

フランス(France 🇫🇷): stage ‘Act 21’

2019-04-07 15:54:30 | 日記
2019年4月7日(Sun.) フランスで続く政府への抗議デモ、昨日の土曜日で連続21週となっています。 しかし、政府を動かす為のインパクトとしては、一桁分は多い一般市民の集結が必要なのかも知れません。
日本でも、国会を取り巻く百万人デモぐらいすべきではないでしょうか、今のような政治が行われている限りは・・・。 現状の政策は民意が反映されているとは言い難いし、不正がはびこっています。 そもそも、小選挙区制や政党交付金(政党政治)、内閣人事局、等々、抜本的に見直す必要があります。兎に角、民主主義が破壊されています。

さて、フランスの状況が伝えられています。 ( ニュースソース: FRANCE24 4月6日発 )

French Yellow Vests stage ‘Act 21’ of protests

Benoit Tessier, AFP | Yellow Vest protesters at a demonstration in Paris, April 6, 2019.

Protesters from the Yellow Vest movement took to the streets of France for a 21st straight weekend, with hundreds gathered for a march across Paris, one of numerous protests around the country.

Paris police have fine-tuned their strategy of being more mobile and proactive to counter eventual violence since the first Saturday of Yellow Vest protests November 17. The Champs-Élysées avenue is off-limits to protesters after it was hit by rioting last month.

Hundreds gathered in Rouen, in Normandy, a past flashpoint, and hundreds more in eastern Paris at the Place de la République, the start of a march to the business district on the capital's western edge.

The Yellow Vest movement, demanding social and economic justice, has attracted dwindling crowds but still remains a challenge to President Emmanuel Macron.

In Paris, two marches were authorised by the police. One, was submitted by Sophie Tissier, a representative of the Yellow Vest movement, and the other by Éric Drouet, a well-known figure within the group.

Protests in the provinces
In Rouen, a few hundred people gathered downtown mid-morning Saturday including some trade unionists. Protesters circled around an area barricaded by the police shouting, "Macron, get lost for good!"

Protests also took place in Lyon, Dijon, Nice, Nantes, Montpellier, Bordeaux and Toulouse.

Last week, Act 20 of the Yellow Vest protests saw 33,700 people take to the streets, according to the French Interior Ministry. In a Facebook posting however the Yellow Vest movement claimed 105,104 protesters took to the streets.


和訳を省略します。 パリでは警察に公認された2グループの抗議デモが行われ、パリ以外のいくつかの都市( Lyon, Dijon, Nice, Nantes, Montpellier, Bordeaux and Toulouse )でも抗議活動が行われました。(原文をサラリと流し読みして下さい。)

日本でもそうですが、格差が広がっているのではないでしょうか。 これは、時代の流れに逆行しています。

