

My wife and I went yo Toranomon Hills today.

2015-12-13 17:35:50 | 日記


正直安い店はなかったので、ランチするには迷ったが、ビールとソーセージの好きな私は3FのToranomon HOPを訪れた。


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That much? It might be better to replace it. → Maybe, but I made the appointment already.

2015-12-13 16:56:10 | 日記





(3)そんなにするの? 新しいのに買い替えたほうがいいかもしれないな。→ そうかもね、でも、もう予約を入れちゃったわ。


(5)そうだね、問題が山積みだここを買ったときには、こんなにも修理する箇所があるなんて予想もできなかったよ。いい運試しだったってわけさでも、 一つひとつ解決していってるじゃないか。それに、どんな家だって何らかの問題を抱えているもんだよ。→ そうね、そのとおりだわ。


(7)平和そのものね。→ そうなんだよ。子どもたちが芝生で遊ぶ姿を見ながら、テラスに座って木陰で君とコーヒーなんか飲んでるとき、幸せだなあって感じるんだ。

(8)どうぞ泊まっていって。寝室がひとつ余っているんですよ。→ ええと、それじゃあお言葉に甘えて。




(1)All right, ma'am, the repairman will be there sometime Tuesday afternoon.

(2)You know they can't come for a week. And it will cost $90 just for him to come out and give us an estimate for parts and labor.The estimate will probably be at least another two or three hundred dollars.

(3)That much? It might be better to replace it. → Maybe, but I made the appointment already.

(4)That's okay. Why don't you do some research for new dishwashers online? If you find a good deal, then we can always call and cancel the appointment.

(5)Yeah, there have been many problems around here. When we bought this place, we couldn't have predicted that many things would need to be fixed. lt was just a chance we had to take. But we are over coming the problems one by one. Besides, every home is going to have its share of problems. → Yes,that's true.

(6)And you know, when Iget up every morning and the sun is shining through the big windows. I feel great. AII I can see and hear are the ducks swimming in the pond.

(7)It's peaceful, isn't it? → Yes, and when we sit on the deck and drink coffee together under the shade of the trees, and watch the kids playing on the lawn, I feel so happy.

(8)Please stay. We have an extra bedroom. → Well, if you insist...

(9)Your father wants you to go to college, but you feel you are just not smart enough.
You do not want to go.
Talk about this and explain how you feel and why.

(10)To be honest, I don't want to go to college.
I am not so interested in further study at college, and I don't think I am smart enough.
I am going to look for a place to work.
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