

He gets mischievous and jumps up on people.

2015-12-25 17:53:58 | 日記













(11)従順な 素直な 忠実な


(1)A cable is buried in the ground, so that you won't see anything.
♪bury…ベりー ※発音注意

(2)Small flags are lined around the perimeter.

(3)The dog wears a sensored collar, and if he passes over the border, he'll get a slight electric shock, that's all.

(4)So, wait awhile, and until then, just let him out regularly.
※名詞のwhileを用いると(for) a whileという形になるがこれを混同してstay for awhileと書くことも一般化している)

(5)Well, a puppy's teeth make his mouth itchy as they grow, so he feels better if he chews on something. Just give him a rawhide bone to chew on.

(6)And one last thing. He gets mischievous and jumps up on people. The other day, he jumped up on a small boy and made him fall over.

(7)That sounds convenient. I wouldn't mind having one put in right away.

(8)Here's her business card. I highly recommend her to train Pearl.

(9)He looks very excited to see you.

(10)We'll teach him more appropriate ways of showing his affection, like shaking your hand, rolling over, and playing"fetch"!.

(11)an obedient
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