有能な上司は、自分の時間を他人のために使うことができる 2019年02月16日 | 仕事術 A talented leader is one who is able to give his or her own time to others. « 学ぶ人ではなく、教える人になれ | トップ | 教えることが最高の学びとなる »
10 コメント コメント日が 古い順 | 新しい順 Unknown (東真奈美) 2019-02-16 17:53:26 自分の時間を他人のために使う人は、まず与えることを考えて行動する人であり、有能な人です。 返信する A talented leader is one who is able to give his or her own time to others. (TCF Bangladesh (Jasim Uddin)) 2019-02-17 12:59:34 Subordinates or followers get motivated when they get leaders attention and time. 返信する A talented leader is one who is able to give his or her own time to others. (Tcf Bangladesh (Yousuf)) 2019-02-19 11:56:10 A leader always create a leader , he always cooperative to other 返信する Teaching others is the best way to learn. (TCF Bangladesh (MAHBUB)) 2019-02-20 12:33:37 We have to continue our practice of upgrading the knowledge through teaching because of it gives chance to face new question also. 返信する A talented leader is one who is able to give his or her own time to others. (TCF Bangladesh (MAHBUB)) 2019-02-20 12:36:12 Successful person always save the time for others also. 返信する A talented leader is one who is able to give his or her own time to others. ((TCF Bangladesh-Mahabub Ibn Hannan)) 2019-02-20 13:14:52 A true leader always have time for his follower which make then more confidence. 返信する A talented leader is one who is able to give his or her own time to others. (TCF Bangladesh-Iqbal) 2019-02-21 13:20:34 Leader emphasises on other peoples time. 返信する A talented leader is one who is able to give his or her own time to others (TCF Bangladesh (Mohammed Faruqe)) 2019-02-21 14:19:41 Leader is he who can dedicate his life for others. We have to think for others. 返信する Unknown (TCF Bangladesh (Riad)) 2019-02-28 15:04:33 A talented leader is one who is able to give his or her own time to others.Great leader help to others by dedicate his valuable time. 返信する A talented leader. (TCF Bangladesh (Nurul Kabir)) 2019-03-05 14:55:53 A talented leader is one who is able to give his or her own time to others.Good leader always take care of others so that mitigate the problems. 返信する 規約違反等の連絡 コメントを投稿 goo blogにログインしてコメントを投稿すると、コメントに対する返信があった場合に通知が届きます。 ※コメント投稿者のブログIDはブログ作成者のみに通知されます 名前 タイトル URL ※名前とURLを記憶する コメント ※絵文字はJavaScriptが有効な環境でのみご利用いただけます。 ▼ 絵文字を表示 携帯絵文字 リスト1 リスト2 リスト3 リスト4 リスト5 ユーザー作品 ▲ 閉じる コメント利用規約に同意の上コメント投稿を行ってください。 コメント利用規約に同意する 数字4桁を入力し、投稿ボタンを押してください。 コメントを投稿する
Great leader help to others by dedicate his valuable time.
Good leader always take care of others so that mitigate the problems.