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パイプの話2(また禁煙話)Story of Pipes(2)

2007-09-14 15:13:19 | その他 Other

Photo by NORIKO

今までの人生の2/3以上 煙を吸い続けたあげく
その止めた動機ですが いろいろありまして.....
1 風邪を引くと「痰」がかなり出るようになった。
2 外でたばこが極端に吸いずらくなった。
3 篠笛を始めて肺活量の不足を痛感した。
4 好きな銘柄が販売中止になった。
それと ハンガリーやアメリカ行きで往復機中8~10時間程

I had inhaled smoke over two thirds of my life until I decided to quit cigarettes.
There were various reasons to give up smoking.

1. When caught a cold, I came to cough up a lot of phlegm.
2. The places we were allowed to smoke in decreased including drinking spots.
3. Starting the Bamboo flute, I keenly realized my lack of vital capacity.
4. My favorite brand of cigarettes was discontinued.

Besides, during 8 to 10-hour- flight on the way to and from Hungary
or San Francisco three years ago,I could do without smoking.
Of course, it was by compulsion, but I was sure of success.

義母制作のタペストリー 札幌、伏見地区
My mother-in-law's work Husimi district in Sapporo

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