◯ Mauro Tassotti Commands.ミラン、アッレグリ解任を正式発表 タソッティが暫定指揮

2014-01-14 22:36:10 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

01/15/2014. ac milan news.
It is a formal announcement about Milan and Massimiliano Allegri dismissal. Mauro Tassotti is provisional command http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20140113-00000027-goal-socc.
Milan announced dismissal of Director mushy milli Massimiliano Allegri (46) on the formal website of the club on the 13th.
Milan which suffered 3 to 4 and a failure by no means by the Serie A US Sassuolo game of Section 19 on the 12th in which MF Keisuke Honda achieved the debut.
The league first half of the game is finished, and the 11th place and depression of the winning point 22 continue.
In response, CEO Barbara Berlusconi of the club had suggested the supervisor shift after the war US Sassuolo ."
And dismissal of Director Massimiliano Allegri will be determined for 13 days.
Although the supervisor who was a contract by this season was revealing the retirement after a season, his results are dull and he has duties solved in the middle of a season.
It becomes since [ 2001?2002 season ] that Milan changes a supervisor during a season.
The club has announced that Mr. Mauro Tassotti performs command provisionally.
The said person has been serving as the assistant coach for some time.
Milan will play a match against Spezia by a five Coppa Italia game on the 15th.
The big club in Italy is an important convention connected with the ticket to Europe for Milan of this season although it tends to make light of Coppa Italia traditionally.
By a battle from which Honda's forerunner debut is also expected, new Milan aims at white star start.

01/15/2014. ac milan news.

ミラン、アッレグリ解任を正式発表 タソッティが暫定指揮






◯ Keisuke Honda! サングラスと金髪は”ヤクザ”のボスみたいだけどね.

2014-01-14 21:58:11 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2014/01/08 22:51:00
It is comment introduction from a local forum.
The Milan subscription of representative MF Keisuke Honda of Japan is taken up greatly even in local Italy, and while expectation grows also among the fans of Milan, an opinion and arguments are exchanged briskly.
How has the supporter of Italy caught the new subscription player who will carry No. 10 of tradition on the back?
A part is introduced out of the comment of many which were contributed to the forum of "Sky Sports", "A.C.Milan Forum", "Milan World", etc.
"It is like [ if compared with most MF(s) of us ] God of soccer.
Isn't it bad at all as a player?
Only since it is marketing.
It seemed messy in the Italy versus Japan game."
"-- how it will be -- it is pleasure.
he is the last required player -- natural, if the talent and a quality are added to a team to a slight degree, although it does not carry out and a problem is not necessarily solved -- since it is not bad -- "
"It is wrong to give No. 10.
Also noting that it is a problem of marketing.
Although it should prove that it is suitable for a jersey number in this team and this league, I think that it is quite doubtful."
"If it comes to get along well with Kaká and Varo (Mario Balotelli) immediately, Milan will become another team at a stretch.
I think that he is a player who gives big satisfaction if there is volition of liking to show one's value."
"There were many people who have a question in his acquisition, and I was also the one person.
I thought that it was only marketing.
But when the Italy game of Confede. and the game of some of CSKA(s) were seen, the idea completely changed.
Sunglasses and blond hair are like [ "it is worthless" ] a boss."
"When every year 10 million (Euro) was brought to the safe of Milan, it read.
a uniform and the broadcasting right in the Far East something"
"Thousands of Japanese come to San Siro, and Japanese do you want to become a supporter of us?
If it becomes so, it will be good for a club."
"Seemingly, it was said that he would like to arrive in Milan and to practice during 20:00 from 19:40 immediately.
But [ so ] I evaluate."
"It is certain to have a serious uncanny professional and wonderful quality.
Although I want you to be help, even so, it is called the Savior.
You should clarify it."
"May not I rise that he is the player who came from Real Madori?
A result is as seeing, although nobody was making noise when Dortmund gained Kagawa from two copies of Japan.
It is important to carry out scouting well."
"Are not helpful only in order to sell a uniform at Japan, and do you want me to bring something to a team?"
"Japanese people are people excellent in the general target, it is very sincere and there is self-sacrifice nature to work.
I think that there is almost no necessity of suspecting about his pride of a professional."
one's "wife -- it is lovely -- "
"On the financial side, Honda is big-spending efforts rightly. -- Would you like to wish that is right also in technical terms?
The consciousness which is a Japanese and works firmly should have rooted."
"If Sushi good at least is sent, will I be dependent on Japan?"
"He is a wonderful professional.
Seemingly the taxi was taken, and it did not go to a restaurant, but it was required that he would like to practice immediately, when deplaning from the airplane.
It is that it was angry when it turned out that it cannot play in today's game (Atalanta game on the 6th).
It seems to be a robot."


2014/01/08 22:51:00


イタリアのサポーターは、伝統の10番を背負うことになった新加入選手をどのように受け止めているのだろうか。『スカイ・スポーツ』のフォーラムや『A.C.Milan Forum』、『Milan World』などに投稿された多くのコメントの中から一部を紹介する。










「レアル・マドリーから来たような選手じゃないと盛り上がっちゃいけないのか? ドルトムントが日本の2部から香川を獲得したときには誰も騒いでいなかったけど、結果は見ての通りだ。大事なのはうまくスカウティングすることだ」







◯The Fukushima Crisis728Abita福島子供アニメが国際賞を受賞するも、日本のマスコミは一切報道せず!

2014-01-14 11:13:39 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

01/14/2014. "Abita "
No mass media of Japan is reported regardless of the anime describing the child of Fukushima winning an international prize! The author is a Japanese student! "Abita " →It was exposed.
No mass media of Japan is reported regardless of the anime describing the child of Fukushima winning an international prize! The author is a Japanese student! "Abita"
The anime which the Japanese student living in Germany made won the international prize.

The title of this anime is "Abita", and is pain at the radioactive contamination of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster. It carries out and has become a hero.
It seems that various prizes are won not only Europe but all over the world, and it is taken up in various places.
However, in Japan, the trace which mass media reported is hardly seen, but it is in the state where it is ignored completely.

01/14/2014. 「Abita(アビタ)」




ド イツに在住している日本人学生が作ったアニメが国際賞を受賞しました。このアニメのタイトルは「Abita(アビタ)」で、福島原発事故の放射能汚染で苦 しむ子供が主人公になっています。欧州だけではなく、世界中で様々な賞を受賞しており、色々な所で取り上げられているようです。
