


2020-02-11 15:33:22 | 英語特許散策

"[0132] Reinforcement in rubber is evident by improvement in modulus and failure properties such as tensile strength, tear resistance, crack resistance, and abrasion resistance of the final vulcanizate. However, the best single criterion for reinforcement is Energy at Break or break energy. The energy at break is a measure of the area between the modulus-elongation curve and the elongation axis. Data from Table 3 show significant improvements in the tensile strength, energy at break, crack growth (DeMattia pierced cycles to fail), while maintaining equivalent or better processing, physical, and dynamic properties, such as delta torque and cure time (T95), Shore A Hardness, and Tan delta at 60 °C, respectively. For example, the energy at break of the cured rubber containing the silanes from Examples 1 and 3 were 19.80 and 27.73 J/cm, respectively. The energy at break of the rubber containing a mixture of 66 weight percent silane from Example 1 and 34 weight percent silane from Example 3 was 28.87 J/cm<3>, representing an improvement in the range of 4 to 46 percent over either of the silanes from Example 1 and 3 used alone."


"[0200] (c) the tensile tests make it possible to determine the elasticity stresses and the properties at break. Unless otherwise indicated, they are carried out in accordance with French Standard NF T 46-002 of September 1988. Processing the tensile recordings also makes it possible to plot the curve of modulus as a function of the elongation, the modulus used here being the nominal (or apparent) secant modulus measured in first elongation, calculated by reducing to the initial cross-section of the test specimen. The nominal secant moduli (or apparent stresses, in MPa) are measured in first elongation, at 60° C.±2° C., at 10%, 100% and 300% elongation, respectively denoted MSA10, MSA100 and MSA300. The breaking stresses (BS) in MPa and the elongations at break (EB) in % are measured at 60° C.±2° C. according to Standard NF T 46-002."

 (c)引張試験により、弾性応力及び破壊特性を決定することができる。別に示さない限り、これらは1988年9月の仏規格NF T 46-002に従って行なわれる。引張の記録を処理することにより、伸びの関数としてモジュラス曲線をプロットすることもでき、ここで用いられるモジュラスは最初の伸びで測定した公称(見掛けの)割線モジュラスであり、試験片の最初の断面に換算することにより計算されたものである。公称割線モジュラス(又は見掛けの応力、MPa)は、60℃±2℃において最初の伸びで、10%、100%及び300%伸びで測定され、それぞれMSA10、MSA100及びMSA300と表示される。破壊応力(BS)、MPa及び破断点伸び(EB)、%は、NF T 46-002規格に従って60℃±2℃で測定される。

"[0001] The present invention relates to a rubber composition and tire using the same. In particular, the present invention relates to a rubber composition with excellent workability and fracture resistance."


"[0041] Of these, wet silica is preferred because wear resistance of the pneumatic tire of the present invention is enhanced, frictional force on ice is further improved, failure characteristics are also improved, and the combined effect of wet grip performance and low rolling resistance is excellent."


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2020-02-11 15:05:07 | 英語特許散策

"[00135] As used herein, the term "keratosis" refers to any lesion on the epidermis marked by the presence of circumscribed overgrowths of the horny layer, including but not limited to actinic keratosis, seborrheic keratosis, keratoacanthoma, keratosis follicularis (Darier disease), inverted follicular keratosis, palmoplantar keratoderma (PPK, keratosis palmaris et plantaris), keratosis pilaris, and stucco keratosis. The term "actinic keratosis" also refers to senile keratosis, keratosis senilis, verruca senilis, plana senilis, solar keratosis, keratoderma or keratoma. The term "seborrheic keratosis" also refers to seborrheic wart, senile wart, or basal cell papilloma. Keratosis is characterized by one or more of the following symptoms: rough appearing, scaly, erythematous papules, plaques, spicules or nodules on exposed surfaces (e.g., face, hands, ears, neck , legs and thorax), excrescences of keratin referred to as cutaneous horns, hyperkeratosis, telangiectasias, elastosis, pigmented lentigines, acanthosis, parakeratosis, dyskeratoses, papillomatosis, hyperpigmentation of the basal cells, cellular atypia, mitotic figures, abnormal cell-cell adhesion, dense inflammatory infiltrates and small prevalence of squamous cell carcinomas."

本明細書に用いられるように、「角化症」という用語は、光線性角化症、脂漏性角化症、角化棘細胞腫、毛包性角化症(ダリェ病)、逆毛包性角化症、掌蹠角皮症(palmoplantar keratoderma)(PPK、底側掌蹠角皮症)、毛孔性角化症及びスタッコ角化症を含むが、それらに限定されない角質層の限局性過大成長の存在によって特徴づけられる表皮上の任意の病変を指す。「光線性角化症」という用語は、また、老化性角化症、老年性角化症、老年性ゆうぜい、老年性扁平、日光性角化症、角皮症又は角化腫を指す。「脂漏性角化症」という用語は、また、脂漏性いぼ、老年性いぼ又は基底細胞乳頭腫を指す。角化症は、以下の症状:露出面(例えば、、手、耳、首、足及び胸部)上の凹凸、鱗片、紅斑性丘疹、プラーク、骨片又は小節、皮角と称する角質の突出、過角化症、末梢血管拡張、弾力線維症、色素性黒子、表皮腫、錯角化症、異常角化症、乳頭腫症、基底細胞の色素過剰、異型細胞、有糸分裂像、異常細胞-細胞接着、高密度炎症性浸潤及び扁平上皮細胞癌の小規模な蔓延の1種以上によって特徴づけられる。

"[0026] An important factor in the success of implanted medical prostheses is the uniformity of the friction surfaces, both for longevity and prevention of infection purposes. Asperities on the surface of medically implanted metallic devices provide a location to harbor bacteria. For metallic devices in the vasculature or circulatory system, they also provide a location for dangerous platelet aggregation that can lead to heart attack or stroke. The nanopolishing of such implantable medical prosthetic devices to near atomic-level perfect smoothness would greatly advance the safety and efficacy of such devices."


"[0012] Preferably, a downstream compression roller is employed to smooth out any surface irregularities in the multilayer confectionery sheet due to various compositional and process variables. The downstream compression roller can also enhance adhesion between the multiple layers. The compression roller can be arranged on a conveyor belt with a spacing therebetween corresponding to a desired total thickness of the multilayer confectionery product or slightly greater or less (e.g. 0.0-0.3 millimeter variance). Preferably, the compression roller is a heat transfer roller that can heat or cool the multilayer confectionery products. In some embodiments, the temperature of the compression roller is an important variable in controlling the surface quality and thickness of the multilayer confectionery products. The compression roller may also or alternatively serve the purpose of pressing candy sprinkles or other confectionary ingredient into the top surface of the multilayer confectionery product."


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2020-02-11 13:47:14 | 英語特許散策

US2019318515(JP, Sony)
"[0158] Furthermore, a thumbnail image generated by capturing a scene at each time and an image generated by cutting out a letter (on-screen caption) portion from the moving image can be used as the display data representing the details of the program at each time. Since it is unnecessary to analyze the image and recognize letters, even in a case where it is difficult to recognize a letter displayed as an on-screen caption due to a decorative letter or the like, the details of the program at each time can be expressed."

[0135] また、番組の各時刻の内容を表す表示データとして、各時刻のシーンをキャプチャして生成したサムネイル画像や、動画中の文字(テロップ)部分を切り取ることによって生成した画像を用いることが可能である。画像を解析して文字を認識する必要がないため、テロップとして表示される文字が飾り文字などで認識が難しい場合であっても、番組の各時刻の内容を表現することが可能になる。

"[0019] Further, in accordance with the present invention, on the transmitting side, the transmission unit transmits the inputted text data, and on the receiving side, the receiving unit outputs the received text data to the receiving-side image processing unit. The receiving-side image processing unit converts the text data into the image and superimposes and outputs the image on the text telop region of the output HD image. Therefore, even when the SD images inserted into the text telop region is transmitted, the text telop can be displayed on the image, and the transmission data amount can be considerably reduced compared to when the text telop is transmitted as the image data from the transmitting side."


"Furthermore, examples of the whole feature value include a pixel value distribution in the whole of an image, a motion vector distribution in the whole of an image, a spatio-temporal correlation of the whole of one or at least two images, a noise amount of the whole of an image, an image format, information relating to edition of the whole of an image (whether or not PinP is selected, whether or not PoutP is selected, whether or not there is text superimposed on the image, etc.), content information relating to a content, which is one or more images, and a pattern detection result (face, etc.). Herein, the content information refers to, for example, the genres, the titles, and the names of people starring in programs listed in an electronic program guide (EPG). Note that the one or more feature values are also referred to as feature vectors as appropriate."


US2012311645(JP, Panasonic)
"[0004] In the case of 3D digital video content in which viewers see video images stereoscopically (hereinafter referred to as “3D video images”), subtitles are displayed along with the 3D video images in the same way as when displaying subtitles for digital video content without any mechanism for stereoscopic viewing of video images (hereinafter referred to as “2D video images”). 3D video images, however, may appear closer than or further behind the screen. Therefore, if subtitles are overlaid on 3D video images in the same way as on 2D video images, the subtitles may end up behind or in front of the 3D video images and thus appear awkward. To address this issue, processing technology has been proposed to position subtitles displayed along with 3D video images (hereinafter referred to as “3D subtitles”) appropriately in 3D space by using “1 plane+offset mode” and “2 plane+offset mode” (Non-Patent Literature 1). In addition to subtitles, display data distributed within a digital broadcast for display along with 2D video images and 3D video images may include superimposed text and display data for a data broadcast. The above processing technology may be applied when displaying such data along with 3D video images. Hereinafter, subtitles, superimposed text, display data for a data broadcast, and the like are collectively referred to as “display data for subtitles and the like”. Furthermore, the 1 plane+offset mode and the 2 plane+offset mode are collectively referred to as display modes for 3D subtitles and the like."


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