版画草子 All That Print Work


ひな祭り The Hina Doll Festival

2007-03-02 13:39:55 | その他 Other


あられ・菱餅より はまぐりの酒蒸しの方が
好きな私は 子供達が小さい頃 流行った替え歌
「明かりをつけたら 消えちゃったーーーーー
お花を上げたら 枯れちゃったーーーーー
五人囃子は し○○○○○ーーーー
今日は 悲しい○○○○○........」を 

The dolls are made of clamshells.
They wear Kimono.
The efforts by my mother-in-law are
homely and lovely, the treasure of our family.
However, I prefer White-Sake to dolls,
and prefer sake-steamed clams to Arare
( small rice crackers)or Hishimochi
(tricolor rhombic rice cake)
When our kids were still very young
the parody of a childern song
" The Hina Doll Festival " was popular
and our son used to sing.
" When you got the light, it went out...."
" When you offered flowers, they withered...."
" The Court Quintet died....."
Being tipsy, I found myself singing
this parody version.

The original of " Hina Doll Festival "

Let's light lanterns
Let's offer peach blossoms
The Court Quintet is playing the flute
and the dram.
Today is merry Hina Festival.

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