

I drank happoushu today after 43 days after.

2016-04-30 19:19:42 | 日記

l bet you don't give a shit, 42days have passed since I quitted drinking.
I tried to drink happoushu today after 43 days after.
But I didn't feel it was tasty.
I can't believe that.
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I'm so busy to make vocaburaly book that I don't have enough time to use it.

2016-04-30 17:10:30 | 日記














(1)He came all the way from Australia.

(2)I have to go all the way to Hiroshima.

(3)He drove all the way back home just to get his cell phone.

(4)You didn't have to go out of your way to get this for me.

(5) You didn't have to go out of your way to do that. Thank you so much!

(6)Little bits and pieces keep coming in, and I can't do the work.
※bits and pieces…はんぱもの がらくた 雑用

(7)I'm so glad I kept doing it!

(8)What is this? It's nothing like what I ordered!

(9)My head is still sleeping....

(10)I can't go home till I finish this. There's too much work!
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You should say something to him

2016-04-30 16:04:11 | 日記








(6)どうしてFumiは、毎週土曜に私を出勤させるのかしら?たまには私、土曜日に休みたいわ。 → 奴に何か言った方がいいよ。






(1)He gave me a 1000 dollar bonus, which cushioned the blow of getting fired.
※cushion the blow…痛手を弱める ♪クシュン

(2)You are a busy bee.
※busy bee…働きアリ


(4)Let me give you a word of advice,
don’t drink so much at weddings.

(5)Can I try these on?

(6)Why does Fumi put me on work every Saturday? Sometimes I want to take Saturday off. → You should say something to him
※You should say something to (someone).…(誰かに)何か言った方がいいよ。(クレームや不満など。)

(7)Do you prefer going to a concert or staying at home and listening to music?

(8)It is very hard to decide because I like both.
At home, I can enjoy music privately and choose my favorite tunes.
At a concert, I can enjoy the real sound of music.

(9)I can tell that he is stressed out.

(10)Can you tell the difference between Sapporo and Suntory?
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My favorite Japanese food is Takoyaki.

2016-04-30 12:39:50 | 日記



(1)博士課程を終えるにはどれくらい勉強しないといけないの? → そうだな、少なくとも9年はかかるだろう。

(2) 私の好きな日本の食べ物はたこ焼きなんだ。最も人気のある食べ物なんだぜ関西では。ボール型のおやつでたこの具が入っているんだ。




(6) あなたはとても熱心な勉強家ですね!







(1)How long do I need to study to get doctor's degree? → Well, it'll take 9 years at least.
※at least…少なくとも。

(2)My favorite Japanese food is Takoyaki.
It is one of the most popular foods in the Kansai area, and it is a ball-shaped snack which contains some pieces of octopus.
We put mayonnaise and takoyaki sauce on them, which makes the taste richer and a

(3)Slim chance you’ll win the lottery.
※slim chance…可能性が低いこと、ほとんど勝算のないこと
※lottery…宝くじ ♪ラルりィ

(4)My mother's miso soup is second to none.
※second to none…誰にも負けない/天下一品

(5)Don’t let down your guard in London, otherwise you might get pick-pocketed.
※let one’s guard down…気を緩める

(6)You're such a keen learner!

(7) In the business world you quickly learn to roll with the punches.
※roll with the punches…(困難や問題などに)柔軟に対応する

(8)I'm sad because he disagreed with my idea.
※disagree with ~…~に反対する

(9)I need something smaller than this.
※something smaller than …=「…より小さいもの」。

(10)I didn't have a clue what everyone was talking about.
※have a clue…分かる/見当がつく

(11)Get to the point.
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Unfortunately we have to call it off due to the bad weather.

2016-04-30 10:11:25 | 日記



(1)明日のピクニック、すごく楽しみだな! → 残念なんだけど、中止にしなければいけないんだ、天気が悪いからね。





(6)Fumiが部署で一番頭がいいわ、間違いないわよ。→ 奴が優秀なのはわかるけれど、ちょっと頑固なところがあるよな。






(1)I'm so excited for picnic tomorrow!
→ Unfortunately we have to call it off due to the bad weather.

(2)Plan a trip with your best friend.
Decide on how long to stay, where you will go, and how much money you will need.

(3)I would like to go on a trip, but I am short for money.
All I can spend is $500, so how about a 3 day trip to nearby places?
If we rent a cottage, it won't be so expensive.

(4)Do you spend time reading about celebrities and their personal lives?

(5)I only read about my favorite celebrities.
I used to read about all the popular celebrities when I tried to catch on trends, but it was a waste of time.
Trends always change, and it is useless to be on all the time.

(6)Fumi must be the smartest in the department, no question.
→ I agree he is smart, but he is a bit stubborn.

(7)Which do you like better, living in the cities or countryside? Why?

(8)I prefer living in the countryside because the cities are too loud.
I also like nature, and hate to be in a crowd.
Nowadays, internet shopping is useful everywhere, so I can't find a reason to live in the cities.

(9)OK, OK. No day off tomorrow...

(10)I think I'm gonna take a liitle break.
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It was a weight off my mind to hear that.

2016-04-29 16:44:40 | 日記












(10)金欠だから今夜は行けないよ。→ 今夜は私がおごってあげるわ.


(1)I had a crush on you in High School.
※have a crush on …(人)に首ったけである、(人)に夢中である

(2)You need to concentrate on what you're doing.
※concentrate on ~…~に集中する

(3)My cat was found last night. It was not injured.

(4)Really? It was a weight off my mind to know it was back.

(5)Which do you like better, ocean or mountains? Why?

(6)I like the ocean better because I like swimming.
In the summer, I stay on the beach all day long.
I swim as much as I want, and when I am tired, I read my favorite books on the beach.

(7)You got screwed.

(8)It seems like he can get along with anyone.

(9)Is it OK to just order drinks?

(10) I can't go tonight because I am broke. → It's my treat tonight!
※I am broke.…金欠だ。お金がない。
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The language barriers are huge, and no one understands me.

2016-04-29 15:08:31 | 日記














(1)You smell smoke in your house.
Call the fire department.

(2)Hello, I just woke up and I can smell smoke in my house.
I can't find where it is coming.
I am so scared that a fire is getting big somewhere.

(3)Thank you for being a great host during my stay in Tokyo.

(4)What the hell are you doing?
※what the hell…いったい何(“what”の強調語)

(5)I can't get him out of my mind.
※can't get ~ out of one's mind…~のことが忘れられない

(6)Sorry for confusion.

(7)I thought the meeting was at 2 in the afternoon.

(8)No, it became 10 in the morning. Suddenly, the manager got to see the client in the afternoon. Sorry for confusion.

(9)You miss your friend because you are in different countries right now.
Call your friend and share your feelings.

(10)Now I know how important you are.
I can't find such a good friend like you here.
The language barriers are huge, and no one understands me.
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The spooky music drove me neary insane.

2016-04-29 11:53:27 | 日記

The Spooky Music Drove me Nearly Insane.












(10)一万ドル当たったぞ!最高の日だ! → まあなんてことなの!本当に!?


(1)He kept playing the song over and over.

(2)It was such a peaceful day today.

(3)I really appreciate your taking time to see me.

(4) I am sorry, but he has a very tight schedule this week. How about next week?

(5)Your friend is very sensitive and becomes upset when people joke about her. Talk to her.

(6)Don't take everything so seriously.
They are just joking around and don't mean to hurt you. Just let it go.

(7)To hell with her, she left me!

(8)We're in two minds about whether we should buy a house or rent one.

(9)Oh, this is insane.

(10) I won $10000 Best day ever! → Oh my god! Seriously!?


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Pjcky, pjcky, picky!

2016-04-29 10:51:45 | 日記













(11) 僕はどれだけ真剣か理解できるよ。君が結婚について考えていることを。けれども君は思っているんだ。若すぎるし、物事はそんなに甘くないと。


(1)What do you think about smoking? Do you agree with it or not?

(2)I don't smoke, so I don't understand how addictive they are.
Many of my friends have difficulty giving them up.
I think smoking is harmful, but as long as people are smoking with good manners, it is okay.

(3)I'm picky about food.
ex; a pjcky customer…やかましい客
Pjcky, pjcky, picky!…本当にいちいちうるさいなあ.

(4)It was my youngest daughter's wedding day. I got really emotional during the ceremony.

(5)You gonna crash on the couch?

(6)I was very sad to hear about the terror attacks in Brussels.

(7)Do you mean twelve in all?

(8)They got a divorce after drifting apart during their five years of marriage.

(9)You know where I’m coming from.

(10)Your friend wants to get married.
You think he is too young.
Tell him what you think he ought to do.

(11)I understand how seriously you are thinking about getting married.
However, you are a bit too young and things won't be so easy.
You need to be prepared for the hardships.
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It was …. It's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't remember the name!

2016-04-27 22:07:07 | 日記



(1)まさに寝ようとしている時に、友達から電話がかかってきました。→ 間違いないわ。

(2)ところで映画はどうだったの?良かった? → 最高だったよ。本当に鳥肌がたったんだよ!





(7)僕たちはいいときも悪いときもずっと一緒だったね。→ そうね。私、結婚10周年を迎えられてすごく幸せよ。

(8)朝ご飯に何食べる?→ 体に良くないのは知っているけれど、普段は朝食食べないんだ。朝食べると今一調子良くないんだ。眠くなるし、今一生産的になれないんだ。


(10) 数日前に話してた、映画の名前なんだっけ? → あれは・・・。喉まで出かかってるけど、名前を思い出せないよ!


(1)I got a phone call from my friend when I was about to go to bed. → No doubt about it.
※be about to~…まさに~するところだ

(2)How was the movie by the way? Was it good? → It was fantastic. Seriously, I've got goosebumps!

(3)You are having lunch with your friend, but she has been texting with someone else from the beginning. You are a bit uncomfortable. Talk to her.

(4)Hey, if you need to talk with the person, you can go. You have been texting since we met today. It must be an urgent matter, right?

(5)She was turned on by the firemen.

(6)I really had a fantastic time with you.

(7)We've been through thick and thin together. → I know. I am so happy to have our 10 years wedding anniversary.

(8)What do you eat for breakfast? → I know it is not healthy, but I usually don't eat breakfast. If I eat breakfast, I don't feel so good. It makes me sleepy and I can't be so productive.

(9)Give her a break, she just got fired.

(10)What was the name of the film we talked about a few days ago? → It was …. It's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't remember the name!
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I use sesame oil for my Nikujaga, which makes the flavor rich and mild.

2016-04-26 22:27:44 | 日記






(4)この一週間ずっと寝不足なのよ → どうして?睡眠障害なのかい?











(1)You have great taste.

(2)I can't stop late night snacking.

(3)I owe you many things.

(4)I have been sleep-deprived for a week. →Why? Do you have a sleep problem?

(5)Which subject did you like to study when you were at school? Talk about it.

(6)I liked music the best. When I was at high school, there was a special violin concert played by a prof essional violinist. He was a friend of the music teacher, and it was so exciting to hear the real music.

(7)Keep up the great work.

(8)You are fantastic.

(9)Just like Fumi!

(10)Do you cook at home? What is your favorite dish? If you don't cook, who cooks at home?

(11)I do cook at home, and love cooking. I have a lot of favorite recipes, but I would say Nikujaga is the best.
I use sesame oil for my Nikujaga, which makes the flavor rich and mild.

(12)When do you feel that spring has come?

(13)My company gets extremely busy in the middle of March. I always feel spring has come, and can't wait for the Hanami party after this hard work. I usually have to work till midnight for about 2 weeks.
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2016-04-25 22:36:04 | 日記







(5) 俺は何一つできなかったよやろうと決めていたことがね。50歳までにさ。







(1)I have to remember to stop by Daiei on the way home.

(2)Nice! Finally got a long weekend this week!

(3)That is tasteless!

(4)The only thing I'm looking forward to this week is payday.

(5)I haven't done any of the things I decided to do by the time I was 50.

(6)Why is he in such a bad mood today?

(7)Time to get back to reality.

(8)Very impressive.

(9)A director is coming from the US head office next week. Where should I take him?

(10)TGIF!(=Thank God. It's Friday!)
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What should I do…? If I do this, like this, then I will have to do this like this...

2016-04-25 19:44:11 | 日記














(1)lt's true that once in a while l wonder how my grandparents in America are.

(2)I can take care of it myself.

(3)Too much detail...

(4)What should I do…? If I do this, like this, then I will have to do this like this...

(5)Shit! I did it again! I'll get told off.

(6)Let’s give it a shot!

(7)I am definitely going to leave on time today.

(8)It's "No OT Day" today. I'll grab a drink before going home!

(9)I can't do it anymore.

(10)Just 2 more days to go before weekend!
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I can be myself and do things on my own.Of course l won't try to ma ke any trouble for other p...

2016-04-24 22:31:21 | 日記














(1)Tolking about~

(2)l have no memory about my mother because l was less than one year old when she died.

(3)I may sound conceited, but l am attracted by the word "justice''.
※conceited…生意気な 思い上がった ♪クンシィーリd

(4)Out there, three-fifths of the population is Japanese-American, and a half of them are gardeners.

(5)I wouldn't mind visiting there just once. But as I said, l'm not sure what l'm going to be.

(6)What l know for sure is that l don't want to go to college just because everybody else does.
※just becauset…だからと言って

(7) I probably won't go to college because l am not academically oriented. Besides l don't like English.
※academically oriented…学歴偏重

(8)I'm not like you,Father.

(9)Don't you want to live in America? In America, people all look different, so you won't be picked on.

(10)I can be myself and do things on my own.Of course l won't try to make any trouble for other people, that's for sure.
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Why do you want to get a blackbelt?→ So that l look cooI when l wear it.

2016-04-24 16:20:37 | 日記









(7)どうして黒帯がほしいわけ?→ そりゃぁそれを締めていると格好よく見えるからね。





(1)He suddenly grabbed my collar saying that he was disgusted at the mere sight of me, so I just grabbed his, too. That's all.
※mere…ほんの,単なる,たったの;全くの,ただの…にすぎない ♪ミヤr

(2)Oh, yeah. He has a broken collar bone.
※collar bone=collarbone=clavicle…鎖骨

(3)At any rate, he suggested that we meet the student's parents andapologize.
※at any rate…とにかく どんあことがあっても

(4)I wouldn't apologized to them , if l were the Principal.

(5)Even if he bullied someone, no one would stand up to him, not even a teacher.
※bully…いじめる ♪ブリー

(6)Just because you could do it doesn't mean you should.
※Just because…だからと言って

(7)Why do you want to get a blackbelt?→ So that l look cooI when l wear it

(8)My friends always come and pick on me, even though l don't do anything wrong to them. That's not fair, is it?
※friend…厄介な知り合い even though~…~であるのに pick on~…~にこごとを言う ~のあら探しをする

(9)If your grandpa in America saw you like that, he might think you were a KAMIKAZE of the Japanese Imperial Army, or something.

(10)But don't try to change the subject, Fumiaki. lt's a fact that you hurt your classmate.
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