久野康成公認会計士事務所/株式会社東京コンサルティングファーム(TCF)の 【国際化支援ブログ】



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No company president passes the blame onto others. Anyone who does that immediately becomes just an ordinary person. (TCF Bangladesh (Jasim Uddin))
2018-06-27 11:49:47
Presidents of a company has grater responsibilities. So in times, they must act as one when any unfortunate situation occurs.
全ては自分の責任と考えるのが社長 (東真奈美)
2018-06-27 20:52:39
Anyone who does that immediately becomes just an ordinary person. (tcf Bangladesh(Yousuf))
2018-06-27 21:23:20
always responsible for the work is the assignor because this is assignor responsibility to give the feedback
No company president passes the blame onto others. Anyone who does that immediately becomes just an ordinary person (TCF BANGLADESH(RIAD))
2018-07-01 00:41:27
Responsible person take risk for action and he don' t blame to other for work.
Most senior person should not blame to others. (TCF Bangladesh (Mohammed Faruqe))
2018-07-02 17:49:49
We should not blame to others particularly it is if senior person. Blame is not the solution.
Its may make you an ordinary person.
No company president passes the blame onto others. Anyone who does that immediately becomes just an ordinary person. (TCF Bangladesh (Iqbal))
2018-07-08 12:55:55
Top person must take all responsibility of all employees and he/she create awareness on employees to do well.
No company president passes the blame onto others. Anyone who does that immediately becomes just an ordinary person. (TCF Bangladesh ( MAHBUB ))
2018-07-08 13:20:44
Excusing is the weapon of weak or idle person but not the leader.
Responsibility (TCF Bangladesh (Nurul Kabir))
2018-07-08 13:45:36
No company president passes the blame onto others. Anyone who does that immediately becomes just an ordinary person.

Responsibility comes from own intention, not insists by others.
