版画草子 All That Print Work


パイプの話1(禁煙話)Story of Pipes(1)my smoking cessation

2007-09-12 11:00:20 | その他 Other
今回から少し長めになりますが パイプのお話をしてゆきます。
変な話の展開ですが 暫く読み飛ばして下さい。
From now on, over several times, I’ll talk about pipes, perhaps a little long story.
But before this, I have to start with my experience about “giving up smoking”
The storyline might be strange, please quickly scan it.

札幌藻岩山 Mt.Moiwa, Sapporo Photo by NORIKO

2年前の4月 私は38年間吸っていた(17歳からです......)
版画の修行時代 どんなに困っても煙草代だけは
今はもうまったく吸っていません。  つづく

In April two years ago, I gave up cigarettes, which I had smoked for 38 years.
(since 17years of age!)
When I was a self-supporting student of Hanga school,
I managed to put up the money for cigarettes, even being so pinched.

Now, I don’t touch them at all.
To be continued

義母制作のタペストリー 背景は藻岩山
Embroidery made by my mother-in-law with Mt.Moiwa in the background.
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