

That's not for another few days.(=もうすぐだよ)

2015-12-08 07:20:49 | 日記




(2)怖かったでしょう?→怖かった? 全然。だって、天気が悪かったんだから。それだけのことさ。








(10) こんにちは、隣のFumiです。→ あら、こんにちはFumi。お元気?→ 元気だよ。でも、実は雨漏りで困っているんだ。


(1)Say, honey, did anything strange happen to you while you were watching TV last night?

(2)That must have been scary. → Scary? No, it happened becauseof the bad weather, that's all.

(3)But why did the screen go blank then?

(4)Sometimes when it's windy, the tree branches fall onto the power lines, which briefly cuts the current.

(5)That must be what happened last night. Since your lamp has a touch sensor, the current is going through it all the time. So a change in voltage would cause it to flicker on and off.

(6)Besides, the poltergeist only comes here once a month, during the full moon.That's not for another few days.
※for another few days … 数日間

(7)Well, for now all we can do is put buckets under the leaks. I can't really tell, but it looks like the roof is pretty old, so we'll probably have to get it redone.

(8)You don`t think the leaks can be patched up? → I don't know for sure, but I doubt it. It's a flat roof, and there will probably be more leaks each time there's a storm.

(9)Who should we ask to fix it, a carpenter?

(10)Hi, this is Fumi, from next door. → Oh, hi, Fumi. How are you? → Just fine, thanks, but we've got a problem. Our roof's leaking.
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