

Could you be a little more considerate?

2016-03-30 17:40:27 | 日記
















(1)You may look good without glasses.

(2)You look tired today.

(3)Shit! Do I have cash with me?

(4)I needa get some money out.

(5)Can you please stop yawning?

(6)She is gentle and thoughtful, such a nice person.

(7)I wanna stay together a bit longer.

(8)You have some food on your face.

(9)Are you having a good time?

(10)What should we do next...?

(11)Damn, I'm late again! She'll be mad!

(12)Could you be a little more considerate?
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TV is always on. TV makes housework more enjoyable.

2016-03-30 13:08:45 | 日記














(1)Somebody, please tell me how to get rid of my double chin!→I want to know how to reduce wrinkles.
※double chin…二重あご

(2)I don't like camping, cuz I hate bugs. If I think of waking up right next to a spider, I get chills. I also want to take a hot shower in the morning everyday.
※right next to ~…~のすぐ隣

(3)Why are you so rude to him?→ I'm fed up with his long story.
※Be fed up with…飽き飽きして、うんざりして

(4)Can you do other things when you are watching TV? What do you usually do?

(5)I can do something while I am watching TV. I fold the laundry and do ironing at night, and TV is always on. TV makes housework more enjoyable.

(6)Did you see Kate lately?→Yeah, she dropped by on the way home last night.

(7)If you could be any age, what age would you be? Why?→I would like to go back to 21 years old. In that year, I had a big fight with my best friend, and haven't talked with her till now. I wish I could say sorry, and get our friendship back.

(8)My stomach is upset.

(9)I'm gonna call in sick.

(10)The fever isn't going down.
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I feel my presbyopia getting worse day by day.

2016-03-29 18:32:30 | 日記















(1)I feel my presbyopia getting worse day by day.

(2)My butt hurts from sitting for so long.

(3)I'm not young anymore.

(4)My tangue is hurting from glossitis.

(5)I'm seriously concerned my body won't hold up...
※hold up…持ちこたえるという意味もある

(6)I caught a yawn.

(7)My pinky is itchy. No matter how many times I scratch it... it still itches.
※no matter how~…たとえ~しても

(8)Why do I have a bruise on my inner thigh?
♪bruise…ブるーズ 意味;痣(あざ)

(9)I have a toothache. I think I have a cavity.

(10)Ahhh my legs are asleep!.

(11)My back is killing me!
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Oh my gosh. She is so funny!

2016-03-28 17:53:44 | 日記










(8)56歳!? 若く見えるね。





(1)How many more people are coming?

(2)You aren't drinking enough, right?

(3)Did I just fall flat?
※fall flat…失敗に終わる 少しも効き目がない

(4)He looks like someone famous?

(5)I got her phone number. Yes!

(6)Believe it or not, I am popular with young people.
※Believe it or not…信じられないかも知れないけれど ♪ビリーヴィッロrナー

(7)It's just your imagination.

(8)56!? He looks much youger than that?

(9)She isn't my type at all.

(10)You have a nice atmosphere.

(11)Oh my gosh. She is so funny!
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Come to think of it, did I lock the door?

2016-03-28 16:54:25 | 日記














(1)Are they reliable?

(2)I can't be bothered to cook tonight.

(3)Come to think of it, did I lock the door?

(4)That's so lame.

(5)I can't take it anymore.

(6)Come on, there's not such thing.

(7)Do you have to be so blunt?

(8)That doesn't make sence.

(9)Such nice day again today!

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Lets stop for a rest somewhere with a good view.

2016-03-28 13:46:49 | 日記









(7)後で分かったことですが、彼はずっと浮気していたのです 。





(1)That izakaya is always full with regular customers.

(2)How many stops is it?

(3)Let's take a break for a change.

(4)Lets stop for a rest somewhere with a good view.

(5)Let's take a rest(=break).

(6)Let's take a short break.

(7)She turned out that he was cheating on his wife all the time.
※turn out~…~と判明する cheat on one's partner…浮気をする

(8)I look forward to seeing you again.


(10)a waterfowl

  a water [an aquatic] bird.
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Nice talking to you.

2016-03-28 13:44:53 | 日記
















(1)We went to a fancy restaurant for our anniversary and spoiled ourselves.
※spoiled one's self…贅沢をする

(2)It's all Greek to me.

(3)The bus is late.→Yes, it should have been here by now.

(4)This bus is always late.→Too bad this is the only way to get downtown.

(5)Well, you could always walk!→ Not in these shoes!

(6)Ha-ha! But those are great shoes. →Thank you. I like them too.

(7)Are they comfortable?→No, not really.

(8)They are so pretty, though.→Thanks.

(9)I think the bus is finally coming.→Look! There are two of them.

(10)That always happens.→This one is crowded. I will wait for the next one.

(11)I am late, so I will take this one.→OK. Nice talking to you.

(12) Have a nice day.→ Thanks, you too.
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The older you get, the quicker time passes.

2016-03-26 20:58:57 | 日記














(1)Time fli'es when you're having fun!

(2)Doesn't time fly? It's already 10 o'cIock!

(3)The older you get, the quicker time passes.

(4)Time passes so quickly when I'm with my friends.

(5)Whenever you are waiting for something, time passes ever so sIowly.

(6)米=level crossing 英=grade crossing ※railway crossingでも通じる

(7)We'll get there in 15minutes.

(8)15minutes to go.
15minutes left.

(9)it will take 1 5 more minuies.
it will take a further l 5 minutes

(10)another fifteen minqutes
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6 days have passed since I quitted drinking.

2016-03-24 16:43:23 | 日記







(5)まじかよ? 冗談だろ? くっそ~。







(1)Do you like to study? What is the most effective way for you to study?

(2)I used to dislike studying, but I like it now. The most effective way is to study something you like. Even if you cram something you are not interested in, it won't stay in your head long.

(3)What's this? So weird. This is not right.

(4)What's going on? What the… Is this right?

(5)Seriously? You've gotta be kidding me? Holy Crap!

(6)What have you done to yourself? What's this fat doing here? Flabby!

(7)You've gotte a be on a diet again.

(8)Am I stupid or something? Darn Me!

(9)What a sneeze!

(10)It has been 6 days(=6 days have passed) since I quitted drinking.
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I have pain in my rotator-cuff.

2016-03-23 16:13:17 | 日記
















(1)he was unsure whether or not he could do it successfully.

(2)He felt as if he had reached his limit.

(3)I scraped the car.

(4)I scratched the bumper of the car so I fixed it.

(5)The car has a scratch mark.

(6)She has a dent in the side of her car.

(7)There is a scratch on the car.

(8)There were deep scratches on the desk.

(9)I have pain in my rotator-cuff.

(10)Time passes so quickly when I'm in the bookstore.
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She seemed quite settled and spent the busy days feeding him and changing his diapers.

2016-03-22 19:03:48 | 日記















(1)She would say things like, "So you're Stephen. You're so cute!". To see his mother so happy and satisfied was a great relief to him.
※would say things like~…~のように言ったものだった

(2)Janet seemed quite settled and spent the busy days feeding him and changing his diapers.

(3)She was making more friends andoved talking with them whenever shefound time.

(4)It may have been around this time that~

(5)She became easily irritated about his bad behavior.

(6)Watching this scene, he suddenly became worried.

(7)He wondered what could be causing of all this irritation.

(8)The thought that Janet's thyroid was worsening never left his mind.
※worsen…悪くなる 悪くする 自動詞も他動詞もある

(9)She kept complaining about her blurring eyes when she read.
※blur…曇る 霞む ♪ブルr

(10)She gave birth to two boys and tried to raise them, but she was unable to do so because of her death.

(11)Though he once promised Janet to raise their two children alone if something happened to her, Mr. Araki now had to face that promise.
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By the way, it may be too early to say, but we have to think about these things.

2016-03-21 17:07:01 | 日記













(1)I want to buy some new clothes too. Do you mind if I tag along?

(2)Make yourself at home.

(3)By the way, it may be too early to say, but we have to think about these things.

(4)The puppy tagged me home.

(5)I'd like him to be baptized.

(6)Before that, l'd like to take him to the shrine according to theJapanese custom.

(7)We are supposed to take a boy to a nearby shrine on the 30th day after birth.

(8)Maybe he would be happy to do us this favor.。

(9)There's no rule, like you said we should let our son decide what he wants to do for himself.

(10)I should learn Japanese more so that l'll have no problem going to the open house.
♪アイシュッdラーンジャパニーズモー ソォダライラヴ ノウプろブレムゴイントゥディオウプンナハウス
※open house…1(招待者を特定せず訪問客を皆受け入れる)自宅開放のパーティー[集い,催し]2(学校・施設などの)公開(日);授業参観日;工場見学(日)3来客を歓迎[歓待]する家.4建売住宅[モデルルーム]の公開日,内覧(日);売り家を予約なしで下見できる日その売り家(◆openhomeともいう)
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What? She's your mom? I thought you guys were sisters.

2016-03-21 15:51:18 | 日記














(1)Don't talk about this to anyone. Just keep under your hat, okay?

(2)Are you a morning person or night person?

(3)I have been a morning person since I started yoga. I usually have my yoga c
lass at 6 am, so I need to get up early. I used to stay up late, but now I can
't anymore.

(4)What? She's your mom? I thought you guys were sisters.

(5)I totally screwed up. I thought my girlfriend’s birthday was tomorrow. She
's gonna kill me.

(6)I mixed up the dates. I thought my English lesson was today.

(7)I think he got the days mixed up.

(8)I think she is mixing me up with someone else.

(9)I was under the wrong impression. I thought you were going to pick them up.

(10)I was under the impression that she was moving to Australia.
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Just think of your baby and hope for a birth without complications.

2016-03-20 17:47:54 | 日記








(6)彼はさっきまでいたのよ。→ 判った。今彼を見に行ってくる。

(7)ところで母乳は充分に出るの?→ 全然なのよ。

(8)じゃぁ、どれがあなたのだか判る?→ え~っと、あれに違いない。




(1)Just think of your baby and hope for a birth without complications.
※complication…いざこざ 厄介な問題 面倒な事態

(2)Three days before the baby was due, Janet went into the Matsumaru Maternity Clinic to have the baby.

(3)I'll do the remaining work at home.

(4)Janet gave birth to a boy.

(5)He rushed to the clinic when he heard the news.

(6)He was here a while ago. → Alright, I'll go and take a look at him now!

(7) By the way, are you producing enough milk for him? → No, very little.

(8)Well, can you tell which one is yours? → Well, let's see…It's got to be that one.

(9)Does he have a Mongolian spot? I hear caucasian babies don't have them.

(10)I don't know why, but I feel very peaceful. Maybe because I'm a mother now and feel that your mother will finally accept me as the wife of her son. Besides, I seem to have confidence to live in Japan.
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Please come in for a check-up once a month.

2016-03-19 14:59:37 | 日記














(1)Maybe you're pregnant.

(2)I'm kind of scared to go alone.

(3)I suppose so. In Japan it would cost about one-fifth of that.

(4)That's because more Japanese babies get jaundice than Americans, you see.

(5)What I worry about is the blood type. Mine is Rh+, but I hear many Americans have Rh-.
♪Rh+…アrエイチパズィティヴ Rh-…アrエイチネガティヴ

(6)We were met by Hiroko, who was the third generation of Matsumaru family midwives.

(7)They'll need a urine sample. Please go to the restroom and use this paper cup.

(8)Pregnant women are sometimes very sensitive emotionally. Please try not to get her irritated. That may be difficult with the language problem.

(9)I want your mother not to try to control Janet. The important thing is for you to protect Janet from your mother's intervention. Your mother's intervention may cause emotional problems forJanet.

(10)Please come in for a check-up once a month.
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