◯ 千両役者。

2014-01-25 17:44:06 | ♪ One Short Talk


2008年6月 8日 (日)




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◯The Fukushima Crisis737;Missile n Nuc.P.P Export.インド/核搭載可能ミサイルと原発輸出

2014-01-25 07:46:36 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

01/25/2014. french.cri.cn. greenpeace org.
It turns to disposition of India and a nuclear missile, and they are a success / Cree on-line (January 20) to a long-distance continent ballistic missile launch examination.
One of the countries where the Abe Administration strives for the marketing effort of a nuclear power plant, India.
Prime Minister Abe has agreed on the resumption of negotiation of the nuclear agreement which will be the requisite for nuclear power plant export with Prime Minister Singh of India in May, last year.
India which has not joined in the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty is not under the surveillance of an international core, and the concern by which construction of a nuclear power plant is abused
a long distance [ January 20 and India ] which a nuclear warhead can carry -- it succeeded in the launch examination of the ballistic missile Agni 4 No. for land.
Two or more persons concerned clarified.
It is the 3rd time now that India succeeded in a launch of the missile.
A missile succeeds in a 4000-km flight and much technology of the international level is used for manufacture of equipment.
<Reference>international setting NGO pea "nuclear power plant export to India which a nuclear reactor maker dislikes in fact"
In India, it is a system where responsibility is asked about the nuclear power plant manufacturer, in case of the nuclear power plant disaster.
- It "is a success to the launch examination of India and the missile which can be core carried" / Cree on-line (January 20) [ source article ]
-- nuclear power plant export to India which a nuclear reactor maker dislikes in fact greenpeace.org .http://www.greenpeace.org/japan/ja/news/blog/dblog/blog/45350 / contribution day - 2013-05-30 14:04
With Prime Minister Singh of India, Prime Minister Abe has agreed the resumption of negotiation of a nuclear agreement yesterday on the assumption that nuclear power plant export.
At the spot of the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, rope walking, such as a problem etc. of the radioactive contamination water which continues increasing in number, continues, and it is, without the ability of many victims to put life reconstruction in prospective.
On the other hand, Prime Minister Abe is selling the nuclear power plant to overseas "which can offer the safest nuclear power plant in the world."
Doesn't that it is inexcusable mean this?
The nuclear power plant export to India is high-risk.
In fact, the law which can demand responsibility also from a nuclear reactor maker exists in India in case of a nuclear power plant disaster.
This took in "polluter-pays-principle" also in atomic power from experience of the Bhopal chemical factory poisonous gas accidental spillage which is the worst ever industrial mishaps which occurred in India in 1984.
There is a place which should be considered as teachings also as the worst example of a corporate social responsibility and environmental pollution.
If a nuclear power plant is built in India, the following nuclear reactor maker management's comment is published about a possibility that the responsibility for an accident will attain to a nuclear reactor maker at Asahi Shimbun this morning.
"There is no telling which is burdened (compensation).
One [ want / nuclear reactor makers without the maker who flies, such as" Toshiba, Hitachi, and the Mitsubishi Heavy / really ] may be contracting the infrastructure building of others, such as the Shinkansen.
Japan which exports to the "safety myth"
Toshiba and Hitachi which designed and manufactured the Toden Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident furnace, and no nuclear reactor maker called GE are actually asked in the responsibility for an accident.
If responsibility is demanded, it is a question like Toden whether management was able to be continued.
In short, although a nuclear reactor maker thinks that it is delicious business that exports a nuclear power plant to the country on which responsibility for an accident is not imposed, he wavers in the country which may be blamed for a risk.
It is the proof which does not regard them as a nuclear power plant being safe.
How about importing the law of India that responsibility can be primarily demanded from a nuclear reactor maker by "polluter-pays-principle", before just Japan which has experienced the nuclear power plant disaster by the present progressive form exports a nuclear power plant to India?
First of all, priority is given to victim protection and it looks again to the Act on Compensation for Nuclear Damage which specifies a nuclear reactor maker's compensation liability.
"It is maker responsibility also to a nuclear power plant of Japan". Under on-line signature implementation!
(A banner click is carried out and it can do in 20 seconds) ↓

01/25/2014. french.cri.cn. greenpeace org.





●source article「インド、核搭載可能ミサイルの打ち上げ試験に成功」/クリー・オンライン(1月20日)

♻︎じつは原子炉メーカーが嫌がるインドへの原発輸出 greenpeace.org .
投稿日 - 2013-05-30 14:04



「日本の原発にもメーカー責任を」 オンライン署名実施中!
