久野康成公認会計士事務所/株式会社東京コンサルティングファーム(TCF)の 【国際化支援ブログ】



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Differentiation strategy means to become a big fish in a big pond. (TCF Bangladesh ( MAHBUB ))
2018-07-10 20:26:46
Diversification always have great importance in any aspect of life. So, those who have a capability of cope with change then he will be the person of great importance in an organisation.
大きなマーケットで大きくシェアを取る (東真奈美)
2018-07-10 20:47:39
Differentiation strategy means to become a big fish in a big pond. (TCF Bangladesh (Jasim Uddin))
2018-07-11 11:54:35
Uniqueness is a quality that makes a business or company different. So one must be unique than other companies to become a big fish.
Differentiation strategy means to become a big fish in a big pond. (TCF Bangladesh (yousuf))
2018-07-15 01:31:08
Differenciatio mean your are developing yourself to all the sector and also becoming an highlighting matter
Differentiation strategy means to become a big fish in a big pond (TCF Bangladesh (Mohammed Faruqe))
2018-07-16 12:49:06
In the company we have to differentiate the strategy. It is natural
Of the big company.
Differentiation strategy means to become a big fish in a big pond. (TCF Bangladesh (Iqbal))
2018-07-16 13:20:53
Exceptional features help a company to sustain in competition.
Differentiation strategy means to become a big fish in a big pond. (TCF Bangladesh (Riad))
2018-07-29 03:59:02
If you want excellent result, Take different strategy.
Differentiation strategy means to become a big fish in a big pond. (TCF Bangladesh (Mahabub Ibn Hannan))
2018-07-30 19:18:21
If strategy in innovative then it will be your advantage.
Strategy is the framework. (TCF Bangladesh (Nurul Kabir))
2018-07-30 20:18:51
Differentiation strategy means to become a big fish in a big pond.

Different strategy is required for completion of different jobs. Different knowledge comes from the different people.
