言われたことはキッチリこなせる部下は、言われたことしかできない人 2019年08月29日 | 仕事術 Subordinates who can do exactly as they are told are people who can only do as they are told. « 上司をマネジメントするのは... | トップ | 上司と意見が違うのではない... »
10 コメント コメント日が 古い順 | 新しい順 Subordinates who can do exactly as they are told are people who can only do as they are told. (TCF-Bangladesh(Md. Fakharuddin Shah)) 2019-08-30 14:25:27 Subordinate have to follow order and instruction of superior. 返信する Unknown (東真奈美) 2019-08-30 19:21:46 言われたことはキッチリやる部下は、自分の責任範囲を広げようとしないので、言われたことしかやりません。自分の関心の範囲を広げる重要性を指導する必要があります。 返信する Unknown (TCF Bangladesh ( Md. Showkat Akber)) 2019-08-31 16:56:21 It is the responsibly of a subordinate to follow and obey superior's instruction.But for betterment of work subordinate's experiences can be implemented. 返信する Subordinates who can do exactly as they are told ((TCF Bangladesh-Mahabub Ibn Hannan)) 2019-09-01 11:51:54 Subordinates should not only follow the instructions of superior but also add value on the work. 返信する Subordinates who can do exactly as they are told are people who can only do as they are told. (TCF Bangladesh (Md. Jamiul Karim)) 2019-09-05 12:29:58 Trying to keep the words is increasing the reliability 返信する Unknown (TCF Bangladesh (Riad)) 2019-09-08 02:28:58 Subordinates who can do exactly as they are told are people who can only do as they are told.Subordinate have to follow instruction of superior. Basically which order good for company and carry it. 返信する Subordinates who can do exactly as they are told are people who can only do as they are told. (TCF Bangladesh (Jasim Uddin)) 2019-09-08 12:21:10 Following the instruction is the primary job, but need to do differently if situation requires. 返信する Subordinates who can do exactly as they are told are people who can only do as they are told. (TCF Bangladesh (Mohammed Faruqe)) 2019-09-09 22:03:15 In company ,Subordinates should not only follow the instructions of superior but also add value on the work. 返信する Subordinates who can do exactly as they are told. (TCF Bangladesh (Nurul Kabir)) 2019-09-11 19:53:53 Subordinates who can do exactly as they are told are people who can only do as they are told.People can get idea how much he can do and how will do by others people. 返信する Subordinates who can do exactly as they are told are people who can only do as they are told. (TCF Bangladesh-Iqbal) 2019-09-12 16:27:47 Subordinates who can do exactly the people who told more. 返信する 規約違反等の連絡 コメントを投稿 goo blogにログインしてコメントを投稿すると、コメントに対する返信があった場合に通知が届きます。 ※コメント投稿者のブログIDはブログ作成者のみに通知されます 名前 タイトル URL ※名前とURLを記憶する コメント ※絵文字はJavaScriptが有効な環境でのみご利用いただけます。 ▼ 絵文字を表示 携帯絵文字 リスト1 リスト2 リスト3 リスト4 リスト5 ユーザー作品 ▲ 閉じる コメント利用規約に同意の上コメント投稿を行ってください。 コメント利用規約に同意する 数字4桁を入力し、投稿ボタンを押してください。 コメントを投稿する
Subordinate have to follow instruction of superior. Basically which order good for company and carry it.
People can get idea how much he can do and how will do by others people.