

based on/on the basis of;基づく

2021-07-31 12:07:44 | 英語特許散策

For example, based on analysis of images acquired by image capture devices 122124, and/or 126, system 100 may provide control signals to one or more of throttling system 220, braking system 230, and steering system 240 to navigate vehicle 200 (e.g., by causing an acceleration, a turn, a lane shift, etc.). 

Such a system may, therefore, make decisions based on information derived from objects located at varying distances both forward and to the sides of the vehicle. (*情報に基づいて判断を行う)

Stereo image analysis may refer to instances where image analysis is performed based on two or more images captured with one or more variations of an image capture parameter. 

Additionally, the second processing device may calculate a camera displacement and, based on the displacement, calculate a disparity of pixels between successive images and create a 3D reconstruction of the scene (e.g., a structure from motion). 

Embodiments of the invention allow categorization of groups of users in a social networking system based on maliciousness of activities associated with the groups.(*悪意に基づいて分類する)

In an embodiment, the filter 130 assigns a score to each user based on a weighted aggregate of various factors describing the user's interactions with the known malicious groups 100

According to one embodiment, based on recommended agents 803, workflow manager 316 generates workflow 2403 using workflow template or rule 2402

1. A LIDAR system for detecting a vehicle based on license plate reflectivity, the system comprising:

at least one processor configured to:
scan a field of view by controlling movement of at least one deflector at which at least one light source is directed;
receive from at least one sensor signals indicative of light reflected from a particular object in the field of view;
determine, times of flight in the received signals;
detect, based on the times of flight in the received signals, portions of the particular object in the field of view that have a substantially same distance from the light source;
determine, based on the detected portions, at least a first portion having a first reflectivity corresponding to a license plate, and at least two additional spaced-apart portions corresponding to locations on the particular object other than a location of the first portion, and wherein the at least two additional portions have reflectivity substantially lower than the first reflectivity; and
classify the particular object as a vehicle, based on a spatial relationship and a reflectivity relationship between the first portion and the at least two additional portions.
The method may further comprise, based on a spatial relationship and a reflectivity relationship between the first portion and the at least two additional portions, classifying the particular object as a vehicle.
 Interface 220, based on these signals, generates images that allow the practitioner to view the relative position of the instrument energy applicator 184 to the surgical site. 

*厳密には文法的には上記based onはすべてon the basis of。

based on:直前の名詞を修飾する形容詞の役割

on the basis of:動詞を修飾する副詞の役割

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