


2016-07-26 21:12:38 | 米国特許散策

"The servo layer may include an organic material where the indicia are created in the servo layer with an infrared or ultra violet light source such that the indicia are formed embedded(埋め込まれて)within the tape."

"In accordance with another embodiment illustrated by the dashed lines, circuit pattern 3852 is formed embedded(埋め込まれて)within lower surface 616L of dielectric material 616A."

"In this embodiment of an interior surface (embedded portion) of saddle body 1000, further co-planar negative circuit layer (e.g., conductive laminate) connections 1332 are formed embedded(埋め込まれて)within the saddle body to connect with cavity roof portions of alternating cavities 220."

"According to a further feature of the present invention, a plurality of connecting holes are formed penetrating(貫通して)into a face of the wafer opposite to the projections"

formed so as to ...の方が良いか?

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2016-07-26 20:28:21 | 米国特許散策

"Semiconductor chips are connected to(接続)external circuitry through electrical contacts on a front face(上面)of the chip. Each contact on the chip must be connected to external circuitry, such as the circuitry of a supporting substrate or circuit panel. Various processes for making these interconnections(接続)use prefabricated arrays of leads or discrete(個別)wires. For example, in the so-called tape automated bonding or “TAB” process, a dielectric supporting tape, such as a thin foil of polyimide includes an array of metallic leads on one surface of the dielectric film. These leads are aligned with the contacts on the front face of the chip. The dielectric film is juxtaposed with(並置、並列)the chip so that the leads extend(延在)over the front or contact bearing(設ける、配設、載置)surface on the chip. The leads are then bonded to(接合)the contacts of the chip, as by ultrasonic or thermocompression bonding. The terminals on the dielectric film may then be connected to external circuitry for electrically interconnecting the chip and the external circuitry.

The rapid evolution(進歩、進化)of the semiconductor art(技術)in recent years has created a continued demand for semiconductor chip packages having progressively(一層)greater numbers of contacts and leads in a given amount of space. An individual(個々、一個)chip may require hundreds or even thousands of contacts, all within the area of the front face of the chip. Certain complex semiconductor chips currently being used have contacts spaced apart from(離間)one another at center-to-center(中心間)distances of 0.1 mm or less and, in some cases, 0.05 mm or less. With such closelyspaced contacts the leads connected to the chip contacts must be extremely fine structures, typically having a smaller bonded surface than the contacts onto which they are bonded so that the adjacent leads do not electrically short(短絡). Such fine(微細、微小)structures are susceptible to(受け易い、しやすい、容易)damage and deformation."

"Leads are typically bonded to contacts on a semiconductor chip or other microelectronic element using ultrasonic, thermocompression or thermosonic bonding. In the bonding process, the bonding region of each lead is engaged(係合)by a bonding tool which bears on(押し付け、載置)the top surface of the lead in the bonding region and forces the lead downwardly into engagement with the contact. Energy supplied through the bonding tool causes the bonding metal to join with(接合、結合)the contact. Typically, the leads are bonded to the chip contacts with the bonding tool using heat, force, ultrasonic energy, or a combination of two or more thereof(それらの2つ以上の組み合わせ), for a given time period. If incorrect force, heat and/or ultrasonic energy is used, the bond(接合部)between the leads and the contacts may be too weak to withstand thermal cycling stresses during operation of the chip (heating and cooling cycles during operation). Also, the bonding tool may create areas of the lead which are prone to early fatigue during thermal cycling because of excessive non-uniform deformations in the bonding region typically causing early breaks in the lead at the point the lead bends up from the chip surface (commonly referred to as a “heel break”)."

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2016-07-26 18:47:47 | 米国特許散策

"A socket for solderless connection between a stud-bumped(スタッドバンプ)IC chip and a host PCB. The socket includes a three-dimensional (e.g., cylindrical or cubical(立方体) hollow metal frame that is either free-standing(自立)or supported by an underlying(下方、下部)patterned template structure. The metal frame includes side walls(側壁)that extend(延在)away from the host PCB, and a contact structure located at the upper (i.e., free) end of the side walls. The contact structure defines an opening through which a stud bump can be inserted into a central chamber of the metal frame. The side walls and/or the contact structure are formed such that when the tip end(先端)of the stud bump is inserted into the central chamber, at least one of the base structure and the sidewall(少なくとも一方)of the stud bump abuts(当接)the contact structure at two or more contact points."

abut (vi):  to touch along a border or with a projecting part; terminate at a point of contact; lean or rest for support (Merriam-Webster Unabrided)

"1. A socket for electrically connecting a stud bump mounted thereon, the stud bump including a base section and an elongated(長い、長尺)body extending between the base section to a tip end, ... the contact structure defining an opening that communicates with(連通)the central chamber..."

"Recently, the stud-bump bonding (SBB) technology, which is based on the wire-bonding technology, has been developed(開発)as a very attractive solution(手法、手段)for a low-cost flip-chip technology. With SBB technology, gold stud bumps are placed on the die bond pads of IC chips through a modification of the “ball bonding” process used in conventional wire bonding. In ball bonding, the tip(先端)of the gold bond wire is melted to form a sphere. The wire-bonding tool presses this sphere against(押し付け)the aluminum bond pad, applying mechanical force, heat, and ultrasonic energy to create a metallic connection. The wire-bonding tool next extends the gold wire to the connection pad on the board, substrate, or lead frame, and makes a “stitch” bond to that pad, finishing by breaking off(切断)the bond wire to begin another cycle. For gold stud bumping, the first ball bond is made as described, but the wire is then broken close above the ball. The resulting gold ball with truncated wire, or “stud bump”, remains on the bond pad to provide(して~を可能とする)a permanent, reliable connection through the aluminum oxide to the underlying metal. This technology has several advantages: UBM process is not necessary, bumping cost is low, and fine-pitch(狭い、微小ピッチ) and chip-level bumping is possible."

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2016-07-26 18:00:51 | 表現

Staking(かしめ継ぎ、加締め), Wikipedia
"Staking is the process of connecting two components by creating an interference fit between the two pieces. One workpiece has a hole in it while the other has a boss that fits within the hole. The boss is very slightly undersized so that it forms a slip fit. A staking punch is then used to expand the boss radially and to compress the boss axially so as to form an interference fit between the workpieces. This forms a permanent joint.[1]"

Swaging(スエージング、据込み加工), Wikipedia
"Swaging ... is a forging process in which the dimensions of an item are altered using dies into which the item is forced.[1] Swaging is usually a cold working process; however, it is sometimes done as a hot working process.[2]

The term swage can apply to the process of swaging (verb), or to a die or tool used for swaging (noun)."



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