

K-POP의 우위성에는 이유가 있다.   아이디어 광장 4 

2021-10-31 17:50:00 | 日記

 최근 유행하는 K-POP은 가사로 들을 수 있는 노래가 아닙니다. 이 K-POP는 댄스의 매력과 알기 쉬운 노리의 장점이 중시되고 있습니다. 이것은 어떤 의미에서 인간의 근원적인 욕망을 만족시키는 것입니다. 아프리카 숲에서 평원에 나온 호모 사피엔스는 전 세계에 분포하게 되었습니다. 우리의 조상인 호모 사피엔스는 매우 이동력이 높고 적응 능력이 높은 생물이었습니다. 그들은 10만년 전의 시대에도 음악과 멋을 즐겼습니다. 인류가 이동하여 여러 지역에 생활하게 되어도, 무엇을 기뻐하고 무엇을 애처할지는 어떤 나라에서도 비슷한 것이 많습니다. 그들은 음악 (리듬, 멜로디, 하모니)과 신체 언어로 의사 소통을하고있었습니다.
 이런 의미에서 K-POP은 세계에 퍼지는 요소를 갖추고 있었던 것입니다. 다종다양한 언어와 종교와 다채로운 생활양식 등의 다양성이 인류의 생존을 지원해 왔습니다. K-POP은 이 다양성 위에 타고 공통 언어를 갖지 않는 아시아나 구미의 사람들에게도 즐길 수 있는 요소를 갖추고 있었다는 것입니다. 게다가 인류학적 관점뿐만 아니라 현재 문명의 힘도 갖추고 있었다. 스마트폰과 YouTube의 융합된 곡이나 영상을 제공하고 있기 때문에 K-POP은 성공하고 있다고 할 수 있습니다. 게다가 숙련된 전술과 전략도 숨어 있습니다. 한국 각지의 대학에 현대 음악을 가르치는 전문학과가 많이 설립되었습니다. 그리고 한국의 국책이라고도 할 수 있는 인터넷을 능숙하게 사용한 전략이 있었던 것입니다.
 1997년 한국은 이른바 IMF 위기라는 국가 경제 위기에 빠졌다. 한국정부는 재정재건과 세계를 이기기 위한 경제정책으로 IT산업과 문화사업의 진흥을 선택한 것입니다. 2000년 전후부터 음악이나 영상의 프로를 키우는 대학이나 전문학교가 한국 내에 설립되어 갑니다. 국내 각지의 대학에, 지금까지는 없었던 실용 음악과나 영상학과가 많이 생긴 것입니다. 한국은 지난 10년 동안 엔터테인먼트 산업의 인재를 키워 왔습니다. 이 기간 동안 자란 인재는 젊은 유튜버와 같은 인터넷 전달 기술 직원이었습니다. IMF 위기 때의 학생들이 지금, 한국의 음악이나 영상의 세계의 제일선에서 활약하고 있는 것입니다. 경제위기로 한국 정부가 방침을 좁힌 것이 지금의 K-POP 붐이나 한류 드라마 붐의 뒷받침이 되었다고 할 수 있습니다.

I want to make Ethiopia the second Bangladesh  Idea Plaza

2021-10-31 17:46:58 | 日記

 Africa has a history of supply of poor products by uncompetitive local companies. It has also been said that the secondary industry is a barren land. Despite being poor, Africa had an expensive labor force. Chinese companies with remarkable expansion do not hire locals in Africa. The reason for this was that labor was not available for the high wages. African countries are relatively expensive compared to their national income levels. Prices are high due to high food procurement and logistics costs. In conjunction with this, the composition was such that labor wages would increase. At first, I was surprised to hear that UNIQLO, an excellent Japanese company, is expanding into this barren land of the manufacturing industry.
 If you look closely, you can see that Swedish apparel maker H & M and a Chinese company's garment factory have set up operations in Ethiopia, Africa. This Ethiopia was close to Europe and the United States, and had the advantage of being tax-free, especially for clothing destined for the United States. UNIQLO plans to gradually increase production while establishing a system to secure a labor force capable of mass-producing high-quality clothing. Eventually, it seems that they want to make it an export base to Europe and the United States. The world's clothing is still supported by the strong consumer motivation of the United States and Europe. It seems that there are some conditions for Ethiopia to become an export base in Europe and the United States. When this condition is met, the area may become a factory in the world.
 The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) that are currently attracting attention have 17 goals and 169 targets. For example, the first four of 17 are 1. Let's get rid of poverty, 2. Zero hunger, 3. Health and welfare for all 4. The goal is to provide high quality education to everyone. These are issues African countries have in common. Therefore, I considered a mechanism to solve these problems that African countries including Ethiopia have. The hint is Ford, an American car company. Henry Ford doubled his employee's salary to sell a car called the T-type Ford. When Ford raised his salary, other companies were forced to raise their salary. Income levels across the United States have risen sharply due to Ford's salary increases. When the United States reached a certain wage level, it became a country where cars, refrigerators and televisions could be sold. If you choose a country with a high salary, your country's consumption will increase and you will be able to mass-produce consumer goods. Then, the price of the product becomes cheaper. In general, motorcycles become more popular when GDP per capita exceeds $ 1000. Mobile phones are already widespread in Africa. Growth will accelerate once information and transportation are in place. If these two can be cleared, the industrialization of Ethiopia may be realized. By the way, Ethiopia has a per capita GDP of $ 1000, which is about half the income of neighboring Kenya's $ 2,000.
 Therefore, I thought about how to manage the manufacturing industry well in Ethiopia. There are cases where a poor country has enriched the country by attracting garment factories. Bangladesh now has a per capita GDP of $ 2000, which was around $ 100 in the 1970s. The country has grown to become the world's second largest exporter of clothing. By becoming the second largest exporter after China, it has increased the national income of 160 million people. There is a reason for such achievements in a short period of time. Because Bangladesh was able to be self-sufficient in my staple food, it was able to work in the textile industry even with low wages. Developed countries have also adopted a policy of relocating factories from China and Vietnam for the purpose of this cheap labor force. And this time it's Africa. UNIQLO will begin production in Ethiopia. This country has one of the lowest labor wages in Africa. It seems that there is an environment in which garment factories can be operated at lower labor wages than in developing countries in Asia.
 Despite many disadvantages, expectations for Africa are rising. It is also called the largest frontier in the 21st century. Contrary to expectations, many African countries have failed to industrialize. Manufacturing, which has high job creation capacity, is stagnant, and unemployment remains high in many countries. Curiously, despite the large number of unemployed people, the stagnation in the manufacturing industry is due to a shortage of human resources. Most of Africa's local industries, including Ethiopia, are small poor businesses. Looking at the workplace, raw materials and semi-finished products are messy and mixed, and they are randomly piled up on the floor. Poor work attitudes such as feelings about time and handling of parts are reducing profits as a company. Insufficient basic academic ability, such as the inability of employees to perform simple calculations, is also an issue. There are still a small number of companies doing accounting, and there are also situations that are not seen in developed countries, such as the escape of sales.
 Japan's strength in human development has experience and achievements in Asia. Japanese companies have contributed to the industrialization of Southeast Asia using a method called Kaizen. Based on tidying, tidying, cleaning, cleanliness and discipline, Kaizen does not require a large capital investment. At a factory, we conducted training centered on this Kaizen. This was done by the Japanese public and private sectors for small and medium-sized enterprises in Africa. A follow-up study three years later has reported good results. There are an increasing number of cases in which managers who participated in Kaizen training continued Kaizen and succeeded in producing new products and developing sales channels. The spread of Kaizen is driving the growth of local industries and the attraction of foreign companies. Now it is necessary to create jobs that unemployed people can work for.
 Improving people's daily lives is a top priority as a foundation for the growth of the African economy. To secure local human resources, it is essential to have human resources who can work. Even if wages are low, foreign companies will not enter if the quality of human resources is low. Furthermore, it is essential to develop managers who will drive the growth of the local industry. Cost reduction through localization will increase the number of attracting companies and raise the level of the economy as a whole. Local companies can no longer compete with financially-powered China alone. While using Chinese companies, local companies will also create a mechanism to make profits. In a sense, Bangladesh is helpful. China also has overproduction facilities that cannot cover production and consumption only domestically. It is time for China to sustainably build win-win relationships with other countries. Chinese companies alone may break the balance of profits. In such a case, one option is to take root in your own industry while using Japanese companies and Western companies. If the industry can secure a certain level of productivity, it can afford to the funds. If the funds are used to improve irrigation facilities and irrigation facilities, the country can be enriched. After that, the agricultural population will be moved to the industrial field and the employment environment will be improved. To that end, it is necessary to make a qualitative shift in the labor force. The developed countries of the world will eventually run out of labor. The mechanism that enables human resources to cover it from Africa, including Ethiopia, will be a win-win for the world.
 As an aside, Japan's GDP per capita in recent years has been $ 42,000. By the way, Switzerland is $ 80,000, Luxembourg is $ 105,000, and Ireland is $ 70,000. African South Africa costs $ 5,000, Ghana, Congo, Kenya, etc. costs $ 2,000, and Ethiopia costs about $ 1,000. To grow the economy, it is necessary to increase the labor force, accumulate capital, and advance technology. In order for developing countries to develop, cutting-edge know-how of developed countries such as environmental technology is indispensable. This continent is characterized by a large number of young people not only in terms of population size but also in population composition. Some young people are also growing up in digital technology. By 2050, 151 of the 195 countries in the world will be unable to sustain their population. Under such circumstances, the population of only the African Continent will increase. With a population of 2.5 billion and abundant resources, Africa is in a position to enjoy sustainable development. From now on, I would like to build a friendly relationship both physically and mentally with Africa, including Ethiopia.

きれいな水がビジネスチャンスをもたらす アイデア広場 その1035

2021-10-30 18:11:34 | 日記


Intestinal bacteria bring health Idea Plaza Summary765

2021-10-30 18:10:10 | 日記

 It seems that many people are suffering from constipation. Constipation causes abdominal pain, loss of appetite, chronic fatigue, hemorrhoids, and rough skin. When this condition worsens, it is said to lead to depression and dementia. Dietary fiber that reaches the large intestine absorbs a large amount of water, which increases the bulk of the poop. Dietary fiber absorbs a large amount of water in the large intestine, so you can defecate smoothly. This is because dietary fiber absorbs water in the large intestine and stimulates the intestines to promote defecation.
 In the United States, the number of patients with colorectal cancer began to increase rapidly after World War I. The quality of life of this country has changed significantly due to the booming economy caused by special demand after the war. In the 1960s after World War II, colorectal cancer became an American "national disease." As a result of the widespread use of refrigerators in households, meat consumption has increased significantly. The risk of colorectal cancer increases due to heavy intake of meat and processed meats, lack of vegetables, lack of exercise, and heavy drinking of alcohol. Currently, we were getting caught up in this trend in Japan. The "Westernization" of Japanese society was a change in the diet of how to get animal fat. Due to the westernization of lifestyles, dietary fiber intake is decreasing. Due to changes in eating habits, the mortality rate from colorectal cancer has been increasing year by year over the last 50 years. However, the average life expectancy of Japan is drawing attention from all over the world.
 The relationship between metabolic syndrome and intestinal bacteria was understood at the animal level in the mid-20th century. Obesity was known to be promoted by giving certain types of antibiotics to chickens and mice. The reason we were able to fatten was because antibiotics eliminated the intestinal bacteria that make chickens healthy and increased the intestinal bacteria that promote obesity. Researchers around the world are trying to unravel the composition of Japanese food, Japanese health and longevity, and intestinal bacteria. The reason why Japanese intestinal bacteria are attracting international attention is that the average life expectancy of Japanese people is NO1. As research progresses, it has become clear that dietary fiber serves as food for butyrate-producing bacteria in the intestine, increasing the concentration of butyric acid and adjusting the intestinal environment. It is becoming clear that intestinal bacteria mediate the production and suppression of dopamine and serotonin. The field of study seems to be expanding to the relationship between autism, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and intestinal bacteria.

味覚とにおいが持つビックビジネスチャンス アイデア広場 その1034

2021-10-29 18:12:01 | 日記


 Foster young human resources to support profitable agriculture Idea Plaza Summary764

2021-10-29 18:09:50 | 日記

 The 75,000 students at Agricultural High School will become members of the agricultural community. In the 18 years since they were born, the period of higher education is 3 years in high school. With the skills learned through these three years of knowledge and practical training, they will continue to work from the age of 65 to 70. But now, technological progress is accelerating. The knowledge and skills learned over the three years will rapidly become obsolete. They need to overcome this obsolescence. It goes without saying that they will continue to learn and update our skills, but the first priority is to earn a living by continuing farming.
 In Japanese high schools, the goals, contents, and methods of studying at school are determined by the curriculum guidelines. At agricultural high schools, "agriculture and the environment" and "problem research" are emphasized. Among them, "problem research" requires students to solve agricultural problems. Half of the class hours may be devoted to practical training. In addition, practical learning activities and work experiences are encouraged through collaboration and interaction with local communities and industry. There are a wide variety of departments related to agriculture. There are things related to advanced farmers / forestry workers, agricultural corporations, food manufacturers / processors, distributors / distributors, landscaping companies, and agricultural civil engineering companies. It is encouraged to actively engage in these on-site trainings and achieve results. It seems that Japanese agricultural high school students have an important role to play in the future of agriculture.
 Agricultural high school is required to actively engage in on-site training and achieve results. Therefore, half of the class hours can be devoted to practical training. It will be possible to select a training destination that suits each student's task. And understaffed farmers can also accept students. Using matching technology, if they agree with each other's wishes, they will be able to learn and work at the same time. Intellectual learning uses online education. During long vacations such as summer vacation and winter vacation, they can use a share house that is a remodeled vacant house. During busy autumn harvests, it may be possible to visit in the form of a school trip. Increasing their knowledge and skills in agriculture while working will give them the power to earn. I would like to see a system that turns 75,000 high school students into the current agricultural force.

2番目発言がスパコンを世界一にした アイデア広場 その1033

2021-10-28 17:47:04 | 日記


Childcare worker who supports the growth of children Idea Plaza Summary763

2021-10-28 17:45:57 | 日記

 Nurseries with excellent growth and development of children are highly competitive. It is difficult to enter such a kindergarten, but it is necessary to devise ways to improve the high hurdles of childcare. The ideas and ingenuity of the nursery staff will brighten the future of children. The recommended activities that promote brain development are heuristically playful. A nursery teacher who can support children's play well is very important. Nursery teachers can observe their children and have plenty of time to provide good childcare if they have time to spare. Increasing the amount of time they spend facing their children unlocks the potential of talented childcare workers. It is necessary to create an environment that is easy for nursery teachers to do.
 The salary of childcare workers is cheaper than the general salary, and the working environment is harsh. The work of a nursery teacher is tough, but it's also fun. It may be an era when parents need to make time for nursery teachers to work more smoothly and make room for nursery teachers. Under the US Department of Health and Human Services, there is a childcare quality assessment system led by the National Center for Childcare Quality Assurance. This childcare quality assessment system evaluates the quality of early childhood education and discloses information to parents. This evaluation improvement system is supposed to provide guidance, advice, technical support and financial support based on the evaluation results. Looking at the trends in developed countries, the focus is on investment to improve the “quality” of education.
 Play includes elements that improve the abilities necessary for social life. For example, let's take a look at children's catch balls. There are several factors involved in making this exercise smooth. They will strengthen the control by devising the angle to bounce each other to a position where it is easy for the other party to catch. Just trying to catch a smooth ball will naturally strengthen your consideration for others. Children with more knowledge and basic physical skills will be able to be considerate of others. Children with a lot of knowledge and basic physical skills will be able to be considerate of others. Play has elements that improve the ability to interact well with people, cooperation, communication skills, honesty and compassion, and sociability. Enriching the childhood environment affects both cognitive and non-cognitive skills. Nursery teachers are involved in this process of improvement.

未来の二酸化炭素ビジネスを今の時期に仕込む アイデア広場 その1032

2021-10-27 17:57:54 | 日記

 二酸化炭素は、温暖化を促進する悪役になっています。もし、この悪役が正義の味方になれば、人類の福音になります。そんな逆転劇を考えてみました。二酸化炭素(C02)を分離・回収・貯留する「CCS」技術が世界で広がりつつあります。「CCS」とは、「Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage」の略で、日本語では「二酸化炭素回収・貯留」技術と呼ばれるものです。発電所や工場などにCCS の装置を設けて、C02を分離・回収する仕組みが行われているところもあります。ノルウェーでは2024年にも、C02を海上輸送し年150万トン貯留する構想が進む。ノルウェー政府が、2000億円超の総事業費のうち8割を補助する北欧最大級のCCS事業になっています。欧州沿岸部の発電所や工場から集めたC02を液化し、液化C02輸送船で回収し、海底下に圧入する仕組みです。貯留地まで運ばれたC02は、地下1000~3000メートルに圧入することになります。
 日本でCCSに取り組もうとすると、分離・回収・貯留する工程ごとに対応する法律が異なるのです。排ガスを回収するのは、「ガス事業法」になります。圧入する井戸を掘るのは、「鉱業法」や「鉱山保安法」に従う必要があります。地下に貯留する際は、C02を圧縮して高圧にするために「高圧ガス保安法」をクリアすることが求められます。これらの個々の法律が、温暖化を阻止する技術の行く手を阻んでいるのです。ノウハウを積んだり、メンテナンスで稼いだりしにくい状況が、日本国内にはあるわけです。国内市場でのビズネスが難しいために、日本の企業は国外で活動する道をえらぶことになります。成長著しいアジアでは、CCSを受け入れ、促進する動きがあります。アジアでは、事業化に向けた動きが出てきているのです。ASEAN10カ国と日米豪が 参加し、100を超える民間企業や研究機関がCCSの事業に加わる流れがでてきました。残念ですが、2020年代後半まで、日本企業はアジアなどの海外事業でノウハウを蓄積するようになりそうです。日本の法律の壁を残念というだけでは、楽しくありません。諸外国と仲良くやっていく仕組みを、そしてその中で日本人を育成する仕組みを考えてみました。

Ingenuity for seniors to avoid risks Idea Plaza Summary762

2021-10-27 17:55:19 | 日記

 There is data that the lifetime wage of college graduate men is about 272 million yen, and that of college graduate women is about 216 million yen. On the other hand, according to a household survey by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the average monthly consumption expenditure of single-person households of women aged 65 and over is about 140,000 yen. If you work for 40 years with an average annual income of 3 million yen, the old-age welfare pension that you can receive from the age of 65 is estimated to be 120,000 yen a month. The take-home payment after deducting taxes and social insurance premiums from 120,000 yen seems to be about 110,000 yen. If you take the pension for about 110,000 yen and you have no other income, you will have a deficit of about 30,000 yen a month. If you quit your job at the age of 65 and live until you are 90, your living expenses alone will be less than about 9 million yen. If possible, we would like to use the lifetime wage of over 200 million yen effectively even in old age.
 I thought about how the elderly would live in the future. Considering the amount of pension, it seems that wisdom to keep risk low is required with little money and effort. The first thing to worry about is medical expenses in old age. However, you can see that the medical care system in Japan is surprisingly well organized. The out-of-pocket medical expenses for the elderly will be 10%. And even if you are over 70 years old and receive expensive medical treatment, you only have to pay about 25,000 yen a month. Next is the long-term care cost. If you are bedridden with long-term care 5, you will be charged a monthly long-term care fee of 360,000 yen. However, if you use long-term care insurance, you will have to pay 10% of the monthly 360,000 yen. If you pay 36,000 yen a month for 10%, it will be 432,000 yen for one year. Somehow, it will be an amount that can be processed within the range of the pension. As far as illness and long-term care are concerned, we can spend on pensions in Japan.
 When I reach 100 years of life, I am worried about my old age. If you are not prepared for the risks of old age, you may get a terrible tit-for-tat. You will consider economically reasonable precautions while anticipating risks. However, if you are worried, life will not be fun. It seems that old age should never be penance. Goals are fun, and the process of approaching them is fun. Even if it is small, if you devise it, you will get results. It will be fun if you take the initiative in your work. For that purpose, it seems good to add your own plus alpha to the given work.