

Do you like your new teacher?→Yeah, he`s funny--he`s always joking around. And he knows a lot ...

2015-12-01 21:53:18 | 日記












(10)新しい先生はどう? → うん、面白いんだ。いつも冗談ばっかり言ってるよ。恐竜についてよく知ってるし。


(1)It's not what I expected a schooI to Iook like. It's only two stories high, and there's no wall ground the property.

(2)Here in America most schooIs Iook pleasant and each is unique

(3)Oh, welcome to Greenwich. I'm sure you'll like it here.

(4)My daughter goes to pre-K, but she'll start kindergarten this September.

(5)What do we need to do to enroll them?

(6)Okay, then please fill out these forms. Here's one for each of them.

(7)Then ask your children's school to send their cumulative records when school is out for the summer.

(8)A health report is also needed, soif you'll go into the next room, the nurse will explain more about the requirements.

(9)So are you kids enjoying your new schooI so far? →Yeah!lt's fun.

Do you like your new teacher? → Yeah, he's funny--he's always joking around. And he knows a lot about dinosaurs
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