

Did you know that in Native American folklore, the coyote is known for trying to be a trickst...

2015-10-30 07:43:31 | 日記








(6) 可哀想に。






(1)Don't worry, coyotes are harmless. Did you know that in Native American folklore, the coyote is known for trying to be a trickster and clever?

(2)How so? Well, in some tales, the coyote tries to trick others out of their food.

(3)Sometimes, he tried to make his life easier by planting cooked corn.

(4)Why would he do that?

(5)He was hoping that it would grow into a field of cooked corn that's ready to eat.

(6)Poor thing!

(7)So when he tries to do something the easy way, he ends up making his life more difficult, right?

(8)Isn't it nice to sit around the campfire together under the stars?

(9)lt's great. And so is dinner.

(10)I'll share the last piece with you.
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We are having grilled corn on the cob.

2015-10-29 08:28:31 | 日記



(1)テントはどうするの?→ 平らな場所を見つけなければならないし、旧式の杭を伴うテントだから地盤が固くなくちゃいけないんだ。



(4)どんな味付けをしたの?→ 粗びきこしようとシーズニングソルト、それにガーリック・パウダーを入れてみたんだ。




(8)暗くなってきたね。→ うん、それに月が山際にのぼってきたよ。




(1)How about the tent? → We need to find some flat ground. And this is an older style tent with stakes, so the ground needs to be hard,too.

(2)Okay. Then we can gather some wood for the campfire.

(3)The coals are ready in the Hibachi. Where are the steaks?

(4)What did you put on them? → I added fresh ground pepper, seasoning salt, and garlic powder

(5)They look great. → I also put some mesquite woodchips in the Hibachi. They will give the steaks a smoky flavor.

(6)What else are we having for dinner? → We are having baked potatoes, which I wrapped in foil to put in the campfire to cook.

(7)Plus, we are having grilled corn on the cob.
※Cob…芯 穂軸

(8)It's starting to get dark. → Yes, and the moon is starting to rise over the ridge.

(9)I think it's I full moon. That means the coyotes will be out tonight.

(10)Yes, they will be out looking for food and howling at the moon.
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But be careful, they don't call it Bear HoIIow for nothin'.

2015-10-27 21:22:03 | 日記




(2)外に食べ物を出したままにしなければ、熊を見ることもないよ。→ そう願うね。










(1)Anyhow, where are you going camping?

(2)Just don't leave food out and you won't even see any bears. → I hope not


(4)Where do you hail from? → I hail from New York.

(5) It's so beautiful out here with all of the pine trees and grassy hills

(6)Yes, it's a small meadow with woods and hills all around.

(7)What's that black stuff with the rocks around it? → That's the spot for the campfire.

(8)Perfect. Let's get our camp set up.

(9)Where should we put the outhouse?

(10)Hmm... We need to hang the tarps up like shower curtains, so we can tie them to some trees over there. Then we dig a hole in the middle.
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Hibachi is a Japanese term for a small ceramic heater that burns ch arcoal.

2015-10-26 07:43:27 | 日記














(1)eating utensils

(2)But that's not really getting back to nature; besides, there will be a lot of people and RVs in places like that.
※RV…recreational vehicle

(3)You're right. We're here to get away from other people.

(4)Those are great. They fold up to a compact size.
※(自)(←(他))折れる,折り重なる,たためる((away,back,down,up))⇒(他)1The fishing pole folds up into a case .その釣りざおはたためばケースにはいる

(5)That's interesting. Hibachi is a Japanese term for a small ceramic heater that burns charcoal.
※用語 専門語 ♪ceramic…スラーミク

(6)Look at all of these rifles and gun for hunting. They even have bows and arrows.

(7)People can just come in and buy a gun off the shelf?

(8)Well, you need a permit to carry a concealed handgun. People need to have a back ground check and a clean record to get approved for the permit.

(9)But you don't need anything but money to buy a gun here, but you need the permit to carry a gun with you in public.

(10)In New York, people need to get a permit for each gun they buy. → Well, I imagine they'd be stricter about it back there.
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I meant it facetiousIy. = I didn't mean it seriously.

2015-10-25 11:56:23 | 日記








(6)冗談だよ。= まじにとらないで。






(1)Are there Dinosaur fossils here?
♪dinosaur…ダイヌソウァ fossil…フォスゥ

(2)Maybe we can drive there on our way back to Portland.

(3)We need to get the rest of our camping supplies here.
※rest of~…~の残り

(4)There is a checklist somewhere in that camping guide.


(6)I meant it facetiousIy. = I didn't mean it seriously.

(7)slicker ♪スリカー

(8)thermal underwear.

(9)Oh, no, I don't want to be cold.→You will be fine. We will make campfires, and we will use a heater in the tent.

(10)A water container and water purifying pills.
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But as peaceful and beautiful as it is, I would get bored out her e after a while. I would f...

2015-10-23 22:07:30 | 日記














(1)This is so much fun. I feel like a kid again. Just being out here makes me feel free from everything.

(2)Life's everyday worries and concerns seem so distant.

(3)In today's fast-paced society, there is so much to think about. There is too much information these days.

(4)Information has made us more aware and given us the freedom of choice. But now there is almost too much to choose from.

(5)And there are advertisement everywhere trying to get you to buy something.

(6)Being out here now makes none of that seem important. It's just us together in the wilderness.

(7)But as peaceful and beautiful as it is, I would get bored out here after a while. I would feel isolated from the rest of the world.

(8)I would, too. I'll be looking forward to returning to the comforts of home soon.

(9)So will I. Being out here gives us a chance to recharge, then we can go back to the city feeling refreshed.

(10)Yes, then we won't have to feel overwhelmed by information and worries. We can realize what is important to us, and put things back in perspective.
※In perspectIve…(1)⇒1(2)((比喩))正しい釣り合い(3)真相を正しく(4)見込まれて
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He would rather "hunt" with his camera, and l respect that.

2015-10-22 08:27:37 | 日記














(1)What about places to just go out and "rough it''?
※rough it…不便な暮らしをする

(2)Oh, yes, there are many beautiful places to camp out in Japan.

(3)We'll be back in October for deer hunting season.

(4)Then in November, a few diehards will brave the snowy weather for elk hunting season.

(5)Can anyone hunt during the hunting seasons?

(6)Well, you need to have a hunting license.

(7)Well, my son, Tylor just turned twelve, so it will be his first time

(8)Really? Children are allowed to hunt?

(9)Yes, but he had to take a class to ge this Hunter Safety Certificate first.

(10)His brother, Joel, over there is fifteen, but he's never been interested in hunting or fishing. He would rather "hunt" with his camera, and l respect that.
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We heard great things about Oregon, so we thought we would come and see if they were true.

2015-10-21 15:03:57 | 日記














(1)What kind of noises? Coyotes?
♪coyote…カイオォウリ 或いは カィヨォリ

(2)No, Dad kept snoring. And he was really loud, too.

(3)I didn't even notice, I guess I'm used to it.

(4)After breakfast, let's pack a picnic lunch, then go hiking.

(5)CooI, let's hike to the top of that ridge!

(6)These woods are so dense right here that I can't see where we are going.

(7)Too bad we couldn't bring the GPS system hiking with us.

(8)We didn't mean to come into your campsite.

(9)New York? That's a long way to come camping, isn't it?

(10)Yes, but we heard great things about Oregon, so we thought we would come and see if they were true.
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See, the birds are near the campfire. I think they found some dinne r scraps.

2015-10-20 21:48:28 | 日記














(1)Wake up, Mom. I hear the birds outside.

(2)Okay. Let me get this tent door unzipped first.

(3)See, the birds are near the campfire. I think they found some dinner scraps.


(5)railroad crossing

(6)It's another beautiful day, isn't it?

(7)Did everyone sleep well last night?

(8)I slept fine. Those down feather sleeping bags are really warm.Were you kids warm enough?

(9)Yes, the tent's warm, but it's cold out here!

(10)I was warm enough, but I kept hearing noises.
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I'll go see if we can still get in the restaurant. It looks crowd ed.

2015-10-16 22:10:33 | 日記










(10)今日のことごめん。→ あなたのせいじゃないわ。誰にでもあるこよ。私はそれでも楽しかったわ。


(1)How many times have you been tthis park?

(2)Oh, probably three or four times.

(3)I'll bet you bring all your girlfriends here.

(4)I like that necklace. lt looks good on you.

(5)I'm really embarrassed.

(6)No wonder.

(7)I can fix it so that nobody will notice it.

(8)I'll go see if we can still get in the restaurant. It looks crowded.

(9)I wanted to take you somewhere a bit fancier. I can't believe that all the nice grestaurants are full tonight.

(10)I'm sorry for all this.→It wasn't
your fault. It can happen to anyone. I still had a good time.
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It's magnificent! I didn't think it would be so big.

2015-10-14 21:52:02 | 日記






(4)信じたでしょ? → まぁ、ちょっとわね。

(5)手をつないでもいい? → 噛みついたりしない?







(1)Isn't the weather great? The sun is out, and there's not a cIoud in the sky.

(2)I thought it was going to rain. That's what the weather report said.

(3)It's magnificent! I didn't think it would be so big.

(4)You believed me, didn't you? → Well, maybe just a little bit.

(5)Can I hold your hand? → Do you promise not to bite me?

(6)Well, things are turning out better than the last time.

(7)What a weird night! I thought you wouldn't like me

(8)I've liked you from the first time I met you.

(9)Look at those beautiful fIowers. This place is nice. How did you find it?

(10)How many times have you been tthis park?
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What happened with that girl you went out with last weekend?

2015-10-12 18:29:30 | 日記





(3)じゃぁまた。→ それじゃまた。

(4)うそだろ? → いやホント。


(6)笑える~。→ そりゃお前には可笑しいだろうよ。

(7)で何故最悪だったんだ? → 全てがうまくいかなかったんだ。

(8)きっと落ち込んでいるだろうね。 → そうだと思うよ。


(10)いいわ。じゃぁ1時間くらいしたら迎えに来てくれる? → よ~っしゃ。


(1)What happened with that girl you went out with last weekend?
→Oh, it didn't work out

(2)Don't worry, I'm just kidding.

(3)Take care. → See you around.

(4)You're kidding! → No, I swear.

(5)We tried to find another place. But every place was packed. We ended up going to McDonald's.

(6)That's funny! → You might think it's funny.

(7)Then why was it a disaster?→Things kept going wrong.

(8)Wow, he must feel pretty bad.→Yeah, I think he does.

(9)I hope she asks me out again.

(10)Okay. So you'll swing by in about an hour? → You bet
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2015-10-12 08:06:39 | 日記

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Yes, we got along great.He's really funny.

2015-10-11 18:26:03 | 日記














(1)No, no, I'll do that. You can look around at everything.

(2)lt's rarely sold individually like this.

(3)Are all of these vegetables grown in America, too?

(4)Many of them are. But a lot of them are imported, too.

(5)Many of these vegetables are unfamiliar to Japanese people. What's this?

(6)That's an artichoke. It's usually boiled and served with a sauce.

(7)I heard you went on a date with Mike the other night. How was it?

(8)A disaster.

(9)Didn't you two get along?

(10)Yes, we got along great. He's really funny.
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My blog got more than thousand PV for 2 consecutive days!

2015-10-11 08:48:57 | 日記

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