

Weather apps are useful for mountain climbing and hay fever Idea Plaza Summary 1119 

2024-05-31 17:44:55 | 日記

 Weather forecasts, which used to be said to be inaccurate, have become more accurate. This weather forecast has come to be trusted as useful information for daily life. Weather forecasting begins with collecting and analyzing ever-changing observation data to create numerical forecasts. The Japan Meteorological Agency and overseas organizations collect observation data such as temperature and wind, analyze it, and create numerical forecasts. You can check this valuable weather forecast information for free by watching TV or the Internet. Based on this weather information, specialized billing services for specific user groups are also expanding. This means that more people are willing to pay for more detailed weather information for things like golf, cherry blossom viewing, hay fever, and mountain climbing.
 If you have been suffering from hay fever since childhood, you know how to prevent the onset of the disease and how to reduce the symptoms. About a month ago, you started eating green and yellow vegetables, their processed products, and fermented foods such as yogurt. These foods help the body produce substances that suppress the onset of hay fever. By consuming carrots and spinach, you can increase your immunity to suppress hay fever. Immunity does not develop immediately. You should give yourself about a month to prepare your body. When the season comes around, you'll need to carry masks, glasses, and eye drops to ensure you're fully prepared. People who suffer from hay fever take precautions even before the hay fever begins. The weather forecast will announce the timing of dispersal. The important thing to note about this announcement is the one-month forecast that will be announced in mid-January. When we get information about whether pollen is high or low, we will take two measures. It is a measure to suppress the onset of hay fever and a measure to alleviate the symptoms.
 Reducing pain and itching using a weather app alone will not allow you to enjoy your life. This app is also active in the hobby world. The role of weather forecasts is also important from the perspective of enjoying the outdoors. Recently, there are also apps that specialize in mountain climbing. Of course, this app is available for a fee. A man in his 40s climbs mountains more than 15 times a year. He says happily, ``I often look at the weather for each mountain and decide where to climb, so I often check the weather the day before.'' This app provides detailed weather forecasts up to the top of the mountain, unlike regular weather forecasts that only cover the base of the mountain. A mountain app that allows them to have fun and be safe at the same time may become a must-have for mountain men and women.