
死ぬまで毎年IRONMAN HAWAIIに出るのが目標!体育2のironmaniaのroad to KONAな日々です!

spinning and swim

2014-03-10 12:48:46 | road to KONA
2/27/2014 No training
Caused by fatigue...

Spinning 26.2km1:02
Swim free style, side kick 300yd0:15

I was done 1 hour spinning and swimming for relax at Blue Ash YMCA.
Actually, Blue Ash YMCA is out of the route for commuting, and monthly fee is about 3 times of LA fitness!
So it's little bit inconvenient for me.
But YMCA has 2 indoor pool (but both of them are yard pool...), 1 outdoor pool (I guess it's olympic pool...), and spinning with SPD pedal.
They're good for triathletes.
And the most important thing is that YMCA is our crazy guy's headquarter!

The picture is today's lunch at Benihana.

Benihana is the founder of "hibachi" in the US.
Americans speaks of grilled cuisine on the hot plate as "hibachi".
As you know, the true meaning of "hibachi" is a kind of traditional stove in Japan. But I don't know the reason why Americans speaks of the cuisine as "hibachi"...
And also most of Americans can't make truly pronunciation of "hi", so they say "habachi"...


にほんブログ村 トライアスロンブログランキングに上場中!
にほんブログ<em></em>村 その他スポーツブログ トライアスロンへにほんブログ村>


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