

lt's so easy to just pick up the phone and order something thayou're tempted by.

2015-09-30 07:41:01 | 日記





(3)6$も財布に入っていなかったの? 実はそうなんだ。







(10)心が動いたら、電話の受話器をとって、 注文するだけだから、凄く簡単だよ。


(1)Although, I've read that it's causing problems in the economy.
♪オールゾォ↑アイヴれダリッツ コウズィンプろブレムズ インニコーノミ

(2)Many people use credit cards to pay for very inexpensive things.

(3)You didn't eyen have six dollars in your wallet? No, actually.

(4)Oh, speaking of credit card charges, we got another bill for the CD collection that you ordered.
♪オウスピーキンノヴダクれディッカーdチャージズ ウィーガラナダビゥフォダシィーディー

(5)I thought that they already charged us for that last month.

(6)Well, I'm sorry if you thought that,
but the ad does explain the four installments.

(7)Would you like to return the merchandise?

(8)Just return the CDs in their original packaging.

(9)You have to be careful. You must have been reminiscing with the music, and didn't hear the details.
♪reminisce …りミニース

(10)It's so easy to just pick up the phone and order something that you're tempted by.
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Many companies include a return shipping label that covers theposta ge, to make it easy to ret...

2015-09-27 17:42:20 | 日記



(1)丁度良いサイズを探すのは難しいんじゃないの? 色だって写真と違うことだってあるでしょ?











(1)Isn't it difficult to select the right size? AIso, the coIors can often be different from the photo.
♪イズニディフィカル トゥセレクt ダらイツァーイズ↑

(2)Well, sometimes it isn't what I've expected. But I can return or exchange the items.
♪ウェルツァムツィムズ イリズンワライヴ イクスペクティd バライキャンりタ~ンノ~ ディアイレムズ

(3)Then you have to pay for the shipping?

(4)Unless it's the company'smistake, yes. Many companies include a return shipping label that covers the postage, to make it easy to return or exchange items.
※unless…=if not 或いは except that

(5)Overall, l think that catalog shopping is very convenient.

(6)At first, I was nervous about using my credit card over the phone.

(7)But, credit card companies are good about protecting you if there are fraudulent charges reported.

(8)That's a relief. Most Americans use their credit and debit cards for almost everything.
♪ダーツァりリーフ モウスタメりカンズ ユーズデアクれディータンデビッカーd

(9)Yes. They feel safer carrying only a little cash. Cards are more difficult for a criminal to use.

(10)If they get stolen, it's easy to cancel credit cards and to place stop-payments on your checks.
♪イフゲッツトウルン イッツイーズィトゥキャンツェル クレディッカーズァン トゥプレイス ストッペイムンツ オンニュアチェックス
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Is this the age of convenience, or of laziness?

2015-09-26 20:58:27 | 日記















(1)Look at this stack of catalogs. CIothing, toys, jewelry, housewares, home electronics,'!green"goods, there's even a catalog of catalogs.

(2)You know, products that are more environmentally friendly.

(3)Many consumers are concerned about the environment, so they try to buy things that are made from recycled or natural materials

(4)Many companies are going''green" too, trying to conserve more and pollute less.

(5)Some companies only use the internet and don't send catalogsany more.

(6)This is really a sign of the times.
※a sign of the times…時勢の表れ(反映)

(7)Oh, yes. Everything you could possibly need is delivered to your front door.

(8)Is this the age of convenience, or of laziness?

(9)I think it's both. So many people work outside of the home these days that it's easier to order through a catalogor even the lnternet.

(10)They'll even deliver you groceries in Manhattan, where many people don't have cars.

(11)for instance
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Kids beg to go there on the weekends and hang out with their friends.

2015-09-24 19:49:18 | 日記














(1)Well, they're certainly big enough.
♪ウェゥ ゼイアサートゥンリ ビギナーフ

(2)What do they do all day, though?
♪ワッデイドゥゼイドゥ オールデイゾォ↓

(3)Yes, and kids beg to go there on the weekends and hang out with their friends.
※英語の「hang out」と日本語の「遊ぶ」のニュアンスはすごく似ているので、「遊ぼうよ!」を英語にすると、「Let's hang out!」がぴったりだそうです。

(4)That's when the catalogs come in handy!

(5)Yes, but I like tle festivities and Christmas decorations then.

(6)Oh, I just remembered something.

(7)His wife's birthday is coming up, and he's not much of a shopper.

(8)I thought of the shopping service you've used.

(9)That's the one.

(10)Does it cost a lot of money?
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I figured we could do a whole tour of theme at once.

2015-09-23 13:15:49 | 日記




(2)あぁ、テーマ・ストアはとても人気があるんだよ。まるで、 遊園地みたいなんだ。










(1)They will tease Fumi if he doesn't have anything new.

(2)Well, theme stores are very popular. They are almost like amusement parks.

(3)I figured we could do a whole tour of theme at once.
※figure…((主に米略式))〈轆(わだち)であると〉思う,判断する((that節));…が(…すると)思う((to do))
※tour…視察 見学。「あちこち見て回る」 という動詞もある

(4)Toys "R" Us is on our list, too.

(5)Oh, the one in Times Square is the biggest toy store in Manhattan.

(6)I hear there's a huge Ferris wheel inside, and each car is a famous toy.

(7)So where are you taking the kids for their "Back-to-School" shopping?

(8)We're going to the Westchester Mall. Shopping malls are a good place to go, especially on a rainy day like today.

(9)People can spend all day in the mall, wandering through all of theshops.

(10)Some malls in Japan are like that now, too.
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Ever since their friends went, they're dying to go.

2015-09-22 10:37:48 | 日記














(1)I've got a better idea. Don't go anywhere at all. The kids have plenty of cIothes

(2)Just in case of what?

(3)Chie has a cIoset full of shirts!

(4)Just because a store is having asale doesn't mean you have to invent a reason to go shopping.

(5)You can't beat the "Back to SchooI" salles.

(6)Well, that's what the stores want you to think!

(7)Well, don't overdo it, two new outfits should be fine.

(8)He's worn it into the ground! And Chie doen't have a decent dress.
※run ... into the ground <行為などを〉やりすぎる; (激しい仕事などで) 〈人を〉 くたくたにさせる; 〈物を〉だめにする
♪decent…ディーセンt まともな 適正な

(9)They've been begging to go to the Disney Store.

(10)Ever since their friends went, they're dying to go.
※ever since (then) …その後ずっと be dying to do…したくて仕方がない
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Apparently, it's a good strategy.

2015-09-20 17:48:09 | 日記






(4)届ける 車から降ろす 配達する





(9)なる程! 学年の初めには、子どもに新しい服が必要って店に思い込まされているってわけだ。




(1)Mmmm. It smells good.

(2)I agree. It's a treat for everybody.

(3)Do you have any errands today?

(4)drop off~

(5)I need to deposit a check.

(6)teller…語り手の意味以外に 銀行の)金銭出納係;出納主任;窓口係, 計算係; (議会の)投票集計係 などの意

(7)You rarely need to walk into a bank these days.

(8)Well, that too. Summer things are on clearance, and fall items are 20-30%off.

(9)Ah, now I see! The stores have everyone thinking that they neednew cIothes to start the school.

(10)Well, you know how stores create themes for sales to attract customers.

(11)Apparently, it's a good strategy.
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I could live on garlic bread!

2015-09-19 11:53:59 | 日記














(1)What are we having?

(2)How'd he do that?

(3)Do I have to change out of my play cIothes?
※change out of~…~着替える

(4)The answer is no, and no.

(5)I want fried mozzarella and spumoni.

(6)Well, we have salad in the fridge and our own ice cream instead.

(7)That sounds right. What's the total.
♪ダッサウンズらイ ワッダトーロー↓

(8)Looks delicious. Do we have anywine to go with this, dear?

(9)I like eating at home better. Mmmm.

(10)Mmmm, I could get used to this.
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We have leftover salad in the fridge.

2015-09-18 08:16:43 | 日記














(1)And we have leftover salad in the fridge.

(2)I have to pick them up around 6:00.

(3)You'd better get going then.

(4)I wouldn't mind doing this every night.

(5)I'll take the halibut broiled in garlic butter.

(6)Hello, l'd like to place an order for delivery.
※place…注文する 申し込む

(7)Okay, what would you like to order?

(8)the calamari appetizer
音節 `cal・a・ma・ri 《イタリア料理》イカ. 烏賊の足がからまりそうで憶えよう

(9)Alright…that comes to$62.73, including tax.
♪$62.73…スィックストゥーダラrザン セヴニθりぃセンt

(10) How Iong will it take?
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I haven't decided yet. Maybe we should go out.

2015-09-16 22:02:44 | 日記







(5)てなわけで ということにして それきりにして





(10)でも、ほとんどが中華かピザよ。→ ユVニバーサル・ピザにはパスタやシーフードのようなおいしそうなものがあるよ。


(1)early evening

(2)Hi honey. Are you finished for the night?

(3)Oh, I know. It's never really finished.

(4)Well, you have to know when to draw the line and leave your work alone for a little while.
leave ~alone… ~をそのままにしておく ~を放っておく

(5)on that note

(6)I'm getting hungry. What shall we do for dinner?

(7)I haven't decided yet. Maybe we should go out.

(8)Oh, I think I'm too tired for that. Why don't we order in?

(9)We have a lot of menus for places that deliver.

(10)But they're mostly limited to Chinese or pizza. → Universal Pizza has a nice selection of ltalian food, like pasta and seafood.
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You know what? You're right.

2015-09-15 20:13:44 | 日記





(3)それ見てもいい? 君の昔の写真ないの? 君の家族の写真も見せてよ。









(1)Wow, weather's perfect, dude. Isn't it awesom.

(2)I told them to be here at noon.

(3)Can I look at it? Are there any old photos of you? Show me some more photos of your family.

(4)You know what? You're right.
※You know what?…そもそもDo you know what?の略で「あのさ~」「ねぇねぇ」「やっぱさぁ」という感覚。

(5)What about the garbage? Have you taken it out?

(6)How many times do I have to tell you?You can't go out until you've finished your chores.

(7)But it's getting late. I promise I'll do it later.

(8)No, I said!Go and do it now!

(9)Well, what about a bottle of coIogne?

(10)I'm home. Is anyone here?
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We can go fishing and boating every day. Then at night, we can have barbecues, and sing songs

2015-09-14 22:14:22 | 日記














(1)If I get this project finished on time, then maybe we can join you.

(2)Great! Do you have any campineg equipment?

(3)I feel sick.→You don't look so good. You should stay home today. Go to bed and I'll bring you some herbal tea.

(4)Here's an extra pillow if you need it.

(5)I'lI cook you some chicken soup.

(6)Call me if you need anything, okay?

(7)We have a big tent that we never use. And sleeping bags. I guess we'll have to buy things like lanterns and a big cooler.

(8)We can go fishing and boating every day. Then at night, we can have barbecues, and sing songs around the campfire.

(9)Sounds like you could really use this trip.

(10)Yeah, it sounds fabulous. I'lI see if I can take the time off work.
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We're going camping next month. Why don't you take some time off work? Your family can come w...

2015-09-13 21:08:20 | 日記



(1)すぐにでも結婚 いたい?






(7)来月キャンプに行くんだけど、君は何日か休みとれないか? 君の家族も僕らと一緒に行こうよ。





(1)Do you want to get married soon?

(2)No, not right away. I haven't found the right person yet.

(3)That would be nice.

(4)It's better to be poor and happy rather than rich and miserable.

(5)What's wrong? You look really tired.

(6)I am. This project at work is wearing me out.

(7)We're going camping next month. Why don't you take some time off work? Your family can come with us

(8)We're going up to the State Park.

(9)It's great to get away from the city for a while. Get back to the basics, you know?

(10)Have you been up to the State Park before? Yes, a couple of times.
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Maybe we can cheer him up. Why don't we take him out this weekend?

2015-09-13 17:32:31 | 日記














(1)Yeah, I've noticed that, too. I know his parents are getting divorce. He must be worried about them.

(2)Maybe we can cheer him up. Why don't we take him out this weekend?

(3)He needs to get out and enjoy himself.

(4)Should we see a movie or something?

(5)Let me see what he'd like to do.

(6)What do you want your life to be like ten years from now?

(7)These days, I just want to be healthy and happy. That's all.

(8)You know, that's really nice.

(9)I thought you wanted to stay single.

(10)I thought I did, too. But I changed my mind.
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I couldn't understand it at all.

2015-09-12 18:57:31 | 日記










(8)後でうちに来ない? 夕食もご馳走するわ。


(10)Fumiに何があったか知ってる? 最近元気がないんだ。


(1)Were you able to do the biology assignment?

(2)Some of it. But it was pretty hard. How about you?

(3)I couldn't do any of it. I couldn't understand it at all.
♪~。アイクドゥンナンダスタン ディラロー

(4)Will you help me with it? → Sure, I'll try.

(5)I'm on my way to the library right now. Why don't you come with me?
♪~。ワイドンチュカム ウィズミ↓

(6)That doesn't work for me right now. 或いは I can't work on it right now.

(7)I have something else to do.

(8)Why don't you come to my house later? You can stay for dinner, too.

(9)Anyway, I have to get to the library. I've got a lot of things to do

(10)Do you know what's wrong with Fumi? He doesn't seem very happy lately. He's been really quiet.
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