

Watchout for the oncoming traffic.

2016-05-31 21:01:32 | 日記








(6)ここで降ろして下さい。→ はい。了解です






(1)Take a left at the next intersection.

(2)OK. l'll make a left turn over there.

(3)Let me know the exit when we're about to take.
♪レミノウ ディグズィ ウェン ウィらバウ トゥテイク

(4)Get off at the next exit.

(5)OK.Keeping straight.

(6)Drop me off here. → Sure thing.

(7)Stop over there.

(8)Watchout for the oncoming traffic.
※oncoming…近づいて来る watch out!…見まわして

(9)2000 yen plus 600 yenfor the toll.

(10)Would you speak up a bit?
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Sure OK. Take the right turn here.

2016-05-31 17:02:50 | 日記














(1)How much does it cost to Ginza?

(2)How much does it cost to get to the airport?

(3)How long will it take to Shinjuku?

(4)What is the fare to Ginza?

(5)Roughly 2000 yen.
♪roughly…らフリ 意;ざっくりで

(6)Pop the trunk, please.

(7)Please close the trunk.

(8)Keep going.

(9)Turn right at the next traffic lights.

(10)Sure OK. Take the right turn here.
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Let me search on the car navigation system.

2016-05-30 16:53:58 | 日記



















(1)Where would you like to go?

(2)Please get in.

(3)Where are you going?

(4)Where can I take you!

(5)Where to?

(6)I'm sorry. Could you say that again sIowly?

(7)I'm sorry, l'm not familiar with this area.

(8)Can you write down the address of your destination.
※destination…行き先 目的地

(9)That is very nearby.

(10)lt is very close.

(11)lt is pretty far away.

(12)Here you are, is this OK for you?


(14)OK Dokey.

(15)Don't leave anything behind.
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At any rate, wouldn't it be nice if we could enjoy learning English ?

2016-05-29 20:39:38 | 日記











(9)何は兎もあれ 何は兎もあれ、英語学習を楽しめたら素敵じゃないですか?



(1)There were students from various countries, weren't there? → Yes, and their ages were different and so were their purposes for staying in America. So international.
※various…様々な 色々な ♪ヴェウりアス

(2)Especially on the East and West Coasts, there are a lot of immigrants who need English education, so ESL classes at universities provide them with it.

(3)l think the ESL program you were in might have been one of those.

(4)I was in the beginners' class, so I could understand the lessons pretty well. I learned a lot of useful expressions that were necessary for everyday life.

(5)We weren't forced to memorize any grammar like we usually are in Japanese schooIs. lt was a very relaxed atmosphere so it was easier to learn.

(6)lt usually took me about two or three hours to get my homeworkdone. Even if I couldn't fish it, my teacher was kind enough to help me get it done.

(7)Before l had no desire to learn English, but taking the class has sparked my interest. l've even started to like it.

(8)That's a very good idea. l don't think that Japanese will ever become the international language, and eventually English will be needed even more here in Japan.

(9)At any rate, wouldn't it be nice if we could enjoy learning English?
※at any rate…とにかく いずれにしても
♪アレニーれイ ウドゥンニッビーナイス、イフイク エンジョイラーニンニングリシュ↑

(10)Please fasten your seat belt.
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At first, I was at a loss, because the teachers always asked me, ”Why?”

2016-05-29 15:59:45 | 日記














(1)When l am talking with Japanese friends in English, l often have a hard time understanding what the really want to say.

(2)Usually, l have to guess what they want to say when we are talking, otherwise we really can't communicate.

(3)Having a conversation is like playing ping pong, isn't it? I can hardly do that with other Japanese.

(4)Then l decided to go to America and study English in an ESL class at a university.
※ESL…English as a Second Language…第二言語としての英語

(5)How was the class in comparison with that of a Japanese university.
※comparison…比較 対照 ♪クンペりスン

(6)At first, I was at a loss, because the teachers always asked me, ”Why?” At the beginning, l didn't know what to say because l had never thought about why. Because in Japanese schooIs, students only follow what the teachers say.

(7)But in America, classes always proceed with discussion. The teacher and students were always talking with each other.I had a hard time following the discussions at the beginning.

(8)I heard that sometimes in American schooIs the students would evaluate their teacher's performance.The teacher may have to rethink his or her teaching methods if the students aren't learning well.

(9)The lessons were always related to our actual life and we often did skits.
※skit…寸劇 風刺文 戯文

(10)For me, my ESL class in America lasted for a month, two hours per day from Monday to Friday.The lessons were tough, but very interesting.
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Here you are, is this OK for you? Where should l stop?

2016-05-28 23:49:23 | 日記














(1)You are such a pain in the ass.

(2)Folding laundry is a pain in the neck.

(3)Most of my students say they can read and write English. But the important thing is one should be able to read and understand the contents, and then be able to analyze it, right?
※analyze…分解する 解析する 検討する

(4)Shall I put your baggage in the trunk?

(5)Now you are actually teaching it to your clients over the phone. What is your impressIon of them?

(6)l don't think just reading aloud means one is able to read. And they may be able to put Japanese into English, but they can't express their own ideas in English.

(7)What l noticed from having taught is that students just did what their teacher told them to do, like reading from the textbook aloud, or copiying English sentences. l liked it when my students gave me their opinlons, or tried to write their own original sentences.

(8)Here you are, is this OK for you? Where should l stop?

(9)Good morning. Your timing is excellent.

(10)Your English is excellent, Fumiaki! lt's very lively.
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Let me search on the car navigation system.

2016-05-28 17:52:47 | 日記














(1)He brought up yesterday story.

(2)I'm now making English learning materials, or actulally teaching English over the phone.

(3)l enjoyed playing language games which incorporated the grammar.
※incorporate…1.法人にする 2.組み入れる 3.包含する

(4)Sometimes I had to use Japanese in order to clearly explain something to the students, but that was rare.

(5)I didn't know what to do when my students said my English pronunciation was so different from the American teacher's.

(6)That the most important thing is being able to communicate. Even in the States there are so many dialects, so pronunciation differs, too.
※dialect…訛り 方言 ♪ダイウレクt differ…違う 異なる

(7)Japanese English teachers should reconsider what learning English really means.

(8)lt sure is not acquiring it as knowledge. English has to be learned using the whole body, not just the brain.

(9)You need total action, like listening, speaking, reading and writing to master English.

(10)Let me search on the car navigation system.
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But one thing l can say is that those who like listening to the tapes tend not to give up lea...

2016-05-26 22:14:00 | 日記














(1)English education is not only restricted to school age children. l saw on TV the other day that the number of businessmen going to English conversation schooIs has dramatically increased in the last few years.
※restricted…制限された 限られた dramatically…劇的に 急激に

(2)l think they want to acquire some qualification.
♪qualification…クォルフィケイシュン 意;資格、特技、能力、技術、知識

(3)Maybe this is the time for specialization. Anyway, l think it's good to learn. lt's never too late to do anything.

(4)The company that I work for sells English conversation tapes.
※work for~…~に勤めている ~の職に就いている ~で働いている

(5)Many customers are using those tapes to learn English, and some are even in their seventies or eighties.
※even in…においても

(6)They have different purposes for learning, like to be able to talk with their grandchildren who are half American, or to go on a trip overseas, or to stave off senility.
※stave off…くいとめる 回避する ♪senility…スィニルティ 意;もうろく おいぼれ

(7)But one thing l can say is that those who like listening to the tapes tend not to give up learning.
※tend to~…~する傾向がある ~しがちである

(8)I wonder if I should use those tapes. l don't want to be an Englishteacher who can't speak well.

(9)If you start listening to the tapes, l 'm sure you'll be able to speak it soon.

(10)I'm sorry, l'm not familiar with this area. But maybe that is very nearby.
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l think the best thing is for children to start learning English at a young age.

2016-05-26 13:14:06 | 日記














(1)Most students come to our JUKU for the purpose of preparing for high school or college entrance exams, so naturally they are seeking results.

(2)Recently every JUKU has started to be concerned about English education for younger children. l think the best thing is for children to start learning English at a young age so they will like it when they reach junior and high school.

(3)l agree. At school, those who show interest in the native Englishspeaker's classes seem to do well in grammar or translation.

(4)And those who like English seem to make rapid progress.

(5)Since English is a language, it should be introduced at an early age. Don't you think the students will Iose interest in English if it is taught for the sole purpose of passing entrance examinations?

(6)English now is not mandatory in high schooIs, but it is necessaryfor the college entrance exams, right? That system needs to be changed I'm afraid.
※I'm afraid…((好ましくないことについて))…と思う,のようだ,残念ながら…と思う I'm afraid it will rain tonight 今夜は雨のようだ

(7)lt would be better if high school students could choose to learn foreign languages other than English as an elective course.
※other than~…~以外の

(8)If students could choose a language that they wanted to study, it seems only natural that their interest in that language would be greater.They wouldn't be forced to study English if they had no interest in it.

(9)l understand the Ministry of Education is thinking about it now. But since the college entrance exams require students to know English, l think it'll be a long time before any changes are made.

(10)College entrance exams appear to be the main obstacle as far as revision of the curriculum is concerned.
※appear…~らしい ~のようだ
♪obstacle…ア'ブスタコォ 意;障害
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Ideally, students should learn English from a native English speaker.

2016-05-25 23:00:59 | 日記









(7)~と一緒に 教科書と一緒に私はよくテープを使うのよ授業にね。だってネイティヴイングリッシュスピーカーの声なんですもの。





(1)They enjoy it because they understand it, I suppose.

(2)Why!? l had it 20 minutes ago! Oh no, l am completelyout of luck...

(3)But the code of English education says the purpose of learning English is to understand a different culture and to be able to communicate with people in that culture, right?

(4)That's right. Ideally, students should learn English from a native English speaker.
※ideally…理想を言えば 理想的に

(5)l understand that the textbooks have recently been revised in such a way that they are more interesting to the students.
※in such a way…このような方法で

(6)Yes, they have. English itself has become more communicative.

(7)Along with the text, l often use tapes for teaching because the voices are of native Englishs peakers.
※along with~…

(8)Sounds okay, but l'm not sure if l can. Besides, my students may tease(♪ティーズ) me if l pronounce English incorrectly.

(9)lt sure would be a shame for an English teacher not to be able to speak English. But l think there are a lot of things you have to do as a professional teacher like studying new teaching methods.The important thing for you is to do that.

(10)We are teaching English elementary schooI children at our JUKU, but I see there are problems. What we teach will be of no use to them when they go to junior high school because the English they learn there will be test-oriented for high school.
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I lost some weight.

2016-05-25 11:49:50 | 日記

You must be thinking 'SO WHAT!'.
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l bought a scooter in monthly installments.

2016-05-21 20:09:53 | 日記

lt is a fairly high-function in the foreign-made.
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They don't seem to be learning grammar through memorization, but by using English, they are na...

2016-05-21 19:57:50 | 日記














(1)former English education callegues

(2)They discussed current situation of English education in Japan.

(3)I haven't seen both of you for a long time. l hear you are very busat work every day.

(4)I have a hard time being a housewife and teacher at the same time.

(5)l understand. But Kitamura-san, you're a veteran teacher so you can manage it, can't you?
♪veteran…ヴェルらン 解るよ。

(6)I'm afraid I can't make classes interesting because l have to teach according to the code of education.

(7)I have fun team-teaching with an American teacher once a week though.

(8)l think the students enjoy singing English songs and playing games using their English for the lessons.

(9)They don't seem to be learning grammar through memorization, but by using English, they are naturally acquiring it.

(10)They have fun, but they are also serious about it.
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Thus, English became essential as a means of communication between those countries and Japan.

2016-05-20 17:19:35 | 日記














(1)During the Edo era, a period of approximately 300 years, Japan was closed country.

(2)Without contract or interact with other countries, a unique political and cultural society was formed.

(3)Eventually the opening of the countrie's borders meant the end of isoration and the beginning of a new age for Japan.

(4)Japan, traditionally having adopted only Eastern culture, was reborn as a new country which looked to the West.Gradually it started to import goods from countries such as Holland England and eventualIy from America.

(5)The new government of the Meiji era sent high ranking officials and scholars mainly to England and America in order to take in the new political system, economics, and culture.

(6)Thus, English became essential as a means of communication between those countries and Japan.
♪Thus~…舌噛んでザス 意;このように ※means…方法、手段

(7)Today the purose of English education at schools said to be acquiring English as a means of communication.

(8)One may wonder if there are any problems in English education at schools, and if there are, what kind of probems are they?

(9)He lived in America and got to know people living there. His experiences helped him acquire the English language.

(10)By utilizing his experiences of English acquisition and teaching,he has found meaning at his new working place.
♪acquisition…アクェズィシュン By utilizing…バイユールライズィン
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I lost some weight.

2016-05-16 18:43:23 | 日記

You must be thinking 'SO WHAT!'.
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