

We could go to a we could go to a home improvement center and see w hat they've got. home impr...

2015-12-09 20:49:29 | 日記










(8)それはそうと、ここに来てからトラブル続きだね。問題が起きるたびに、誰かに来て もらって直さないといけないだろ。でも、アメリカ人は、自分で修理をする人が多いんだ。

(9)そうだよね。それで、あなた、何かいい考えがあるの?え~っと、 ドゥ・イッ ・チュアセルフの本をそろえてみようかと思ってるんだ。それから、ホーム・センターに行って何があるか見てみようかな。

(10) それはいい考えだわ。でも、本当 にあなたが直せるのかしら。 例えば、トイレとか。 配管工事の専門家でさえ、うちのトイレを修理できなかったのよ。アメリカではウォシュレットが行き渡ってないかららしいけど


(1)I know a good roofer who redid our roof a few years ago.

(2)That's a professional who specializes in building and repairing roofs.

(3)Different parts of a home are often done by specialists. When building a new house, contractors often arrange for these different professionals to work on the same project

(4)The division of labor is really defined, isn't it?

(5)Yes. It's good because each one knows their field extremely well. But sometimes it's difficult, because one specialist often doesn't know much about the other jobs.

(6)Anyway, call the roofer I suggested and ask him to come over and give you an estimate.

(7)Thanks for everything, Anna; you've been a great help. → It's my pleasure. Good luck, Fumi.

(8)You know, we've been having trouble after trouble around here.Every time something goes wrong we have to call someone to come and fix it. But a lot of Americans fix these things by themselves.

(9)Yes, they do. So what are you getting at? Well, I was thinking about getting some do-it-yourself books. And we could go to a homeimprovement center and see what they've got.

(10)That's a good idea. But I doubt you could fix something like that toilet by yourself. Even the plumber couldn't do it because they aren't used to Washlets here in the States yet.
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