久野康成公認会計士事務所/株式会社東京コンサルティングファーム(TCF)の 【国際化支援ブログ】



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A mid-term business plan is the means for taking action to realize your vision. (TCF Bangladesh (Jasim Uddin))
2018-06-27 13:25:32
To achieve a vision, small term and mid term planning is required to make sure the progress of the company.
ビジョンの具現化が中長期計画書 (東真奈美)
2018-06-27 21:05:48
A mid-term business plan is the means for taking action to realize your vision. (tcf Bangladesh(Yousuf))
2018-06-27 21:26:48
Mid term plan always care about the operation of the business
mid-term business plan is the means for taking action to realize your vision. (TCF BANGLADESH(RIAD))
2018-07-01 01:24:28
Correct short, mid and long term business plan get good out come or archive the goal.
A mid-term business plan is the means for taking action to realize your vision. (TCF Bangladesh (Mohammed Faruqe))
2018-07-04 12:58:57
For running the business properly, we have to set up the plan. Midterm business plan helps us
To realize the vision.
A mid-term business plan is the means for taking action to realize your vision. (TCF Bangladesh (Iqbal))
2018-07-08 12:46:59
Plan must be allocate responsibility based on time frame.
Planning. (TCF Bangladesh (Nurul Kabir))
2018-07-08 13:32:08
A mid-term business plan is the means for taking action to realize your vision.

Planning for the business may come short-term, mid-term and long-term. Selection depending on the situation.

A mid-term business plan is the means for taking action to realize your vision. (TCF Bangladesh ( MAHBUB ))
2018-07-08 14:11:12
Mid term business plan may help to attain in the vision of the company's overall strategy.
