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There are limited patterns to life; study people who are successful. (tcf Bangladesh(Yousuf))
2018-06-01 10:48:35
we should make analysis the life style of the people who got successful in their life , as it may help you to know the different way of setting and attaining goal
There are limited patterns to life; study people who are successful. (TCF Bangladesh (Iqbal))
2018-06-01 12:09:17
Our life is limited and time is so short, so we should follow them who are use their time properly to be success.
成功者のパターンを研究する (東真奈美)
2018-06-03 09:13:44
There are limited patterns to life; study people who are successful. (TCF Bangladesh ( MAHBUB ))
2018-06-03 11:40:38
successful man are the icon for the related field. if we try to follow any successful person then we of course have to follow their sorrows as well neither we will be able to find out the real situation of him/her.
時代は違えど (柴田)
2018-06-04 01:36:10
There are limited patterns to life; study people who are successful. (TCF Bangladesh (Nurul Kabir))
2018-06-04 17:37:33
There are limited patterns to life; study people who are successful.

Responsibility may very position to position and also have some lmitation. We have take lesson from who are successful.
There are limited patterns to life; study people who are successful (TCF Bangladesh (Mohammed Faruqe))
2018-06-06 11:45:22
Actually it is true that, the patterns of life are very limit. So to learn somethings good
We have to study the biography of successful life. Because there is a great lesson into
Their life.
There are limited patterns to life; study people who are successful. (TCF BANGLADESH(RIAD))
2018-06-28 02:37:28
If you want to be successful person in your life, ofcourse follow to great man.Because you learn more from them.
