久野康成公認会計士事務所/株式会社東京コンサルティングファーム(TCF)の 【国際化支援ブログ】


ミス・クレーム報告は発生した時に直ぐに行え 対策はトップの責任 報告は部下の責任

2019年08月21日 | 経営論

Report mistakes and complaints as soon as they occur. Dealing with them is the duty of top management; reporting them is the duty of staff.


10 コメント

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Report mistakes and complaints as soon as they occur. (TCF Bangladesh(Md. Fakharuddin Shah))
2019-08-22 12:41:18
In every incident of Mistakes and Complaints, both management and stuff disclose and take initiative to mitigate it.
Report mistakes and complaints as soon as they occur. Dealing with them is the duty of top management; reporting them is (TCF Bangladesh (MAHBUB))
2019-08-22 14:26:43
Reporting and feedback system should be establish.
部下の責任は直ぐに報告すること (東真奈美)
2019-08-22 21:25:48
Report mistakes and complaints as soon as they occur. Dealing with them is the duty of top management; reporting them is the (TCF Bangladesh (Jasim Uddin))
2019-08-27 12:10:39
If everyone does their jobs as provided, business process will be more smooth.
Unknown (TCF Bangladesh ( Md. Showkat Akber))
2019-08-31 17:09:14
It is very urgent to make a report to senior when mistakes occurs.
Unknown (TCF Bangladesh (Riad))
2019-09-03 02:32:04
Report mistakes and complaints as soon as they occur. Dealing with them is the duty of top management; reporting them is the duty of staff.

Subordinate inform to superior when he/she identify any mistake.
Report mistakes and complaints as soon as they occur (TCF Bangladesh (Mohammed Faruqe))
2019-09-09 21:39:29
We should report about mistake and complains for taking initiative.
Report mistakes and complaints as soon as they occur Dealing with them is the duty of top management (TCF Bangladesh (Md. Jamiul Karim))
2019-09-11 12:31:40
We should focus to solve the mistakes immediately. it should not be increased
Reporting (TCF Bangladesh-Iqbal)
2019-09-12 16:13:53
Report mistakes and complaints as soon as they occur to client.
Report mistakes and complaints. (TCF Bangladesh (Nurul Kabir))
2019-09-12 17:48:31
Report mistakes and complaints as soon as they occur. Dealing with them is the duty of top management; reporting them is the duty of staff.

Yes i agree that properly reporting to management even though tiny matter.
