

Hardy Marquis Silent Check

2012-04-21 14:58:37 | Hardy Reel
I wanted to go to Yozawa, but I could not wake up in time.

This time it is about "Hardy Marquis Reel", one of the most popular reels of Hardy Bros.

ベルリンに住んでいた頃は、ゴルバチョフも出席した1989年10月7日の東独建国40周年記念、1989年11月9日のベルリンの壁解放、1990年10月3日のドイツ統一と、息つく暇もない激動の時代で、釣りをする機会はフィンランドのラップランドとオーストリアのアルプスの二回だけでした。釣りの面では殆どお伝え出来る事はありませんが、唯一、西ベルリンの釣具店でこのHardy Marquis Silent Checkを買った事が記憶に残っております。

When I lived in Berlin, it was a time with relentless spectaculars as 40th anniversary of GDR on Oct.7, 1989 with General Secretary of Soviet CP, Mr. Gorbachev attending it, the unexpected opening of Berlin wall on Nov.9, 1989, the German re-unification on Oct.3, 1990, so I did not have chance to go fishing. Only twice went I fishing; in Finnish Lapland and in Austrian Alps.

I do not have much to say when it comes to angling sport at that time, except this Hardy Marquis Silent Check Reel which I bought at a tackle dealer in West Berlin.


Marquis was first catalogued in 1969 and, with variations like multipliers, it was popular in 1970s and 1980s as least priced model among Hardy Reels at that time.

Light Weightシリーズの様にしっかりしたフレームを持ちながらも、スプールに付けられたリムを使い指でドラグをかける事も出来る等、優れた機能性を持っております。

Marquis' construction is similar to that of Light Weight Series. Body with robust frame. But it is even advanced in function with its rim attached to spool enabling anglers put additional pressure with their fingers when they must fight against big fish.

私のMarquisはSilent Check。非常にシンプルな構造で、魚を掛けた際のラチェット音を楽しむ事も出来ません。最後に使ったのはシベリアと、かれこれ20年くらい埃を被っておりますが、それはそれとして、懐かしい事ごとを思い出させてくれる道具です。

My Marquis is a Silent Check model. The construction is very simple and I cannot enjoy the sound of ratchet caused by big fish. So somehow it went into obsolete in my mind and not used for almost 20 years. Last time I used it was in Siberia. It recalls sweet old days though.

Silent Check Marquis #5 Made by Hardy Bros Ltd Englandのインスクリプション。

Inscription: "Silent Check Marquis #5 Made by Hardy Bros Ltd England"


Black vinyl pouch used in 1980s

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