


2022-09-30 17:39:41 | 英語特許散策

[0002] This disclosure relates generally to generative adversarial networks (GANs) and, in non-limiting embodiments,
  本開示は一般的には、敵対的生成ネットワーク(GAN:generative  adversarial  network)に関し、

a system and method for removing noise and/or artifacts from an OCT image and/or segmenting ocular layers of an OCT image using a GAN.


[0040] Attempts to use a GAN to remove speckle noise in retinal OCT images have relied on an absence, or limited amount of, eye motion between frames during image capture.

The ground truth data for such a GAN was generated using a compounding technique in which the same tissue area was imaged multiple times, and individual volumes were registered yielding averaged B-scans for training.

However, this proposed methodology to generate ground truth data for training is not feasible as corneal datasets exhibit large motion when acquired in-vivo, which makes registration and compounding technologically challenging, resource intensive, and potentially inaccurate.

In addition, existing research databases, from which corneal datasets can be extracted for use in algorithmic development, rarely contain multiple scans of the same tissue area for compounding.

[0018] FIG. 8B illustrates a ground truth edge map for the central patch of FIG. 8A according to embodiments.


A ground truth image may be a highly accurate image against which other images (e.g., from image processing methods) are compared.

[0014] The present disclosure illustrates various techniques and configurations that enable enhanced training of machine learning networks through user actions that occur in respective workflows at multiple, distributed locations.

Such workflows include clinical workflows that are undertaken by medical professional users within medical information processing settings.

The techniques and configurations disclosed herein may be used to identify differences from a machine learning model that have been applied, modified, or rejected within a clinical workflow, including differences that occur within respective workflows for clinical users who are distributed across a large network of medical facilities.

The resulting differences that are identified from the various workflow uses of the model may be collected and processed as training data (e.g., reinforcement or correction data) for the machine learning model—

thus, improving future iterations and applicability of the machine learning model.

[0534] Algorithms for the detection and classification of IHC-stained objects on a whole slide basis were written in Matlab.
[0461] 全スライドに基づく、IHC染色した物体の検出及び分類のためのアルゴリズムは、Matlabにおいて執筆された。

Following brightfield stain unmixing, IHC-stained objects were detected as cell candidates.

For all cell candidates, quantitative features were extracted.

Candidates were then classified into the various cell classes (e.g. CD8+ /Ki67− cells) using supervised machine learning.
その後、教師あり機械学習を使用して、候補を様々な細胞クラス(例えば、CD8+ /Ki67− 細胞)に分類した。

The classification method was trained using a ground truth gallery of true and false stained objects (provided by a pathologist).

[0046] While the data does not represent a bounding box, the bounding box is positioned based on the object represented by the data and/or other features represented by the data.

In one embodiment, a machine-learnt classifier locates the bounding box.

Experts annotate training data with bounding boxes.

The machine training then learns the position of the bounding box based on the ground truth in the training data representing scans of patients.

The machine learns to position the bounding box given data representing the patient.

The processor locates the bounding box using the matrix or matrices of the machine-learnt classifier.

The distinguishing features used to locate the bounding box may be other than features of the object of interest.

Since high linking accuracy is confirmed,

it is suspected that

the mixed-species multiplets detected by sequencing but not imaging are

because of the imperfections in scRNA-seq data, which serves as the ground truth.
正解データ(ground truth)として機能するscRNA-seqデータの不完全性が原因である


[0122] The die may have many examples of a particular context so there may be adequate samples of the particular context for training the classifier.

In addition, the misclassification rate of the classifier may be determined since it is possible that many contexts are indistinguishable to the inspection systems (i.e., the images of the contexts may appear substantially similar in feature space).

The features used in the classifier may be the raw pixel data or signals themselves or features derived from the raw pixel data or signals such as features used in iADC to classify the background.

The “ground truth” or “true classification” is provided by the design context.

The granularity (“context cell”) of the design context may be relatively coarse (e.g., about 1 μm by about 1 μm) or relatively fine (e.g., about 0.1 μm by about 0.1 μm or about 1 to 2 design rules in size).


*Ground truth:


ラベル(labels:正解ラベル、Ground Truth:正解、教師データ:labeled training data)とは?@IT, AI IoT, Deep Insider, AI・機械学習の用語辞典

2)「AI モデルの出力の学習やテストに使用される実際のデータを表す用語」、機械学習やディープラーニングの出力を実環境と照合しながらのテストMathWorks



training data:(モデルやプログラムの性能を改善する過程において機械学習モデルやプログラムを学習させる(訓練する)ためのデータ)

learning data:(上記の意味で使ってもOK?)

[0085] In order to improve recognition accuracy for the rare case in the recognizer, increasing the ratio of the data of the rare case in the learning data is considered. However, in actuality, it is difficult to collect a large amount of data of the rare case.

The “learning data” is data for learning in which an input signal used in learning is associated with a supervisory signal indicating a correct answer label corresponding to the input signal, and is also called “training data”.

機械学習(きかいがくしゅう、英: machine learning)とは、経験からの学習により自動で改善するコンピューターアルゴリズムもしくはその研究領域で[1][2]、人工知能の一種であるとみなされている。「訓練データ」もしくは「学習データ」と呼ばれるデータを使って学習し、学習結果を使って何らかのタスクをこなす。例えば過去のスパムメールを訓練データとして用いて学習し、スパムフィルタリングというタスクをこなす、といった事が可能となる。



Ground Truth, Wikipedia
"Bayesian spam filtering is a common example of supervised learning. In this system, the algorithm is manually taught the differences between spam and non-spam. This depends on the ground truth of the messages used to train the algorithm – inaccuracies in the ground truth will correlate to inaccuracies in the resulting spam/non-spam verdicts."

Ground Truth in Machine Learning: Importance and 7 Key Challenges
What is Ground Truth?
, datagen
"in an image classification system, the algorithm learns to classify each image into a set of classes (e.g., cat, dog, sheep). The algorithm trains using training data with ground truth labels indicating the true class of each object."

"In supervised learning algorithms, ground truth data is critical to training new algorithms."

"Supervised methods learn a target domain by training on large amounts of data with corresponding ground truth labels. Initially, the model trains on data with ground truth labels. When an initial version of the model is ready, it is evaluated on evaluation and testing datasets where the model does not know the ground truth label. Predictions are compared to the actual ground truth label to determine model performance."

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