

Prepare for a new pandemic and put fun in preparation  Idea Plaza Summary818

2022-02-28 18:09:34 | 日記

 It was the year before the new Corona became popular. I rarely got the flu. I was vaccinated, so I was thinking lightly. However, I suffered from fever. When I went to the hospital and received treatment, I was prescribed Zofluza, which is effective against the influenza virus. This Zofluza is an excellent way to finish my medication with just one pill. This drug has the characteristic of maintaining the blood concentration of the drug that prevents the growth of the virus for a long time. Thanks to the medicine, my throat, cough, and dullness subsided very lightly.
 However, when I came to see it, influenza was still a formidable illness. After thinking it was mild, a nasty illness broke out. A disease called shingles has emerged. The virus that causes shingles is caused by the chickenpox virus that was transmitted as a child. This virus is hidden somewhere in the body. As you grow older and your body becomes less resistant, it emerges its head. Taking advantage of this human weakness, the virus re-involved its activity and caused herpes zoster. I closed my mouth for this pain. However, when I was prescribed a drug, it healed like a lie. If the new coronavirus infection becomes a disease that can be easily cured like this, the world will calm down.
 There are many viruses and bacteria on the planet, such as the new coronavirus. There are about 1.7 million unknown viruses that infect mammals and birds. It is estimated that 630,000 of the 1.7 million species can infect humans. More than 200 types of infectious diseases have been identified caused by pathogens that infect animals and humans. The marvelous infectious diseases that have occurred in recent years are bird flu, SARS, NMRS, and the new coronavirus. The possibility of an unknown virus causing a pandemic is not limited to this time. As global warming progresses, the possibility of its appearance will increase. The new coronavirus, which has brought a pandemic to the world since 2020, will probably converge with the wisdom of humankind. However, another virus or bacterium will eventually appear. If you are afraid of its appearance, your life will be boring. We would like to enjoy it before its appearance, and if it appears, we would like to improve the technique of enjoying it according to the appearance situation.

교육과 사회를 연결하는 디지털 기술  아이디어 광장 21

2022-02-27 17:45:15 | 日記

 교육 현장에서는 어린이의 관찰과 기록이 중요합니다. 그렇지만 관찰이나 기록도 사용하는 대로, 좋거나 나빠도 됩니다. 한 아버지는 자신의 아들이 태어나기 전에 11대의 캠코더와 14개의 마이크를 집에 설치했습니다. 아이의 기록은 지하실로 전송되어 용량이 테라바이트 단위의 서버용의 외부 기억 장치에 보존할 수 있도록 했습니다. 아기의 울음소리와 부부의 말투의 모습이 25만 시간에 이르는 비디오에 모두 누출 없이 기억된 것입니다. 이러한 연구원은 디지털 데이터로서 언제든지 꺼낼 수 있는 구조로 한 것입니다.
 현재 이 아버지가 기록하는 방식보다 훨씬 교묘한 감시장치에 우리는 감시되는 시대가 되었습니다. 우리가 할 일은 거의 모든 일이 몇 데이 저녁에 남아 있습니다. 통화에 대한 정보는 날짜 및 시간 기록으로 전화 회사의 거대한 드라이브에 남아 있습니다. 현재 위치도 휴대전화 제공업체에서 파악하고 있습니다. 전자 메일은 공급자의 로그 파일에 저장됩니다. 개인의 웹 페이지도 블로그도 구글이나 페이스북 등 여러 서버에 저장되어 있습니다. 여러 서버에 저장된 정보는 서로 대조할 수 있는 것 같습니다. 이 상호 대조의 기록은 강력한 컴퓨터에 의해 분석되었습니다.
 일본의 교육은 교육기본법에도 나타나 있는 것처럼 '개인의 존엄, 진리와 평화, 개성 따뜻한 문화의 창조'를 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 목적을 목표로 디지털 툴을 사용하는 환경이 갖추어지고 있습니다. 뛰어난 사례로서 큐슈대학이 교육 데이터의 활용에 임하고 있는 것입니다. 19,000명의 학생과 8,000명의 교사에게 학습 관리 및 교재 전달 시스템이 제공됩니다. 현재 개강중인 4800 과목으로 데이터 활용이 가능합니다. 사회의 각 분야에서 요구하는 인재는 객관적인 학습 이력 데이터를 이용하여 찾을 수 있습니다. 요구할 인재와 그의 희망을 매칭하면 됩니다. 매칭의 재료가, 인재의 초등학교로부터 고등학교까지의 학습 이력 데이터가 되는 것입니다. 학습 이력 데이터에는 기본적인 학력 외에도 ①자율적인 활동력 ②디지털 기기를 상호작용적으로 사용하는 능력 ③이질성 집단에서의 활동력이 포함됩니다. 이러한 디지털 환경이 갖추어지면 대학 수험은 필요하지 않을 수 있습니다.

Create an environment where foreign workers can work with peace of mind  Idea Plaza

2022-02-27 17:41:38 | 日記
Create an environment where foreign workers can work with peace of mind  Idea Plaza

 It has been revealed by the new corona infection. The reality was that Japan's agriculture, construction, and service industries would not be possible without technical intern trainees and international students. Before Corona, there were many international students and technical intern trainees who wanted Japan. But the situation seems to be changing. A Vietnamese human resources company sent a certain number of technical intern trainees to Japan every year. According to the company, a few years ago, three times the recruitment capacity had been gathered. But within 5 years, it is certain that it will be less than 1x. In order to overcome the labor shortage, Japan must become the country of choice. But unfortunately, the Japanese technical intern training system has a bad reputation.
 As a global trend, we are now in an era that it is required to create an environment where technical intern trainees and other foreign workers can work with peace of mind. In September, when the heat is harsh, it will be a scene of the condominium construction site in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture, which Tobishima Corporation is working on. Japanese supervisors and Vietnamese workers used translators to communicate with each other in their native language. At the construction site of Tobishima, Vietnamese workers have terminals linked with translation software. At this construction site, they are communicating with a one-eyed display and a tablet terminal. They translate Japanese into Vietnamese, display it on the screen, and communicate in both directions. The tab red also has a translation engine for construction jargon. Communication with foreign workers is a common issue in many industries. Japanese is the most difficult language for people coming to work from abroad. Overcoming this language barrier will make it easier for them to adapt to work in Japan. As long as they overcome the language barrier, they can utilize human resources as an immediate force.
 The accuracy of artificial intelligence (AI) translations has increased dramatically. We trained AI to learn data that pairs Japanese and foreign language sentences in units of tens of millions to hundreds of millions. A large amount of data is required for deep learning. The environment where the large amount of data can be prepared has been set up. Even in the field of languages, we are now able to utilize big data. Even compared to professional Japanese and English translators, it has improved to a level where it can be translated with 95% accuracy. With this automatic translation technology, the language barrier is lowered. New models of Google smartphones are now equipped with a function to automatically translate live-streamed videos. If the accuracy becomes as high as that of translators, the language barrier will disappear and foreigners will be able to communicate smoothly.
 In Vietnam, the people's enthusiasm for education is increasing. The annual education cost per student in 2020 has increased by 2.3 times to about 35,000 yen compared to 10 years ago. There is an increase in after-school cram school attendance, especially in urban areas. Vietnam enjoys the economic benefits of production transfer from China and other countries against the backdrop of low labor costs. However, if further productivity improvements cannot be achieved, it will be difficult to move to a high-income country. Vietnam understands the importance of education. It is important to improve the digital skills of workers through education. In Vietnam, the EdTech industry, which combines education and cutting-edge digital technology, is expanding rapidly. The Vietnamese government is also preparing an environment where online education will be possible at 90% of universities by 2030.
 Nguyen (12) is taking classes at his home in Hanoi using a dedicated app on his computer. The company that provides one of these learning support apps will be Vietnam's largest IT FPT. The learning support app has about 3 million accounts and is used by about 40,000 schools. For math, over 300,000 content and over 2000 videos are available. They use AI to find out the strengths of students and points that are easy to make mistakes, and propose learning content that suits them. This app is improving the learning effect. Compared to face-to-face lessons, students have achieved the result of reducing learning time by about 30 to 50%. When using the school, it is possible to assign assignments and automatically score tests on behalf of teachers. This learning support app seems to be an excellent way to save teachers' work time by up to half.
 Vietnam's growth is believed to be driven by the development of talented digital talent and the EdTech industry. From this trend, the demand for online education has risen at a stretch, and domestic and foreign companies are entering the market one after another. Gakken, a Japanese learning support company, has partnered with a local company that handles information sites for kindergartens. Gakken sells to private kindergartens, etc., and twice a month, it is planning to raise awareness with a model that suits instructors. It will be introduced in 2000 kindergartens and children's schools by 2025, aiming for sales of 1 billion yen. Gakken aims to expand its scale while utilizing online. Through scientific experiments, this company has clarified our intention to expand education that fosters the ability to think. Gakken is also considering expanding its services to individuals in the future.
 When the language barrier problem can be overcome to some extent, fun will happen. MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are large-scale open lectures that anyone can take for free on the Internet. The data in this MOOC can be as large as tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Here you can easily get data such as what kind of lecture the learner spends on what kind of lecture and how many hours. The learner's achievement status can be used as big data. You can see where this data was stumbled by artificial intelligence and what the final result was. The learner's big data is analyzed by artificial intelligence. It will also be possible to collect information on the learning situation through this net from educational sites around the world via the IoT network. There is also a business that uses student data to find excellent students and introduce them to affiliated companies. The knowledge and skills required by companies can be smoothly matched online and by machine translation. Communicating in your native language will increase your chances of getting better talent.
 It can be said that Japan's economic growth was established on the premise of the existence of many human resources that the company can freely use. However, many human resources have been depleted. Foreign workers have come to be used for the replenishment. For technicians, it is necessary to create a mechanism to improve their skills and knowledge while experiencing several occupations in Japan. There is an increasing need for mutual exchange in which the Japanese understand foreigners and the foreigners understand Japan. Increasingly, international students who have studied at Japanese universities have graduated and are working for Japanese companies. Family education becomes an important issue when they move to Japan. It seems that it is time for compulsory education in Japan to adopt a system that actively accepts foreigners. The content of the revised Immigration Control Law is to make up for the natural decline in the working population with social growth. It should be said that the era of throwing away foreign workers is over. If so, it is essential for the Japanese side to create an environment where foreigners can work with peace of mind.
 Last but not least, it seems that many foreigners who are doing a good job in Japan come to Japan with an interest in Japan. It seems that those who have knowledge and interest in Japanese culture and industry as well as money are adapted to the living environment of Japan. If so, it is also necessary to prepare an environment where interested people can work with peace of mind. Gakken is expanding into Vietnam. It is also an option to set up a corner to introduce Japanese industry and culture in the teaching materials. Introducing Japanese industry, especially agriculture and construction, and long-term care is also an option for NHK's foreign language broadcasting. These broadcasts will be available for viewing on EdTech at any time. Of course, we also need to be prepared to provide counseling for questions at any time. We will also be able to understand the working conditions throughout the year, the improvement of their skills, and the introduction of salaries and welfare environment. They will understand that language problems can be easily adapted to the living and working environment of Japan if they can handle translation tools. If such an environment is prepared, better human resources may come to Japan.

仮想空間においてアイデアを量産する仕組み  アイデア広場 その1088

2022-02-26 18:09:50 | 日記


Walking mass-produces ideas.  Idea Plaza Summary 817

2022-02-25 18:07:46 | 日記

 Maintaining walking speed seems to be an element of living well forever. The importance of walking will continue to be demonstrated in the future. Walking may also be an important teaching material in school physical education. Schools will occupy an important position as a place to establish walking habits. If anyone can walk properly in physical education, just as anyone can do multiplication tables, Japanese people will be able to extend their healthy life expectancy.
 But this alone is not fun. If you can increase the production capacity of ideas and work more efficiently by walking, you will be able to do more enjoyable work. The hint is in the dual task. Dual task is a technique to maintain and improve your ability while doing two things at the same time. In one case, aging could be prevented by doing calculations while swimming. Whether it's learning or exercising, it means that you have improved because you have used your thoughts. Dual tasks also seem to be effective for children's physical and brain development. It would be interesting to have a mechanism to bring this to work and the production of ideas. I wanted to challenge the fun.
 There are companies that devise ways to work without having to sit in a chair all day long. Even when I'm on the phone, I don't think it's best to sit still in a chair. People who make phone calls often use wireless headsets to walk and talk on the phone. Also, when I get stuck at a meeting, some workplaces allow me to leave the meeting for a while and go out for a walk. Walking between meetings seems to be used for summarizing ideas, reaffirming the work of the task, or taking a bird's eye view of the task. While allowing the company to leave the meeting alone, it also encourages multiple people to leave. The best time to listen to your colleagues is when you're walking with them. It seems that these companies empirically understand that when interacting with people, combining them with exercises such as walking can increase the efficiency of producing good ideas.

低コストで高い医療技術を提供する仕組み  アイデア広場 その 1087

2022-02-24 17:32:18 | 日記


Training of cyber security engineers to prepare for a crisis  Idea Plaza Summary816

2022-02-23 17:07:30 | 日記

 The situation in Ukraine is tense. As military tensions increase, offense and defense are already intensifying in cyberspace. Weapons and equipment from Russia are being shipped to Belarus for joint military exercises. Delays in transportation can lead to discrepancies in the planning of military exercises. If the railroad becomes unusable, the offensive side's plan deviation will be in the defender's favor. In the old days, we used to use the method of blasting a railroad. However, in recent years, it seems that a technique called hackers has been used. Hackers who oppose Russia's invasion of Ukraine have announced that they have encrypted some of the Belarusian railroad companies' databases and servers. In fact, it seems that it is not possible to purchase tickets online.
 Logistics and transportation, which are responsible for transporting munitions, are more vulnerable to attack than military facilities themselves. The Russian army has high technology against cyber attack and defense. Cyber Partizan has embarked on a tactic aimed at the railroads of its relatively weakly defensive allies. The Ministry of Defense of Japan has a dual system of closed system and open system. The information to be protected is a closed system so that it cannot be accessed from the outside. However, facilities other than the Self-Defense Forces have weak defenses against cyber attack. If Japan is attacked, it is expected that it will target private companies with weak defenses. Railroads, electricity, water services, etc. are covered.
 In the United States, a female cybersecurity executive from the Department of Homeland Security has moved to Google to play an active role. Under the Obama administration, Google and Twitter executives are responsible for the government's strategic department. Building and operating cyber security requires advanced knowledge and technology. The advanced technology will be enhanced while going back and forth between the public and private sectors. There is a shortage of cyber defense personnel in Japan to handle a large number of attacks. Since cyber attack and defense are involved in fields such as military and security, there is a rapid progress in the world to introduce them nationwide. It seems that these human resources are being trained in the midst of frequent public-private exchanges. It seems that it is desired to improve the technology related to cyber attack and defense, and to build a mechanism to evaluate the carrier.


コーヒーの香りを高める工夫  アイデア広場 その1086

2022-02-22 17:38:25 | 日記

 愛好家が困っていることは、最高級品が4年で4倍以上に価格が高騰していることでもわかります。風味や品質に優れるコーヒーが、高額であることは理解できます。でも、近年の価格高騰は異例だと感じているようです。この高騰の背景にあるものは、経済成長とともにコーヒー消費が伸びている中国の存在があります。コーヒーの最高級品の品評会にも、中国マネーが殺到している現実があります。 あるオークションにかけられた最高落札額は、1ポンド150ドル(1万7000円)になることもあるようです。品評会のオークションの参加企業は、日本など伝統的なコーヒー消費国で占められていました。そこに価格破壊をもたらす中国企業が、侵入してきたわけです。中国の買い手が、コーヒー豆の価格を釣り上げているともいえるわけです。
 最後になりますが、アラビカ種は、他の高い木の陰で育つ陰生植物(陰樹) になります。この種は、原生林の中で背の高い樹と下草の間を占めて育ちます。アラビカ種は、弱い日照でも生育に必要なだけの光合成を行うことができるのです。アラビカ種は、標高1000~ 2000mの気温が低めの高地での栽培に適しています。でも、今回の高騰でも分かるように、霜害や干ばつ、そして病虫害に弱いことが難点になります。アラビカ種のコーヒーは、さび病や気候による被害を受けやすい面があります。一方、ロブスタは優れた耐病性と引換えに、品質面では劣とるという側面を持っています。このロブスタは、アラビカ種よりも耐病性に優れ、低地でも栽培可能で、しかも収量が多いのです。耐病性のロブスタを台木にアラビカを接ぐ方法によって、土壌中の線虫による病害を防ぐ方法も行われています。それをさらに進めて、ロブスタとアラビカの香味をかねた高品質な品種の開発などを目指す試みが続けられるようです。この過程において、新しい香りのカフェインが作り出されるかもしれません。ゲイシャも、20世紀初頭にできたこと考慮にいれれば、生産者の努力で、ゲイシャを超えるレベルのスペシャルティーコーヒーができる可能性も、夢ではないかもしれません。

Margin increases productivity Idea Plaza Summary815

2022-02-21 17:33:06 | 日記

 In Japan, the problem of death from overwork is occurring. This case of death from overwork was issued long ago. The Supreme Court decision (2000) of the "Dentsu case" in 1991 is the case law regarding management responsibility. With this case as a boundary, the national industrial accident certification standards have changed significantly. Liability has come to be held against overwork by managers. On the surface, the guidelines for measures against overwork have changed significantly with the case law of the Supreme Court decision (2000). Managers are obliged to understand that the burden on employees is overloaded. However, in reality, not many companies have a firm awareness of this "safety consideration obligation". Japan is still a dangerous country for workers.
 The reason why overtime work is not completed is that "the amount of work is large in the first place". For example, there is a workplace where one person turns 10 jobs for a total of 100 jobs. This workplace is assigned on the assumption that it will have the necessary personnel in normal times. Meanwhile, the total amount has increased to 150. In such a case, the company does not change the number of people and makes it 15 per person, which makes it overtime and increases overtime. In the case of Europe and the United States, a total of 100 jobs are done by 10 people. When 150 jobs come in, it is common to deal with them by increasing the number of people by five. This is because the amount of work done by one worker is fixed. In Japan, the amount that one worker does is often undecided. If the number of jobs increases, there is a trend that we have dealt with by increasing the amount of work done by one person. Overwork can occur in companies that do not have a reserve force, regardless of the size of the company.
 Companies don't just produce certain products. They produce products that meet the needs of consumers, or products that create needs more positively. It is also important for companies to develop new products for the future and try to make prototypes of them. When making a prototype, if the operating rate is 100% only by processing the product, it is not possible to make a prototype. Looking at the actual utilization rate, the range of 70% to 90% is appropriate, and it is said that productivity is maximized at this time. Allowing room for product processing and ensuring the process of making some prototypes will help the company to survive. It is important to always have a margin in both factory production and human work.

최소한의 노력으로 최대의 성과를 올리는 공부  아이디어 광장 20

2022-02-20 17:42:43 | 日記

 학업의 성과는 학교, 가정, 학원의 토탈에 의해 정해져, 학원만으로 정해지지 않는 것 같습니다. 수업에 집중하고 있어도, 모르는 점은 당연히 나옵니다. 이 경우 어떤 사소한 일이라도 그 날에 이해하는 것이 매우 중요합니다. 그날에 배운 것은 그날에 마스터하는 습관을 붙이는 것입니다. 이것은 머리로 생각하는 것이 아니라, 몸이 당연한 것처럼 할 수 있도록 해 두는 것이 성공의 비결입니다. 공부하기 위해서는 머리를 일하는 것이 아니라 몸이 움직여 버리게 되면 됩니다. 그것이 가능하다면 인생의 성공을 이겼다고 할 수 있습니다. 공부를 생각할 때 자신의 뇌 상태뿐만 아니라 정신과 신체 상태가 중요한 요소가 됩니다. 친구 관계로 자존심과 자기 사랑이 상처받는 것을 두려워하는 아이가 많습니다. 모든 지식과 공부는 외로움에서 태어나는 것이 아니라 대인 관계에서 자라나는 것입니다. 자기의 습관과 대인관계의 접목은 학습의 성취에 있어서 중요한 것이 됩니다.
 공부를 할 때는 뇌 상태뿐만 아니라 정신과 신체 상태가 중요한 요소가 됩니다. 학습에 있어서 자신이 목표로 하는 레벨에 이르기까지는 반드시 '지루하고 단순한 프로세스'가 존재합니다. 중학교 수준의 영어에서는 단어를 알고 있으면 어떻게든 문제가 많은 것입니다. 중학교 교과서에 있는 영어 단어는 1200어 정도입니다. 이것을 기억하는 작업은 단조롭고 반복적인 것입니다. 이 습득을 실현하기 위해해야 할 일의 대부분은 기본 반복입니다. 즉, 간단하고 지루한 학습이됩니다. 이 간단한 공부를 하는 과정에는 슬럼프나 동기부여의 저하가 반드시 옵니다.
 간단한 학습에서 중요한 것은 슬럼프를 없애는 것이 아니라 그 기간을 가능한 한 짧게 만드는 것입니다. 재미있는 일이지만, 높은 목표를 갖고 있지 않은 사람은 슬럼프에 빠지지 않습니다. 학습을 하지 않는 사람에게는 슬럼프가 방문하지 않는다고 할 수 있습니다. 노력을 계속해 나가면, 어느 슬럼프를 극복해 나가는 것과, 낙관적으로 파악해도 좋은 것일지도 모릅니다. 간단한 학습을 하면 그 단순함 안에서 재미를 발견하게 됩니다. 그러면 몸이 당연하게 하는 학습이 완성되었다는 것이 되는 것 같습니다.