

People who get rich while overcoming the crisis  Idea Plaza 804

2021-02-28 19:57:32 | 日記

 Telework that received the new coronavirus seems to be spreading in Australia as well. Since the new Corona, more and more people are "escape" from the big city of Sydney. In Australia, where there are many immigrants from abroad, the population tends to be concentrated in urban areas where there are jobs. One guideline is the rate of increase in house prices. In eight cities such as Sydney and Melbourne, the rate of increase was 2%. But in rural areas other than these big cities, it was up 6.9%. When house prices rose, it was common for urban areas to outpace rural areas. A popular area is the Kilkea area, which is about an hour and a half drive from Sydney. Although it is expensive at 130 million yen for 4LDK, it is a popular property. Telework has become commonplace with the new Corona, and it seems that more and more people are focusing on their lifestyle.
 Similar to Australia, there is a population outflow in Tokyo. With the spread of the new Corona virus, the population is flowing out of Tokyo. The number of people who moved out of Tokyo in November 2020 was about 28,000, an increase of 19% from the same month of the previous year. It seems that the area where they are moving is within 50 to 100 km from central Tokyo. The emigration destinations are around Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Sagamihara City, Nagareyama City, Chiba Prefecture, and Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture. Some local governments see the crisis as an opportunity. We see this as an opportunity to attract excellent human resources to rural areas. Some local governments have a system to subsidize 1.5 million yen when they move from Tokyo and conclude a housing acquisition contract.
 A densely populated area is an area that is susceptible to infection. It was a karaoke shop that was troubled by this fact. Certainly, if you sing in a group, you will meet the condition of three infections. But there are people who take advantage of the crisis and try to do new things. In Corona, people devise ways to relieve and relieve stress. From a different point of view, the karaoke shop is a safe place. If one person uses one room, the environment will be similar to that of a house, even if it is a closed room. The karaoke shop created a menu called "Morning Song" and made it available from 300 yen for 30 minutes. Before going to work, some people used the karaoke shop alone to relieve stress instead of the coffee shop. Some of the people who went higher were those who brought in musical instruments and used them instead of soundproof rooms.
 Some people find a way to get through it well and happily even if they get into trouble. They think that you should choose multiple favorite things at work, like a buffet dining room where you can choose and eat what you like. If you can secure multiple sources of income, you will be motivated to try what you want to do. A man in his thirties who retired from a financial business realized his longing to move to a rural area. With the skills he has cultivated in the financial industry, he supports local companies in finance and marketing consulting. This salary will be 150,000 yen. In addition, as a village supporter in the town, I earn 170,000 yen a month. And he earns 10,000 yen for mowing. He seems to be doing more than 30 different jobs in this area. They stabilize their income by having multiple jobs. If you can secure multiple sources of income, there seems to be a local environment where you can live if you reduce fixed costs to some extent.
 It was reported that all major restaurant stocks were bought in the market the other day. There is a growing expectation that the corona excess will subside and that we will be able to enjoy the return of food service demand in the future. Certainly, if the corona overrun calms down, tourist destinations will be filled with tourists, as in last year's "Go to Travel." Looking at the entire Japanese household, households are swelling by about 25 trillion yen from normal times due to curbing consumption and obtaining benefits. When people are deprived of their freedom, they become more stressed and worried. And this suppressed stress tries to release. Everyone expects that if this is released, demand should come back in a "double". As the infection subsides, it is predicted that money will go to travel, eating and drinking, which have been refrained from until now. Those familiar with stocks seem to anticipate travel and food explosions. They take this explosion and dissipate and relieve stress well. The entrepreneur will have a mechanism to continue traveling and eating. In a sense, it's a business opportunity.
 The tide of side jobs has changed dramatically in the last few years, and it is becoming more common for people to have side jobs. Recently, "multi-workers" who handle many jobs in parallel are playing an active role. If multi-work works well, the effect of risk diversification will be great. In addition to increasing income and improving skills, the effect of risk diversification can be expected. It is known as a rule of thumb that new value is created by bringing together irrelevant separate things. Although the types of jobs and incomes are different, it is becoming possible to earn a profitable livelihood by combining a large number of jobs. Among the multi-workers, there are relationships skills, social contribution skills, money earning, and more. In some cases, the network of one job can lead to a virtuous cycle, such as being able to use it for another job.
 Agricultural policies of countries around the world provide subsidies. Many subsidies have been given to farmers who have increased grain production and who have raised a lot of livestock. However, recently, some countries are subsidizing businesses that are not directly related to the production of agricultural products. For example, Switzerland is increasing new subsidies to farmers to protect the natural landscape. Measures are being taken to enrich the region by combining agriculture and tourism. Agricultural areas are also enriched by the management of guest houses that take advantage of agriculture and natural landscapes. Areas with a high sense of well-being seem to have not only single-track systems but also double-track systems. Areas that value happiness are rich in cultural quality and creativity. In such areas, it seems that working for oneself enhances the affluence of the area and builds a mechanism that leads to environmental protection.

People who enjoy reading and writing   Idea plaza Summary 559

2021-02-27 20:12:21 | 日記

 In a rapidly changing society, knowledge and skills must be renewed. In such a society, there is a need for people who are sensitive to the signs of change and who can raise their own problems. When you find a problem, you will work with the positive thought that "there should be a solution". "Understanding" and "questions" are also treated as one piece of information. As you grow up, it is painful but necessary to include information that denies them. Being able to get the job done faster than others lead to happiness for you and those around you.
 For those who do not read, the god who writes does not come. If you have the information at any time while writing, the work will be smooth. However, when the information is not available, it is an inefficient task to write a sentence, search for the information, and then go back and rewrite it. Another negative factor is the time it takes to check the information. Analog information such as books and newspapers are information that has passed the filter because there are editors who have narrowed down the information. If you have it, you can use it for writing immediately. Information such as Internet information is unfiltered and uncontrolled information, and it takes time to judge the correctness. In searching, preparing a work environment that does not take energy is also a necessary skill for writing.
 There are four skills in language learning: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. "Writing" is an extension of "reading". If you have something to say, it seems easier to understand in sentences. In order to write easy-to-understand sentences, it seems that you have to write a lot of sentences. In order to write a lot of sentences, you have to devote yourself to writing a fixed time. When writing, it will be easier to understand if you plot complex relationships. The diagram shows the missing materials and literature. In some respects, it is possible to efficiently collect the missing materials. Forcing writing not only increases the amount, but also seems to come up with creative ideas one after another. Writing on a compulsory schedule is surprisingly fun. It seems that some people enjoy reading and writing like this.

インドから学ぶゲームを加味したエドテック  アイデア広場 その829

2021-02-27 20:08:46 | 日記

 今回のコロナ過で、如実に明らかになったことは、多くの大学教員のIT (情報技術) リテラシーの低さでした。大規模の大学では、数千科目に上る授業をオンライン化しなくてはなりませんでした。この運用では、ICT (情報通信技術)活用の大学間の格差がはっきりしました。一部の大学を除いて、多くの大学教員はオンライン化の経験がないし、ウェブカメラなどの機材の扱いに慣れていませんでした。大学に学習管理システム(LMS)はあるけど、教員も学生もほとんど使っていない状態だったのです。公立の小中高校もICTで授業を続ける学校と、プリント郵送などアナログで行うところに分かれました。文献を示してリポートを出させるだけの授業や、真っ暗な画面で延々と声だけの講義が続いたのです。大学側は、教育の工夫を怠っていたのだという見方もあるようです。

Appearance of shoes that make runners more energetic   Idea Plaza Summary 558

2021-02-26 19:39:22 | 日記

 Athletic makers are declining their business performance due to the corona sickness. It seems that the sales strategy is changing. They are transforming their business model into a form that does not end with selling shoes. Makers are thinking of a mechanism to sell shoes in connection with health, rather than selling them alone. With proper exercise, you can move better, have a better posture, and of course, improve your body shape. And you'll be smarter. It seems that some companies have begun to jointly consider services that propose ingredients based on the user's exercise history with supermarkets.
 Conventional wearable devices have had the difficulty of collecting data during strenuous exercise. New shoes have been developed to make up for these shortcomings. ASICS launched a new shoe in December that uses a built-in sensor to analyze how you run. The feature of this shoe is a small sensor of about 20 grams embedded in the indentation of the sole. A small sensor can be embedded in the indentation of the sole to collect data such as landing impact and ground contact time. Data such as landing impact, ground contact time, foot inclination, and stride length can be obtained. In the past, it was possible to obtain data such as the number of steps and blood pressure and pulse. This shoe can collect data on changes in walking strength and running strength. Exercise is ineffective if it is too strong or too weak. In order to exercise effectively, it is necessary to know the appropriate quantity and quality. Shoes that allow you to grasp the amount of exercise required have been developed.
 This shoe can add data on landing impact and foot inclination, and collect data on running style and foot shape. When combined with a dedicated app, shoes that help improve walking and prevent injuries will be developed. For example, older people have poor walking balance. To prevent that, they spread their left and right legs. Then, it creates a situation that the burden on the knee increases. It is a way of walking that is prone to so-called knee joint pain. Shoes with sensors compensate for that risk. Due to the recent trend toward health, many elderly people are aware that they have to walk. However, there are many people who walk the wrong way and hurt their knees. Shoes that support the correct way of walking without damaging the knees have appeared.

多様性のあるスマートシティの実現に向けて  アイデア広場 その828

2021-02-26 18:45:39 | 日記


Angel trading makes this area the wealthiest in Japan   Idea Plaza Summary557

2021-02-25 17:43:08 | 日記

 Fukushima Prefecture is now expected to have a substantial self-sufficiency rate of 100% renewable energy generation. Local production for local consumption of energy that does not rely on fossil fuels or nuclear power will become an advanced region where it will be possible. In 2019, renewable energy generated electricity at 12.1 billion kilowatt hours, equivalent to 80.5% of Fukushima prefecture's electricity consumption. As of the end of October 2020, the power generation capacity of mega solar was 872,000 kW, an increase of 63% in one year. Renewable energy power is expected to increase by more than 20% to 15 billion kWh in 2025, exceeding power consumption.
 Fukushima Prefecture was hit hard by the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station following the Great East Japan Earthquake. Especially in the damaged coastal areas, we have been developing dedicated transmission lines for renewable energy power with the support of the government. There are two routes, one along the sea and one along the mountains, with a total length of about 80km. Large-scale solar power plants are being built one after another around the transmission lines along the sea, where maintenance was preceded. This result has dramatically increased the amount of renewable energy generated. In the future, the development of transmission lines along the mountains is scheduled to proceed. There are many plans for wind power generation around the Abukuma Mountains. The capacity of wind power generation in the prefecture is expected to be about 530,000 kW, which is almost triple the current capacity, around 2024.
 Among the towns and villages damaged by the nuclear accident, there is Tomioka Town, which is famous for its rows of cherry blossom trees. The population of Tomioka Town is about 10,000. The area of Tomioka Town is 6,800,000 ha. If solar power generation is installed on 1 ha of land, the power sales will be 9.6 million yen. The cost of installing solar panels on 1 ha of land will be 200 million yen. If a 10,000-ha solar power plant is built for 2 trillion yen, 960 billion yen of electricity sales will be charged to Tomioka Town annually. The nuclear accident produced a large amount of contaminated soil containing radioactivity. The contaminated soil is stored in an interim storage facility. There is a law that this contaminated soil should be transferred to a final disposal site outside Fukushima prefecture within 30 years. If Tomioka Town makes the interim storage facility a final disposal site, the cost and transportation cost can be saved. The savings are well over 2 trillion yen. Tomioka Town will obtain it and build a 10,000-ha solar power plant. The angel trade brings a profit of 960 billion yen to Tomioka Town every year. 960 billion yen ÷ 10,000 people will be 96 million yen per person.

ソバの値上がりをロシア産の輸入で抑制する アイデア広場 その827

2021-02-25 17:39:42 | 日記

 中国産原料を使ったそば粉の価格が、6年ぶりに大幅な値上がりの見通しとなりました。原料の中国産玄ソバ(殻付きの実)の2月時点の国内流通価格は、1俵(45キロ) 7400円の最高値をつけたのです。ソバの実は、中国産が日本国内の流通の半分強を占めています。前年同月より3割ほど高くなりました。記録が残る1997年ごろは、1俵が2000円程度だったのですが、それ以降で最高値を付けたわけです。2020年の中国からの玄ソバ輸入量は1万682トンとなり、2018年の2万5213トンより大幅に減少しています。殻をむいたソバの実は2万9476トンで、これも2018年の3万7946トンより減少しているのです。日本は、中国を含め海外から10万トンのソバの実を輸入しています。面白いことは、日本にソバを輸出する中国が、ロシアからから輸入していることです。素人目には、ロシアから直接輸入すれば良いと思ってしまいます。
 肥料産業は、経済が近代化していくときの基軸なる産業のひとつになります。東アジアでは1 ha当たり300kgの肥料を使います。アフリカでは10kg程度です。この差が、食料が豊かな国と貧しい国を作り出していると言っても良いのかもしれません。肥料の原料は、リン酸肥料がリン鉱石、カリ肥料がカリ鉱石、窒素肥料が天然ガスになります。現在危倶されていることは、リン鉱石とカリ鉱石が減少の一途をたどっていることなのです。リン鉱石とリン酸肥料の最大生産国は、中国になります。この中国でさえ、リン肥料の輸出に100%の税を課しているのです。リン酸肥料を、国内で確保するための施策になります。国際的に、リン肥料の原料になるリン鉱石の資源としての安定供給に不安が高まっている現状があります。枯渇するリン資源は、有効に利用しなければならない状況にあります。

Insect food that supplies a sufficient source of protein to humankind Idea Plaza Summary556

2021-02-24 18:05:36 | 日記

 The world's population continues to grow, especially in developing countries, and is estimated to approach 10 billion by the middle of this century. The United Nations forecasts that the world population will reach 9.7 billion in 2050, a 25% increase from 2019. Insects are attracting attention as an alternative protein source to cattle, pigs and chickens amid the impending food crisis and water shortages. Insects are actually a good source of protein. 100g of beef contains about 20g of protein, and crickets have the same amount of protein. To produce 1 kg of beef, 10 kg of feed is required. Crickets can make 1 kg of protein with 1.7 kg of feed. You can see that even if you are not the United Nations, you are interested in insect food. Insects are expected to be the food of the future to supplement the population growth and the food shortages that accompany it.
 Insects were born in the Devonian period 360 to 410 million years ago. It will reach its peak in the Jurassic period, which is 140 to 210 million years ago, hundreds of millions of years ago. But if you prosper, that enemy will also appear. Insects are chased by dinosaurs that appeared in the Jurassic period and are forced to be nocturnal. Similarly, it became a food source for nocturnal primitive mammals that had escaped from dinosaurs. The birth of humankind is said to be 5 million years ago. Human beings living in the forest lived their lives while eating insects. The remnants can be seen in today's monkeys. Monkeys like insects, especially cockroaches. Mankind has evolved physical features that help catch insects on trees. The nature of the carnivorous plant has been acquired on the basis of manual dexterity, hand-to-foot differentiation, and brain development.
 Mankind eats more than 1,600 species of insects. The reason why insect food is attracting attention again is the "protein crisis". If there is a crisis, humanity is prepared for it. A cricket farm was founded in 2014 in Youngstown, Ohio, USA. Since then, edible crickets and flies (larvae) have been cultivated in various parts of Europe and the United States. Insect foods are gradually gaining in popularity in the home, with cricket flour-containing bread gaining popularity in Europe.

Toilet seat as an item to inspire researchers  Idea Plaza Summary 555

2021-02-24 18:03:54 | 日記

 It is said that you can become a professional in any job by studying 10,000 hours. With 8 hours on weekdays and 2 days off a week, the total time for 250 days is 2000 hours a year. Ideas and creativity are created by accumulating the knowledge learned in the work. It seems that not everyone can become a leader by simply investing 10,000 hours. Having 10,000 hours of trial and error is necessary to become a good professional. Nowadays, ideas are also sought at manufacturing sites and sales. The world is full of information that can be used to create new ideas.
 The characteristic of employees who come up with ideas is that they do well-planned work and are good at managing time. Some employees devote 60% to planned work, 20% to prepare for time thieves, and 20% to consolidate ideas. The idea seems to smile to the employees who have a proper routine. The stage of "understanding" and "finding" is the birth of the rudimentary ideas necessary for work. From this rudimentary stage to the stage of searching and finding, you have to go through a stage of trial and error. In the project, the mind and body continue to be driven. In this state of being driven, there are many cases where a change of consciousness occurs and ideas come out. If you create an idea, a new idea will be created from that idea. A virtuous cycle continues.
 Since ancient times, it has been known that ideas come up on horseback, on pillows, and on toilet seats. Research on new coronavirus infections is increasing rapidly in the world, and "knowledge sharing" is progressing. With the spread of infection, the digitization of paper publications and data sharing are spreading. Corona researchers continue to be exposed to competition day and night. They will work hard to write a treatise. New findings will be valuable data that will help people around the world. Therefore, it would be interesting to be able to inform the appearance rate of today's ideas when sitting on the toilet seat. By energizing researchers, measures for corona will advance. It is also necessary to create an environment that inspires those who are producing research results. One of them may be the toilet seat.

読んで書いて楽しむ人達  アイデア広場 その 826 

2021-02-24 17:57:34 | 日記
