

A robot that reduces the burden on the nursing care site  Idea Plaza Summary806

2022-01-31 18:37:29 | 日記

 Bathing, eating, and taking care of excrement are the causes of hard work for caregivers. Caregiver work has the element of muscular labor as well as paying close attention to the person requiring long-term care. Care attention is paid to moving from wheelchair to bed and from wheelchair to toilet seat. Many accidents in long-term care cause people to fall and break their leg bones while moving. Fractures in the legs mean a poor quality of life. Therefore, the reality is that many caregivers are devoted to the safety management of movement. This is said to be the biggest cause of labor shortages. In Australia and elsewhere, there are regulations by law that nurses and caregivers do not carry heavy items. Due to regulations, the development of equipment that makes it easier for caregivers to work is in progress.
 In Japan as well, robot suits and other products are being developed to reduce the burden on caregivers. But unfortunately, there is a delay in Japan here as well. In the case of foreign countries, since caregivers do not carry heavy items, they have analyzed their work situation and have been developing various equipment while presenting solutions to their problems. The development of the equipment proceeded in response to the demands of the field. In the case of Japan, the site did not request a nursing care robot and proceed with development. Since there is a robot, it was a stance that I should use it at the nursing care site. In the case of Japan, it seems that not only the functions of robots, but also the ease of use of caregivers and consideration of cost are lacking in terms of smoothness with the site. However, if this shortcoming is improved, robots, information devices, and management systems that are effective for long-term care will be developed.
 The person requiring long-term care is not something that does not move. They want to move on their own. Some older people do not want their caregivers to over-help every move. As you get used to the convenient support, your physical strength and energy will decline. In some respects, it is also necessary to devise support that incorporates inconvenience. When you move and succeed, you feel emotional and pleasant. People seek to enjoy the pleasure and try to go even higher. Caregivers also need to be patient and refrain from providing support to those in need of care. It would be a gospel if a robot suit was developed to help the weakened functions of the care recipient.

미중 갈등을 잘 걷는 국민의 지혜  아이디어 광장 17

2022-01-30 18:03:19 | 日記

 중국에서는 시민의 자유가 확대되지 않고 시장에의 개입을 정부가 강화하는 것이 밝혀지고 있습니다. 게다가 중국 정부는 국제사회와 협력하지 않는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 세계는 중국의 자유와 시장 원리, 그리고 국제사회와의 협력을 기대하고 있었다. 하지만 그 큰 기대가 실망으로 바뀌고 있습니다. 미국은 중국을 경쟁자로 간주하고 중국의 성장을 둔화시키려고 방향 전환을 도모하고 있습니다. 반도체, 배터리, 의약품, 희소자원 등 4개 분야에서 중국에 대한 정책의 재검토가 시작되었다. 게다가 정보통신줄의 정비로부터 중국제품을 배출하는 방침을 정하고 있습니다. 국제 테러리즘에 대한 대응으로 미국 정부와 전문가의 관심은 완전히 대 중국 이동에 몰두하고 있습니다.
 미국의 정책 전환에 대해 중국도 대항 조치를 취할 수 있습니다. 미국에 의존하는 것에 대한 리스크도 근거로 경제의 국내 순환론이 제창되게 되었습니다. 중국은 지난 수십 년간 계속해 온 미국에 대한 경제나 기술면 등에서의 의존을 장기적으로 해소하는 방향으로 움직이고 있습니다. 전략적 관점에서 중요하고 취약한 것으로 간주되는 첨단 영역에서 상대방에 대한 의존을 줄이는 정책을 취하고 있습니다. 중국은 혁신과 기초 연구를 강조하기 위해 예산을 늘리는 정책을 제시했습니다. 과학기술을 내외의 문제를 극복하는 열쇠로 파악하고 있습니다. 이것은 현대판 자력 갱생이라는 것일지도 모릅니다. 중국은 자국 중심의 기술과 서비스, 공급망을 강화해 나가는 길을 고른 것입니다. 중국은 미국과 장기적인 갈등에 대비할 준비를 가속하고 있습니다.
 엄격한 미중 관계 속에서 일본은 갈등의 최전선에 세워져 엄격한 결단을 강요당하고 있습니다. 국가의 운영은 안전보장만이 아닙니다. 안보가 만전이라도 국가의 부가 잃어버리면 문제가 남아 있습니다. 기후변화도 큰 문제가 된다. 기후변화를 억제하면 사람들이 아무렇지도 않게 행복하게 살 수 있게 되는 것은 아닙니다. 위험 제로 대책에는 많은 부작용이 발생합니다. 미중 갈등이 격화하고 있는 상황에서는 우선적으로 지켜야 할 일과 약간 우선순위를 떨어뜨려도 좋은 일을 결정해 두게 됩니다. 우리는 이것을 깨달아야합니다.

Prerequisites for understanding complex humans  Idea Plaza

2022-01-30 18:00:56 | 日記

 Technological progress is progressing at an alarming rate. With the help of Twitter, it is becoming possible to reveal the main emotional and sensory movements of 130 million people in a day. The number of tweets is the smallest around 5 o'clock in the early morning. From there, there is a gradual increase. At 6 am, words such as "bright," "sleepy," "healthy," "calm," and "good luck" stand out. The whole of Japan seems to show the vibrant morning. Around noon, a mountain with a small number of tweets will come. Then, it will rise again from evening to night, and the number of tweets will be the highest around 22:00. Here you can see an interesting phenomenon. The number of tweets containing the word "tired" is highest at 22:00. But the true peak of "tired" is around 5 o'clock in the evening. When they are really tired, it seems that they are not feeling well to send tweets. They seem to say "tired" in a tweet around 22:00 after having dinner, taking a bath and refreshing. It seems that smart companies are following this trend in preparing products and services that meet the needs of consumers. There are many Japanese companies that have customer location data. If we can understand people's needs and their location information, we can create a system that can achieve high effects with relatively little effort. If you use the know-how to analyze tweets well, it will be possible to bring out the actual situation of 130 million people in Japan. It is said that a mechanism that can provide products and services that match the actual situation will generate profits.
 The advantage of the internet society is that simple questions and information can be easily understood by searching online. In a sense, the world is full of information that will be the basis for creating new products and services. On the other hand, no matter how much data you have, it's hard to find value in the data itself. Information is useless as it is. We need to understand that if we do not process information, it will not create value. The ability to "think" is required more while using the same information as everyone else. As long as you do the same thing as a person, no added value will be created. Creating products and services that meet people's needs will increase added value.
 Then you have the option of exploring something that is not the same as a person. For nursery children, a flat ground is more convenient to move around. If it's flat, it's easy to move and play tag. With bumps, it is difficult to move and the risk of falling and getting injured increases. Many people find bumpy inconvenience. Even for adults, a flat garden is convenient because it is easier to manage children and ensure safety. However, there are cases where children come to life in the inconvenient garden. In the inconvenient and bumpy situation, there are some children who can think about various things and win, instead of the ones who are quick and fast. There is room for active thinking and ingenuity in play other than playing games. Thinking and spending time is not wasted. The inconvenient one has a larger growth margin to improve (learn) than the convenient one. It seems that products and services may be developed from unexpected perspectives and reversal ideas.
 "Faster, lighter, and safer" is value in use. It is said that the value in use is emphasized when approaching work faster. When you get to work, you are unconsciously doing things faster, lighter, and safer. The value that a user finds satisfying is called valuable value. More beautiful and cute is a value that is judged by the satisfaction that the user can get the thing. It seems that both utility value and valuable value are necessary. However, it is becoming clear that the value in use alone and the value in value alone are not sufficient. The hint is that there are cases where the inconvenient method prevents the deterioration of human ability rather than the convenient method. Looking for so-called inconveniences can be a hassle, but for some people there are many benefits. Recently, the word inconvenience seems to be gaining citizenship.
 If you look for more hints, you'll reach the hunter-gatherer era. The hunter-gatherer era was a time when appetite could not be easily satisfied. The satisfaction of food, clothing and shelter, which is now commonplace, led to the satisfaction of happiness in this era. Eating lots of food was the key to survival. Most animals live on plants. The plant becomes extinct if it continues to be eaten. Plants sometimes produce poison so that they cannot be eaten by animals. Well-poisoned plants survive extinction and prosper. Since ancient times, plants and animals have been fighting for poison and detoxification. Humans have won this battle. Perhaps only humans among many animals have a respect for the elders in the population. In general, older animals that have finished reproduction are excluded from the herd. But human society was different. The elders accumulated the wisdom that divides life and death, and became a necessary existence for the group. The attitude of respecting the elders seems to be linked to the attitude of respecting wisdom and experience. In humans, there are things that are important other than eating and reproduction.
 It seems that human beings have various qualities other than living and eating. You can see that by looking at a weird robot. Robots are usually useful in that they replace human labor and reduce the burden on humans. Robots that perform work accurately and autonomously in factories are currently the mainstream. However, some people have made useless robots. This robot called I Bones is a really awkward robot that behaves like a cute skeleton. If you let this robot distribute the tissue, it will be very inefficient and you will not be able to hand over the tissue. It can't figure out the timing with the opponent when distributing the tissue of I Bones. Anyone who sees this robot will be attracted to I Bones and will want to pick up the tasting. People are drawn to the awkwardness of I Bones.
 At the stage of finally summarizing and giving opinions, it is necessary to narrow the field of view. On the other hand, except for the finishing stage, it is important to constantly change your mindset or take a completely different perspective. Unless people broaden their horizons, it will be difficult for them to come up with new and interesting ideas. Civilization is evolving and future predictions are becoming more important. It is also said that reason is important for prediction. High emotions can also improve memory and learning effectiveness. If you concentrate too much, you may not be able to see it. As you lose your concentration, you will be able to see things, and there are things that you will notice anew. The important thing is that you may feel happy if you find an interesting idea. While using the same information as everyone else, we will create a mechanism to come up with interesting things. It seems that creating that gimmick requires the attitude of using primitive emotions, reason, intellect, and the latest digital tools.

ミクロとマクロから温暖化を阻止する アイデア広場 その1076

2022-01-29 17:29:40 | 日記

 インドネシア政府は、2022年1月1日から1カ月間の石炭の輸出禁止措置に踏み切りました。これは、国内で発電用石炭の需給が逼迫して、電力危機に陥るのを回避するための処置です。どうして、石炭資源の豊富なインドネシアが、不足する事態になったのでしょうか。インドネシア政府は、石炭事業者に年間生産量の25%を国内に流通させるよう義務付けています。25%の石炭を国内で電力用に使用すれば、十分に賄える余裕があるのです。でも、インドネシア企業は国内優先義務を守らず、輸出に回していたのです。国内優先義務の規定で、石炭の価格は1トンあたり70ドル (約8000円)と固定されています。1トンあたりの生産コストは40ドル程度とされ、70ドルでも利益は十分に確保できる価格になります。でも、輸出すれば、同150~180ドルで売れるのです。石炭の世界的な高騰で、企業が国内供給より輸出を優先する傾向が強まったのです。輸出を増やすほど利益が膨らむ「石炭バブル」は、一部企業にモラルハザードを引き起こしたわけです。インドネシア政府の強権の発動は、このモラルハザードにあったともいえます。

Japanese prisons are contributing to the reduction of crime Idea Plaza Summary805

2022-01-28 17:42:05 | 日記

 Crime in Japan seems to be on the decline dramatically. In the first half of 2021 (January to June), the number of criminal offenses recognized by police across the country has steadily decreased from last year. The number of criminal offenses is 277,300, which is 30,170 less than in the same period of 2020. It is a decrease of about 10%. The number of criminal offenses recognized has been declining since peaking in 2002. It seems that the pace will continue this year at a pace lower than 2020, which was the lowest after the war. The number that shows the same transition is the number of people in prisons and juvenile training centers. In 2006, the number of people exceeded 80,000, and "overcapacity", which exceeded the number of set staff, became a problem. According to correctional statistics, the number of inmates at the end of 2018 was 55,578. After that, it continued to decrease, and in 2019 it decreased to 48,802. The problem of over-containment has also become an old tale. Currently, it is less than 60% of the capacity of all facilities, and there are no facilities that exceed the capacity. Security is also pleased that the number of prisoners in prisons, juvenile prisons and detention centers across the country continues to decline. But there are also problems. It becomes a problem of inmates aging and recidivism.
 The most common crime of prison inmates is theft, and the second is stimulants. If the elderly or disabled have no place to live, no work, and no relatives, prisons are more comfortable. Some elderly people repeatedly shoplift at supermarkets and seek a place in prison. For people who have lost their financial base and their living standards have declined, prisons seem to be a facility that does not suffer from food, clothing, shelter or illness. Half of these older people take some medicine regularly because of their illness in prison. Inmates have various illnesses. In particular, there seems to be a phenomenon that patients with diabetes and the like improve dramatically in prison. A prison is equipped with a dialysis machine. We are accepting prisoners who need this dialyzer. It is always in full operation.
 The general public pays the national pension for 40 years and receives 800,000 yen a year. However, the cost for a prisoner is 2.5 million yen. As welfare stagnates and prisons improve, the influx of the elderly and disabled seems to accelerate. Looking at the world, it seems that more and more countries are suffering from an increase in inmates. Compared to that, Japan seems to be generally heading in the right direction.

Remarks 、 100 yen is 1 dollar.

100万人の学童保育児が牛乳廃棄を救う  アイデア広場 その1075

2022-01-27 17:18:21 | 日記


View the US-China conflict from a business  Idea Plaza Summary804

2022-01-26 17:43:39 | 日記

 China's reputation has plummeted. Liberalism, which sang one country, two systems, is disappearing. If the Communist Party decides, "You're corrupt. You've violated the rules," the private sector is game over. Human rights issues are systematically occurring in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. People tend to focus on human rights issues, but the reality is that the wealthy Uighurs in this area are looting not only human rights but also their assets. In the 1950s, when the People's Republic of China was established, the Communist Party confiscated the property of wealthy people. The recent series of moves by the Chinese Communist Party seems to be pushing for a return to the past.
 The unreasonableness of the nation and the party is not limited to China, but is also done by the United States. The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has been established within the US Treasury as the governing body for sanctions. The "Special Designation" (SDN) list created by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) lists sanctions such as nations, individuals, and people. The SDN list lists the nations, companies, organizations, and individuals that US companies should not do business with. Being blacklisted on the SDN has the same effect as being declared a dangerous company or person worldwide. The "80 to 20" principle applies to this announcement. If the United States considers it dangerous, it will be mercilessly put on the SDN list with 80% suspicion. The United States has imposed sanctions on small Chinese banks and trading companies and has banished them from the US financial system. Banks around the world dealing with dollars are starting to collate their customers with SDN lists at great cost. Being blacklisted on the SDN makes it difficult to continue your business activities.
 From a business standpoint, the United States and China seem to be in conflict, but they are not. American financial capital is flowing into investment in China. That's clear when you look at New York stock trends. All products such as Apple used in the United States are made in China. If Chinese-made everyday items are cut off, American citizens will not be able to live. China's exports to the United States are going well. The reality is that the United States and China are doing well economically. After understanding these things, Japan will associate with both the United States and China.

小鳥と有機農業を無理やり結びつける アイデア広場 その1074

2022-01-25 17:26:14 | 日記


Effective utilization of excessive public facilities  Idea Plaza Summary803

2022-01-24 17:56:46 | 日記

 It is said that the environment will only be ruined if we pursue the current material civilization. Unless humans change direction somewhere, the ruin of resource depletion awaits. There is a growing awareness that the world we live in is finite both environmentally and resource-wise. Among them, there are people who use their wisdom and effectively use limited resources.
 There is a good example. The city of Detroit in the United States, which once thrived in the automobile industry and then declined, has recently gained momentum. They have introduced a system that entrusts the management and operation of city parks to citizens free of charge. The entrusted citizen became an entrepreneur selling hot dogs in the park. In return for getting the right to sell hot dogs in the park, the hot dog shop manages and cleans the park. The city can save on park management and labor costs for cleaning, and hot dog shops profit from selling. The sleeping public facilities have been transformed into profit-making. Looking at such cases, the facilities managed by the municipalities have the potential to become a treasure.
 During the 14-year period from 2002, about 6,800 public schools in Japan were closed. Of the 6800 public schools, nearly 900 were demolished without being reused. Many are still used as welfare facilities, hands-on exchange facilities, museums, offices, etc. In some cases, the town rents the school building free of charge, subsidizes the cost of repairing toilets, etc., and makes it available to the private sector. Public schools are located in the center of the area and were responsible for cultural activities. It is in an easy-to-use location, and in terms of how to use it, it has the location conditions to start a business with added value.
 In the future, in many rural areas, not only schools but also public facilities will decrease sharply. If the number of reductions and the conditions of use of the facilities to be abandoned are clearly stated, interesting ideas will come out. The local government does not use the budget, but asks the private sector to pay money and make effective use of the facility. Of course, if we can support a system that makes profits and collect the results as taxes, the region will be enriched. We want to have the wisdom to use resources effectively. And I want to improve the ability to execute to realize that wisdom.

미중의 전력을 보는 관점  아이디어 광장 16

2022-01-23 18:02:39 | 日記

 미중이 대립하는 가운데 2020년 9월 미국 국방부는 “중국의 군사력에 대한 연례 보고서”를 공개했습니다. 거기에는, 중국의 해군력이 미국을 능가해, 「세계 최대의 해군을 보유하고 있다」라고 발표하고 있습니다. 게다가 국방부는 중국이 대만에 침공할 경우 중국 해군이 이긴다는 결과를 내고 있습니다. 미국 해군대학교와 랜드 연구소 시뮬레이션도 중국 우위를 보고하고 있습니다. 이 보고를 보고 놀란 분과, 또인가라는 감상을 가진 분이 있는 것 같습니다. 중국의 해군의 증강이, 상상 이상이라고 느끼는 분이 있는 것 같습니다. 한편, 이 전력 분석이나 시뮬레이션의 목적은, 미국 해군이 의회에 함선의 구입을 설득하는 재료의 하나라고 보고 있는 분도 있는 것입니다. 그 이유는 미 해군대학교의 시뮬레이션에 원자력 잠수함의 전력 분석이 없기 때문입니다. 미국의 공격형 원자력 잠수함이 3척이면, 대만 해협의 모든 중국 함선을 격침할 수 있는 능력이 미국 해군에는 있습니다. 원잠을 넣어 버리면, 시뮬레이션이라고 하는 게임 그 자체의 전제가 무너져 버리는 것입니다.
 중국의 강경책에 대해 여러 나라가 대항 조치를 취하게 되었습니다. 미국은 지금까지 초계기 p-8을 영국, 캐나다, 호주 등 한정된 국가에 제공해 왔습니다. 이 초계기 p-8을 인도에 팔고 있습니다. 인도의 정찰 능력을 높이고 있는 것입니다. 호주는 미국의 지지에 따라 인도에 우라늄 매각을 결정하고 있습니다. 인도의 중국에 대한 핵억지력을 높이는 지원을 하고 있는 것입니다. 호주 인도의 우라늄 매각은 중국이라는 위협을 공유하기 때문입니다. 중국이 강경수단에 나서기 때문에 인도의 대중 방위 능력이 그 어느 때보 다 향상되고 있는 것이다.
 각 동맹국에도 각각의 사정이 있는 것 같습니다. 일본에도 사정이 있습니다. 중국은 연간 30조엔의 무역이 있습니다. 미국과의 안보관계는 유지되어야 한다. 인도 태평양의 안전을 도모하기 위해 일본은 미국에서 지금까지 이상으로 많은 무기를 사야 하는 상황이 태어나고 있습니다. 이를 감안하면서 우리는 진로를 찾아가게 됩니다. 좋은 진로를 선택해 가고 싶은 것입니다.