


2016-07-25 18:19:43 | 米国特許散策

"One known method for manufacturing multiple layer thin film interposers is by dispersing a first layer of polyimide on a carrier plate, typically composed of(から成る)glass, forming vias, or micro-holes through this polyamide dielectric layer in a predetermined patterns, and then depositing copper or other conductive wire leads thereon by sputtering, plating, or other known methods."

"Copper, or other conductive material, is then dispersed on the layer of thin film and patterned into circuitry through sputtering, plating, etching, or other known process."

"Ni—Fe or other Permalloy materials which can be easily formed through sputtering are preferred, although other materials with analogous(類似、同様)properties may work as well."

"The insulating material used for the insulating layers mentioned above(上述)is preferably an inorganic compound such as silicon oxide (for example SiO2 produced(作る、得る)by sputtering or CVD or PECVD, and SiO by evaporation) or silicon nitride."

"One reported fabrication of MEMS thin and thick film bimorphs is by depositing piezoelectric thin or thick films on both sides of a metal plate or foil through sputtering or hydrothermal growth processes."

"The piezoelectric thin films, usually PZT, for such uses are made by sol-gel, sputtering, laser ablation, chemical vapor deposition or other appropriate process."

"Once those elements requiring polishing and/or cleaning have been addressed, electrodes are deposited on the surface of the elements 56 by techniques such as sputtering or evaporation with a shadow mask."

"Referring to FIG. 6, a metal layer 32 (e.g. zirconium) is deposited directly on surface 28, e.g. by sputtering, evaporation, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or plasma CVD."

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