

ドイツ発(datelined Germany): presidential runoff

2019-04-21 16:39:18 | 日記
2019年4月21日(Sun.) 日本国内では統一地方選の後半戦が本日投票日を迎えています。どの選挙もそうですが、基本的に棄権はしません。但し、候補者の何れもがイマイチの場合もありますので、“この人だけはダメ” 的なマイナス投票が出来ると良いとも考えてしまいます。

さて、ロシアとも縁が深いウクライナの大統領決戦投票が日曜日(本日)に行われます。 かのコメディアンが、この決戦投票に残る結果になっていますが、それぐらいこの国も政治的に問題を抱えている証(あかし)でしょう、きっと。 ( ニュースソース: DWーDE 4月21日発 )

Ukrainians vote in presidential runoff
Ukrainians are voting in a runoff election pitting incumbent President Poroshenko against comedian Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Zelenskiy has been leading in opinion polls.
現職の Poroshenko とコメディアンの Zelenskiy による決戦投票で、世論調査( opinion poll )ではコメディアンがリードしています。

Ukrainians are going to the polls on Sunday in elections that could see a comedian with no prior political experience become president.
Recent opinion polls show Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who has already achieved national fame by playing the part of a president in a popular TV series, well ahead of incumbent President Petro Poroshenko. The polling agency Rating gave Zelenskiy 73 percent to Poroshenko's 27.
Zelenskiy's pledge to step up the fight against the corruption has gone down well with the electorate in a country where just 9% of the population trusts the national government, according to a Gallup poll published in March.

(超抜粋)ある世論調査によると、73%がコメディアン、27%が現職の割合とも出ています。 汚職にまみれた現在の政治体制にメスを入れるとコメディアンは約束しています。 また、3月の調査では、現在の政治を信用している人は僅か9%の人々のみだと言われています。

Poroshenko and Zelenskiy held one televised debate(TVでの討論会)

"There is a hope that a simple man will better understand us and dismantle the system that we have in our country," a Zelenskiy voter said on election day, according to French news agency AFP.
Other voters noted, however, that will no allies in parliament, Zelenskiy's tenure may not last long.

'Not a comedy you can turn off'
Poroshenko launched a last-minute plea on Facebook, telling Ukrainians "a five-year presidential term is not a comedy that you can easily switch off if it is no longer funny."
Zelenskiy's unorthodox style and background in entertainment have drawn comparisons to Italy's Beppe Grillo or to US President Donald Trump. However, despite his pledge to tackle corruption, some questions have been raised about his ties to oligarch Igor Kolomoysky, whose TV channel broadcasts Zelenskiy's shows.
The new president will face several challenges, including a Russian-backed insurgency in the east of the country. Ukraine also remains one of Europe's poorest countries almost 30 years after it won independence from the Soviet Union.
Both candidates have vowed to keep the country on a pro-Western course if elected.


原文の後半の和訳は省略します。 仮にコメディアンが勝ったとしても、長続きはしないだろうと評する人もいるようです。



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