版画草子 All That Print Work


版画の話(11)Hanga (11)

2007-05-19 08:49:21 | 作品 Works
Starting again on Hanga

自家製はがき(9)木版画 woodblock

1 大数量の印刷物との違いを表すため
2 付加価値を高めるため
3 その昔 英国で70部以上の刷り物には
  税金がかかったため 70部以下の限定数を
  記入したのを 日本でも数字記入だけ真似た。

Why do they put an edition number on their Hanga?
There are a variety of views concerning
the origin of it.
1 to differentiate print works(Hanga) from
a large quantity of printed matters.
2 to add value to their Hanga.
3 In the old days. over 70 copies of printed matters
were taxable in Britain.
Therefore, they held an edition number
less than 70 when they put it on their
printed matters.
In Japan, they imitated just numbering
their Habga.
to be continued.

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