road traffic, according to federal environment agency UBA.

Fine dust particulate matter is a major contributor to air pollution and is harmful to both human and animal health.

Many German cities have already created firework-free zones, to help the environment but also out of noise and safety concerns.

Demand for the brightly coloured explosives remains high however, and not all retailers are ready to turn their backs on fireworks revenues totalling some 130 million euros a year.

Popular discounters Aldi, Lidl and Real have said they plan to stay in the pyrotechnics business.

Fireworks sales are strictly regulated in Germany and only allowed on the final three working days of the year.

A YouGov survey of some 2,000 Germans on Friday found that 57 percent would support a ban on pyrotechnics for environmental and safety reasons.

But 84 percent said they found fireworks beautiful.




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BBC発: The German island

2019-12-28 12:02:34 | 日記
2019年12月28日(Sat.) ドイツの小島のことをBBCが取り上げています、少し前のニュースですが。(ニュースソース: BBC 7月15日発 )

The German island with a population of 16
BEST OF 2019: The 16 residents who live on the tiny German island of Oland must cope with extreme flooding on a regular basis.

But they have no intention of leaving.

Video by By Ibrahim Shebab

(抜粋)住人が16人しか居ないドイツの小さな島は、定期的に襲う洪水にも屈しないのです。しかし、彼らにその地を離れる意図はありません。(注:リンク先のビデオをご覧下さい。 英語の字幕が出ます。)




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アイルランド(Ireland 🇮🇪): Calls to Childline drop

2019-12-27 13:50:36 | 日記
2019年12月27日(Fri.) 子供電話相談のコール回数が、前年比で減ったと伝えています、アイルランドでのことですが。(ニュースソース: RTE 12月26日発 )

Calls to Childline drop nearly 40% on Christmas Day

ISPCC said more children are making contact online and by text rather than phone(多くの子供達が電話よりもメールによる接触をして来ています。)

Childline was contacted just under 800 times on Christmas Day, a 37% decrease on last year's total.

The service, which is open all year round for 24 hours a day, received 793 calls, texts and online contacts yesterday.

Last Christmas Day the total number of contacts was 1,267.

ISPCC Chief Executive John Church said more children are making contact online and by text rather than phone.

He says there is generally an increase on Christmas Day and Stephens Day in calls related to domestic abuse, but many of the contacts are from children who are lonely.

"Certainly around the Christmas period, we would see an increase in children witnessing domestic violence or difficult angry situations in the household and maybe being subject to violence as well," Mr Church said.

"So there would be a slight increase on Christmas Day and Stephens Day for those issues, but by and large we are seeing a trend over the years of family situation and loneliness creeping in as well.

"It’s really sad where young people would ring just to say they are lonely even though they may be in a busy household with siblings and parents. They still find themselves lonely and having to reach out to Childline."

(超抜粋)クリスマスの日の子供電話相談は800件以下になり、昨年よりも37%減りました。このサービスは24時間受付になっていますが、昨日は、電話とメールで合計793件でした。 昨年のクリスマスには1,267件ありました。
一般的傾向として、クリスマスの日やスティーブンの日には、家庭内の問題で利用が増える傾向にあります。多くは、一人で居る子供からのものです。(注: 以下、和訳を省略します。 原文を読み流して下さい。)




ところで、話題を変えます。 昨今、人からの質問に対し、正面から答えないケースがしばしば見られます。

例えれば、1+1の答えは? と聞かれた場合、“3ではありません。”と答えるようなものです。 正面から“2です。”とは答えないのです。

一見、それはそれで間違ってはいないとも考えられますが、正直ではありません。 過日、新任環境大臣が記者から質問された時、問われたことには答えず、“30年後は私は生きている”とか、訳の分からない禅問答のような答えを返したことが問題になっていました。他に、質問には答えず、“ 丁寧に説明して行きます。”などとはぐらかし、結局は、その丁寧な説明は聞いたことがないなどの事例があります。


最初の頃は見ていましたが、まるで、国会答弁の不誠実さを見ているようで、洗脳番組かと思えてしまったので、最近は見ないようになりました。 何か、不誠実な対応を是認するかのような風潮を助長しているように思えてなりません。

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