


2024-06-24 13:02:53 | 英語特許散策

[0004] According to an aspect, a device may include a first member, a second member, and a wrist mechanism disposed between the first member and the second member. The wrist mechanism may include a first cylinder portion coupled to the first member, and a second cylinder portion coupled to the second member. The first cylinder portion may be rollably engaged with the second cylinder portion such that movement of the first cylinder portion with respect to the second cylinder portion is configured to cause the first member to move in at least two directions with respect to the second member. The second cylinder portion may be positioned with respect to the first cylinder portion such that a longitudinal axis of the second cylinder portion is orthogonal to a longitudinal axis of the first cylinder portion.

[0113] In one embodiment, a control line positioning apparatus comprises a control line retainer arm, positionable between a raised position and a removed position, and movably supporting a control line retainer assembly thereon. The control line retainer assembly may comprise a control line retainer that slidably or rollably engages one or more control lines fed to the pipe string through or over the control line retainer assembly. In one embodiment, the control line retainer assembly may further comprise a docking member that can be releasably coupled in a docking assembly disposed adjacent to the pipe engaging apparatus when the control line retainer apparatus is in the removed position.



In technical documents, is the word "rollably" acceptable or common? For example, is it acceptable to say "A metal ball is rollably disposed in the opening of the device"?


The word "rollably" is not a standard or common term in technical writing. While it can be understood to mean that the metal ball is capable of rolling, it may not be immediately clear or familiar to most readers. Technical documents typically prioritize clarity and precision, so using more established and widely understood language is preferable.

In your example, you might consider alternatives such as:

  • "A metal ball is disposed in the opening of the device, allowing it to roll."
  • "A metal ball is placed in the opening of the device in a manner that allows it to roll."
  • "A metal ball is positioned in the opening of the device to enable rolling."

These alternatives convey the same idea more clearly and avoid the use of non-standard terminology.


How about, "A metal ball is disposed in the opening of the device in a rollable manner"?

"A metal ball is disposed in the opening of the device in a rollable manner" is clearer and more acceptable than using "rollably." However, the phrase "in a rollable manner" might still feel slightly awkward or less common in technical writing.

A more conventional way to express the same idea could be:

  • "A metal ball is positioned in the opening of the device so that it can roll."
  • "A metal ball is disposed in the opening of the device to allow rolling."
  • "A metal ball is placed in the opening of the device, allowing it to roll."

These alternatives use more familiar language and maintain clarity and precision, which are crucial in technical documents.


[0015] In accordance with one implementation, the centering mechanism comprises: first and second small shafts supported at opposite ends thereof by the transducer holder;

first and second pivot/slide mechanisms slidably coupled to the first and second small shafts respectively;

and first and second four-link centering guide assemblies pivotably coupled to the first and second pivot/slide mechanisms respectively.

The first pivot/slide mechanism comprises a first bearing and a first pivot pin, while

the second pivot/slide mechanism comprises a second bearing and a second pivot pin, the first and second small shafts being slidable in the first and second bearings respectively,

and the first and second four-link centering guide assemblies being pivotably coupled to the first and second pivot pins respectively.

Each of the first and second four-link centering guide assemblies

comprises first and second upper centering guides pivotably coupled to the first and second pivot/slide mechanisms respectively and

first and second lower centering guides respectively pivotably coupled to the first and second upper centering guides and pivotably coupled to each other. 

The centering mechanism further comprises respective pluralities of rolling elements rollably coupled to the first and second lower centering guides. 

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