

I wondered if you were busy on Wednesday?

2015-12-17 14:42:37 | 日記



(1)今度の水曜忙しいかしら? → 特に何もないけど。何で?

(2)えぇ、ユナイテッド・ウェイから電話があって、郵便の発送を手伝ってくれる人を知らないかと聞かれたんです。→ 手伝えるかもよ。

(3)えぇ、もうすぐ墓金調達のイベントがあ りまして、封筒詰めや宛名罟き、切手はりのお仕事がたくさん あるんです。



(6)大した金額じゃないか。 それらは、何かに寄付したの?






(1)I wondered if you were busy on Wednesday? → No, not especially. Why?

(2)You see, I got a call from the United Way, to ask if I knew any one who could help with sending off some mail. → Maybe I can help.

(3)Well, they have an upcoming fundraising event, and they have a lot of envelopes that need to be stuffed, addressed and stamped.
※upcoming…やって来る ♪envelope…エンヴェロウプ

(4)Great, I appreciate it.
I appreciate what you've done for me.…ご厚情を感謝します

(5)Each primary and secondary school has parents who are invoIved in it.

(6)That's an awful lot of money, isn't it?Did they donate the money to something?


(8)It says thank you for participating in the September Fest.
※participating…参加 Fest…集まり、パーティー。主に北米

(9)It's the annual festival organized by the United Way.
※an annual celebration…例年の祝典 organize…<催し物などを〉計画[準備]する

(10)outdoor bazaar
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