

★“No State Funeral for Shinzo Abe”

2022年09月16日 15時18分50秒 | ●YAMACHANの雑記帳

“No State Funeral for Shinzo Abe”

4,482 回視聴 2022/09/14 にライブ配信 PRESS CONFERENCE “No State Funeral for Shinzo Abe” Ken Takada, Joint Representative of the "Don't Wage War, Don't Destroy Article 9! Joint Action Committee Masaki Ina, Advisor, Peace Research Institute, International Christian University Masaki Gouro, Representative Caretaker of National Network of Lawyers Against Spiritual Sales (via zoom) 14:00-15:00 Wednesday, September 14, 2022 (The speech and Q & A will be in Japanese with English interpretation.) How to ask questions: https://forms.gle/3e6GPCavzkpfmGNZ9

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