◯The Fukushima Crisis722Protect Child.王貞治氏「国難の状況のなか疎開は子ども達を守る為にいいこと」

2014-01-04 06:52:18 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

01/04/2013. Mr. [ Sadaharu Ohe / . ] Mayor Matsumoto, Akira Sugaya.

He is Mr. Sadaharu Ohe "it is good, in order that it may be in the situation of a national crisis and evacuation may protect children."

✴︎It is child studying abroad-matsumoto.

It is wished I want you to spread to the whole country by all means.
Mayor Akira Sugaya who is Mayor Matsumoto as whom it acted medical support after the Chernobyl accident at the spot accepts the child from Fukushima.
I hear that a Matsumoto studying-abroad enterprise is developed.
It is like so to speak evacuation of the name of studying abroad.
An adult has duty to protect children's future health.
Originally it is in the situation which a country should do for a tax where the Liberal Democratic Party is refluxing the revival tax although things.
The flow which people support with public opinion more first of all is moved by necessity.
Akira Sugaya and Mayor Matsumoto interview ""Matsumoto child studying-abroad enterprise" which accepts the children from Fukushima"
Since people of Fukushima also start NPO now still more in the form which starts although it is the expression a child's "studying abroad", it is to be said that he would like to aim from April, next year.
This is not in where mist in Japan.
It is the first trial.
Coming out, I consider that I want this to build a "Matsumoto model" and to spread all over the country by such trials.
It is just a national crisis.
This is a national duty and it is a grown-up duty to have all together the children of the striped relation which wipes Japanese children especially, and to protect a life too.
Although it did not understand how it should have been made concrete even if considered so, if Matsumoto considers it as the success example as one model this time, it comes out and is peevish, and I become the move [ you / prudent ] of the whole country truly "the children of the stripes wiped by all means will be protected", and I regard me just as moreover studying abroad in such various areas [ like ] progressing.
Although it will become a form what is called of group evacuation under war if it says in the ancient times called that it is in such forms this time, and only a child just studying abroad, although it is slightly a digression -- this year come out of this talk also to Ohe and Mr. Ohe who is just giving the chairman of Softbank, and peevish to them -- ", although I am advancing now, When it chats that it is rather "hot [ separating with a child and living ]", and rather difficult", Mr. Ohe, [ the father mother of Fukushima ] "Disagreeableness and this are very important things and rather this, It is said whether it is the cause for it to be very good in order to make children become independent", Although "whether this is just in the situation of a national crisis, and such things are very good things also in order to protect children" speaks saying "Whether I am also evacuated a long time ago [ all ]", it is done rather than me, although it is on [ two ] three, and Ohe excels then.
"good [ also in order to make a child become independent ]" As for me, Mr. Ohe wanted to say in the existing meaning, I regard as having said "if it is for making a child become independent, such things are also by no means bad" called "Being in an overprotection situation to a child today just for a moment with a book."
even if it uses and any, it is in such situations -- since it is a thing, if you, Matsumoto residents, also let you understand by all means and cooperate in the "Matsumoto model" in a form which comes out of the children from Fukushima still more, and is been [ a form / it ] peevish and accepted, I will think that it is very kind.

✴︎It is child studying abroad-matsumoto

01/04/2013. 王貞治氏. 菅谷昭・松本市長.











昔で言えば、戦争中のいわゆる集団疎開という形になるわけですけれども、ちょっと余談ですけれども、今年 王選手、まさにソフトバンクの会長さんをやっている、王さんにもこの話をですね、「僕は今進めておりますけれども、なかなか福島のお父さんお母さんたちが『子どもと離れて暮らすのは辛い』ということで、なかなか難しいんですよね」って雑談しました時に、王さんは、「いや、これはとても大事なことで、むしろこれは、子どもたちを自立させるためにはとてもいいきっかけじゃないですか」という事を言われまして、その時に王選手は私よりは二つ三つ上ですけれども


