


2018-03-07 22:48:50 | 英語特許散策

"With the promising beaker test results, the new Si etchant was tested using an SSEC single-wafer processor on regular test wafers and ground wafers. The ground wafers were thinned(薄くされた)by Strasbaugh using the same grinding parameters as for real TSV device wafers. Therefore, the surface roughness, waviness(うねり), texture, and thickness variations are the same as they would be for TSV wafers. Table 2 summarizes the etch data generated in the SSEC single-wafer tool."

"A wafer is typically a disc, typically 4, 6, 8, or 12 inches in diameter and typically having a thickness between 400 microns and 6 mm. The substrate wafer may be of any desired configuration. The substrates are preferably optically transparent and flat, i.e., have less than some variation in surface height across the surface thereof, e.g., less than one waveうねりが1つもない), depending on the requirements of the desired application." 

"5. The method for processing a semiconductor wafer according to claim 1, wherein when frequency analysis is performed on a surface height of the wafer following the double-side planarizing step, an amplitude of a waveうねりの振幅)in a wavelength region of 100 mm or less is in the range of 1.0 μm or less."

" It has been found that known manipulators may not optimally suitable for the correction of all image errors. Overlay errors for example involve correction concepts that cannot be realized in an optimum way via the manipulators known from the prior art. With concepts known so far, it is generally possible with difficulty to realize high degrees of waviness(うねり)on optical elements, which may be involved in particular for the correction of overlay errors. The waviness is in this case a measure(尺度)of how many wave peaks or wave troughs(波谷)occur in a cross-sectional representation of the optical element over the entire lateral extent of the optical element."

"A flat smooth substrate surface 30, free of(無い)irregularities(凸凹), corrugations(しわ), asperities(ざらざら), wavesうねり)or undulations(起伏), is preferred. Such a surface can be prepared by machining, for example, by grinding, polishing or smoothing the sintered substrate, as is known in the art."

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