

I know we should live separately from my parents, but l'm the only son so we can't would be a...

2016-02-29 18:51:08 | 日記








(6) 時々あなたのことがわからなくなることがあるの。 私たち二人きりのときには、優しいのに、お母さんが一緒だと別な人になってしまう。






(1)You always take me to your friends' and take pride in showing me off to them, right? It's okay with me if you want that but I'm not so happy with those people.

(2)Church is the place I really want you to take me to. And you should know that, Takeru. I sometimes get lonely.

(3)you are the only one I can depend on, and nobody else. I want you to know that.

(4)I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't communicate with you.

(5)I am sometimes in difficult situations too, being caught between you and my parents. Because you and they can't communicate directly with each other because of the language problem.

(6)Recently, I've not been happy. I sometimes don't understand you. When we are by ourselves and nobody else is around, you are so kind. But you change when your mother is with us.

(7)Like yesterday, your mother came into our room, and started toclean the room suddenly. She was saying something the room was dirty. I clean our room, but she just doesn't see it

(8)I know we should live separately from my parents, but I'm the only son so we can't would be a disgrace for my parents if we did. And I don't want them to be ashamed.

(9)I am not yet her"good daughter-in-law! But I'd like to be like a Japanese wife as soon as possible. It's so hard for me not to be ableto cook for your father. He needs to eat more.

(10)Shortly after that, his father was sent to the hospital because he got very sick.
※get very sick…重い病気にかかる、重病を患う
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I won't force you to become a Christian now, but at least I wantyou to understand how importan...

2016-02-26 07:33:47 | 日記














(1)I'll take your mother with us until the ceremony. My husband would be happy to see her and talk because he had been in Japan long time ago.

(2)Seeing her, he started to relax and even felt love for her, although he had grudged against her. Those were all gone now.

(3)When he saw his aged, worn-out mother, he realized for the first time her love for him.

(4)His mother, as her mother-in-law welcomed her with big smile.

(5)We're gonna be hit by a car driving in the opposite direction.

(6)You made an oath at the wedding, right?
※oath…誓い ♪オウθ

(7)It depends on how you think about it.

(8)That's part of it, but ... maybe this is my problem.

(9)I'm not going to become a monk but I don't think Ican say that we are going to church as long as we live in a temple.
※as long as…~する限り

(10)I won't force you to become a Christian now, but at least I want you to understand how importantit is for me to go to church.
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I thought you wouldn't have understood if I'd explained about Japan , my family. Neither would...

2016-02-24 14:23:06 | 日記




(2) 彼女は何も欲しくはないと思うよ。 そのうえ、母は何を言ってもやっても受け入れないかもしれない。 子どもの僕がかわいい一心でついて来たけど、もう限界でどうしようもないみたいです。










(1)Tell me if there is something you wants.

(2)I don't think she wants anything now.
Besides, she wouldn't accept whatever we say or do now, maybe.
She came along with me because sheIoves me as I'm her child, but I see howlimited and unprepared she was.

(3)I'm afraid she's become somewhat confused and distressed.
※somewhat…幾分 多少
♪distressed…ディスれッスt <意>悩んでいる・苦しんでいる

(4)Will you, please? She'll feel at ease. Otherwise I'll have to take her back to Japan right now.
※feel at ease…安心する

(5)Fumiaki, it may be harsh, but you are the one who has decided and you will decide things from now on too.
※you are the one~…~したのはあなたよ

(6)Anna has also chosen you to marry. We were against this marriage when she first talked to us.

(7)Especially because you have a different religion.

(8)I thought you wouldn't have understood if I'd explained about Japan, my family. Neither would you have understood if I told you I'd take my mother back home.

(9)Besides, I don't know how I could have explained in English the true situation about my mother. I thought about the worst case, that is me giving up Anna. Then I got even more confused.
※could have過去分詞「~したのかもしれない」「~だったのかもしれない」
※even more…一層

(10)Mrs. Saeki, having talked with Anna's mother over the phone, understood the situation and came over to Anna's.
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l am fed up with it now being tucked away in the attic. lt is not even a room

2016-02-22 08:12:10 | 日記














(1)What in the world do you think I am?

(2)On the plane, I was thinking that I didn`t give birth to you just to let you marry an American.
※give birth to...〈子を〉産む(bear)

(3)I sure regret that your father and I let you study abroad.

(4)Now I hate your father for letting you do what you wanted to do,only to spoil you.

(5)You have no idea of what I'm going through! You are so selfish!
I forced myself to come.
※go through…(いくつかの)困難などを切り抜ける,…に耐える;…を経験する

(6)I didn't want to come here and I've wanted to go back, not knowing the language and not wanting to embarrass you either.
※<not~ing> 「~しない[ではない]こと」<never~ing> 「決して~[ではない] しないこと

(7)But I am fed up with it now being tucked away in the attic. It is not even a room.
※be fed up…(1)((話))(…に)うんざりしている,飽き飽きする,食傷する;いらいらしている((with, of, about...;that節))
※be tucked away…人目につかない場所に置かれる((away))
※not even…((米俗))まったく…ない;とんでもない ♪ナリーヴン

(8)Leave me alone and you just get on with your wedding with Anna!
※get on with…~をどんどん進める

(9)Mother, don't talk to me like that because I know how you feel and that hurts me, too. lt's not easy for me either.

(10)At a loss, I went down to the livjng room where Anna's parents were.
※at a loss…途方に暮れて 困りはてて
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When he and his mother arrived at Janet's house, his mother was in mental turmoil, because...

2016-02-20 15:24:33 | 日記














(1)Despite disappointing and betraying his father's expectation, he went on a Christian university to become English teacher.

(2)Trying to see Janet and get a chance to talk about marriage to her, he got a job in the tourist industry after his graduation.
※trying to ~…~しようとして
※tourist industry…観光事業

(3)Japan achieve rather rapid economic growth, made more people want to travel oversea.

(4)Mr. Higashiminowa had a lot of opportunities to go America as tour escort or interpreter.

(5)Many Japanese English teachers began to study in America to meet those demands as well as acquire "communicable English skills".

(6)Naturally, being attracted by an international setting, Mr. Higashiminowa often guided such teachers for language training program at college in America.

(7)While the teachers studied at the college dorm, Mr. Higashiminowa took short leaves and spent time with Anna at her house back in Wisconsin.
※take leave…去る、去りゆく、離れる

(8)It was two years after he had started to work in the tourist industry when he visited America with his elderly mother for the marriage to his American girlfriend, Anna.

(9)When he and his mother arrived at Anna's house, his mother was in mental turmoil, because of utter unfamiliarity. and he himself was too, with mixed feeling of the joy over his future with Anna, and at the same time anxiety for his mother's reaction.
※turmoil…動揺 混乱 ♪トゥアモイゥ
※utter…全くの 完全な
unfamiliarity…親しみのなさ 馴染めない
anxiety…不安 心配 ♪アングザイアティ

(10)Why don't you behave like a Japanese man, Fumiaki! You are a Japanese man through and through.
※ through and through…(1)すっかり,徹底的に,(2)あらゆる点で,徹頭徹尾
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His fascination witn the West became even stronger because of Janet , the girl whom he met at ...

2016-02-17 21:35:39 | 日記



(9)とても伝統的な日本の環境下の寺で生まれた荒木さんは彼が育ってきた 直近の周囲とは全く異なるアメリカと英語の世界に惹かれていきました。


(1) I don'r like horizontal stripes, because I look fat.
(2) I think it's cute.
(3) I really like Chris. I think he's very cool.
(4)Speak of the devil, here comes Chris!
(5)Where can I catch a taxi?
(6)I've heard that your daughter has been sick? Is she okay?
(7)She's been in bed since last weekend, but she's on the mend now.
(8)How long will it take to get there?
(9)Mr.Higashiminowa was born at a temple in a very traditional Japanese environment, was attracted to America and the English spaking world which was totally different from immediate surrounding where he grew up.
(10)His fascination witn the West became even stronger because of Janet, the girl whom he met at school, and gradually his thought inclined to marriage to her.
※even…なお, いっそう, さらに
※incline…心が傾く, 気が向く, したいと思う
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Cross that bridge when you come to it.

2016-02-15 08:08:39 | 日記





(1)Without expectation.
(2)Without fear; unafraid.
(3)Without help; defenseless.
(4)I'm in love with you.
(5) Aw, me too. I love you so much.
(6)An elephant can be pregnant for two years.
(7)Can you please remember to brush the cat every once in a while?
※every once in a while…たまに、時々
(8)Does brushing with my fingers count?
(10)Cross that bridge when you come to it.
(11)Things are getting complicated. I might need a lawyer, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
(12)I hope things will work out well with you.
(13) What time are you getting up tomorrow?
(14)I have to go to the ward office before work, so pretty early.
(15)Like how early?
→Maybe seven?
(16)Oh, that's not too bad. Okay.
(17)off duty
(18)Here comes a taxi!
(19)No, look, it says "off duty".
(20) I saw a super cute Siberian kitten in a pet shop in Shibuya. Only two months old. Guess how much it cost?
(21) I'm gonna say 400,000 yen?
(22)Close. 500,000.
(23)Shit! That's a way more than Takane cost!
※way…遥かに ずっと
(24)Yeah, I know, right?
(25)What's the temperature? 
(26)It's 25℃ now.
※25℃…twenty five degrees
(27)Have you ever eaten a raw fish?
(28)Have you ever been in a car accident?
(29)Have you done homework yet?
(30)Have you seen the movie yet?
(31)Have you got it yet?
(32)I have been sick.
(33)I have been busy.
(34)What happened to all of Takane's toys?
※What happened to ~はどうなった?
(35)Good question. Let's check under the couch. I'll lift it up, you check.
(36)OK. [...looking under couch...] Oh my god there are like a dozen toys under here. Ew, they're all dusty.
(37)I have been meaning to (do something).
(38)I have been meaning to study English, but I've been so busy.
(39)That's a good excuse.
(40)Who did you choose as the new chief?
(41) I chose James after all. He has been working very hard, and is a good team-worker.
(42)How come?
(43)I am so dissapointed. All the manager said no to my plan.
(44)How come? I thought it was great.
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How about going for a stroll after supper?

2016-02-14 10:33:03 | 日記



(1)嬉しいのは分かっているけれど、 テンションを上げ過ぎないように。
(2)ホテルには、 どのくらいで着きますか?


(1)I know you're happy, but don't get too hyper .
(2)How long will it take to the hotel?
(3)I happen to know her.
(4)How about going for a stroll after supper?
※stroll… 散歩 動詞も名詞もある
(5)It's too cold at night. Let's do it tomorrow morning.
(6)It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
(7)Where are you going to saty in London?
(8)I am going to stay at Bob's place for a while.
(9)I made the pie from scratch.
※スクラッチ(scratch) は英語で「かすり傷」「ひっかき傷」および「ひっかく」行為とその擬音、または派生して「ゼロから」「最初から」などを意味する。
(10)I can't be bothered to go to the party tonight.
※I can't be bothered to ~…わざわざ~する気になれない
(11)How was that movie?→Not bad.
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Please stop winding me up!

2016-02-13 11:01:03 | 日記





(1)The film was absurdly boring.
(2)Can I have one?
(3)As expected, she didn't show up on the date.
(4)That's more than welcome, more the merrier.
(5)I don`t like anyone who is too posh.
(6)Is this seat taken?
(7) Wow, your nails are beautiful.
(8)Than kyou. I got it on a whim today.
(9)I have some errands to run.
(10)How about meeting up at 6?
(11)Can I join you around 8? I have some errands to run.
(12)Please stop winding me up!
(13)It took more time than I'd expected.
(14)I took an English test yesterday.It was easy peasy!
(15)It was such a hectic day today.
(16)How can I eat them?
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2016-02-13 06:24:18 | 日記

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I feel little homesick, I guess,

2016-02-08 21:36:20 | 日記








(6)私たちはどこに行くの? → 湖の隣の公園に行こう。






(1)All I remembered what she was smiling at me while I was talking somehow.

(2)Anyway, I hear Japan has changed very much, like many cards had engine trouble on the high-way to Haneda, JNR made a model change on the doors, and the Beatles visited there.

(3)I feel little homesick, I guess, but I started to think of that girl I mentioned about. So I don't feel like going back home.

(4)Her name is Maria, by the way. She is really something.

(5)Mr.Higashiminowa's one year stay in America changed his life drastically.

(6)Where should we go?→Let's go to the park next to the lake.

(7)She won't go anywhere without her boyfriend, Fumiaki. She can bring him along if she wants.

(8)I think I'll ask my mom and dad as well. They love spending time with the kids.They've been complaining that they never see the kids anymore.

(9)We haven't done anything as a family in a long time. Everyone is so busy. No one has time these days.

(10)When I was a kid, my family did a lot together. I miss those days. This will be great. It will be nice to get everyone together again.
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Everyone is attracted to them. Theydon't seem to like the pale studious types.

2016-02-04 08:35:53 | 日記















(1)Everyone is attracted to them. They don't seem to like the pale studious types.

(2)It's true there are such intellectual, and they are also themselves a lot, not worried about what other people think.

(3)You may think they are concerned about comparison, but they aren't. Maybe it has something to do with their value.

(4)I've got to be tested on how much I've learned every Friday.

(5)I would have avoided taking it but it's mandatory. No pain no gain, I guess.

(6)First of all, I can't get into American History, you know?

(7)There is one girl who seemed so gentle, reserved and kind.

(8)One day I was chatting with her in the hall during the lunch break as usual.

(9)Would you like to give a talk on The opening of Japan' in my history class next week, Fumiaki?

(10)I accepted her request, but I didn't know what and how I could do it.

(11) It was too late to take back what I said, and I realized how little I knew about my own country what I spoke.
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What's shocked me the most was that, over here, that girls are very bossy.

2016-02-02 15:28:03 | 日記










(8)生徒達はFumiakiは一番頭のいいOsamu Nacazawaより頭がいいと言い始めたんだ。




(1)What's shocked me the most was that, over here, that girls are very bossy.
※be shocked…びっくりする

(2)I can't help but think that America is unique after all.
※I can't help but think~…~と思わずにはいられない どうしても~と思ってしまう

(3)People are free to be themselves and never care about ather people.
※be free to ~…自由に~する

(4)Modesty doesn't seem to be virtue over here.
※modesty…謙譲、謙遜、遠慮、慎み深さ ※virtue…美徳 ♪ヴァーチュー

(5)I can be carefree, but sometimes I can't help feeling lonely because I feel like I've been left out.

(6)By the way, the other day, I gave a speech on Japan in front of all the students and there was a storm of applause.

(7)This is kind of showing off, but I was the only one to get a perfect mark on the chemistry test for the semester.
※show off…((話))((軽蔑的))これ見よがしにいいところを見せようとする, 見栄を張る, 気取る, てらう; 〈子供が〉はしゃぐ

(8)Then the students started to say Fumiaki is smarter than the smartest boy, Osamu Nacazawa.

(9)That test was a piece of cake what we were asked in the test was something like "How many grams are there in one kilograms?"
※a piece of cake…《口語》簡単にできること,たやすいこと

(10)That would be a question for the first grade kids in Japan. They aren't used to be metric system here in America. That's why they struggled with it in the test, that's all.
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Vous etes tres jolie. Tu es belle!

2016-02-01 16:05:41 | 日記

Vous etes tres jolie. ヴゼットトへジョリー

Tu es belle! テュエベール



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2016-02-01 08:17:32 | 日記

すると毎度利用した憶えのないTUTA YADISCASからの引き落としがある。



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