


2021-02-11 17:29:25 | 英語特許散策

Thus, when user profile information indicates that a one or more predetermined criteria are met, the system may send an alert to the corresponding user or to another user.
[0324] このようにユーザープロファイル情報が一つ以上の判断基準が満足されることを示す場合、システムは対応するユーザー又は他のユーザーに警告を送信してよい。

For example, the system may "learn" that a player is a fan of certain sports teams. The system monitors information about upcoming events that involve those teams and, at a predetermined time, checks to see if the user has placed a bet on the event(s).

If not, the system invites the user to visit a sports book to make a bet. As another example, the system knows a user prefers $10 minimum tables and alerts the user to the opening of a seat at such a table.

As another example, the alerts can be triggered by information which is not directly related to or associated with the particular user (e.g., non-user specific information).

For instance an alert might be triggered by a certain time or the occurrence of a certain event (e.g., the odds given on a certain sports event changing by a certain predetermined amount).

[0003] Cloud computing, enterprise networks, and data center networks continue to drive increased bandwidth demand of optical waveguides for metro and long haul wires, and also rack-to- rack wires within data centers to 100 Gbps and beyond.

Increased bandwidth demand has motivated overall high data transmission speed on entire optical systems.

According to various embodiments, liquid sensor(s) may be disposed in the various passageways and/or at the upper/top and lower/bottom of the vessels 400 so as to indicate when the vessels 400 have been emptied or filled with CNG or hydraulic fluid.

Such liquid sensors may be configured to trigger close the associated gas/hydraulic fluid transfer valves to stop the process once the process has been completed.

The communication device is configured to communicate with the other hearing device upon a predetermined time period. Such time period may be agreed upon by both hearing devices.

Alternatively, the communication can be triggered upon detection of activity of the at least one sound source exceeding a predetermined activity threshold. In some aspects, the communication is triggered by said activity and initiated at a certain time thereafter.

This reduces the frequency of communication, if there is no change in spatial cue information and only exchange information when suitable, thereby reducing power consumption.

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2021-02-11 13:41:49 | 英語特許散策

[0043] In some embodiments, the biological sample may include an added material, such as water, deionized water, saline solutions, acidic solutions, basic solutions, detergent solutions and/or pH buffers.

The added material may also include reagents that will be used during the designated assay protocol to conduct the biochemical reactions. For example, added liquids may include material to conduct multiple polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) cycles with the biological sample.

The invention relates to a device for monitoring the operation of a dosage dispenser of a liquid additive in a main liquid which actuates the dosage dispenser according to suction and delivery stages,

which dosage dispenser includes a suction pipe suitable for plunging into the liquid additive contained in a container,

the monitoring device including means for detecting the suction of liquid additive and means for displaying operating parameters of the dosage dispenser which are suitable for transmitting, using data provided by the detecting means, a piece of information at least when the level of liquid additive in the container reaches a lower limit, and when an untimely increase in the level occurs in the container.

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2021-02-11 13:24:44 | 英語特許散策

[0063] Stitching 108 is created by inserting a threaded needle (not depicted) through fiber layers 134.

Fiber layers 134 are dry when stitching 108 is applied.

Pre-impregnated composite material or “prepreg” would undesirably transfer resin to the needle, affecting the insertion and removal of the needle.

Additionally resin in a prepreg material may prevent the fibers from temporarily displacing as the needle is inserted and from and bouncing back after the needle has been removed.

Without local fiber movement, the fibers would potentially be damaged and/or have an undesirable or displaced position. Undesirable transfer of resin to the needle, or undesirable displacement of the fibers would undesirably affect the quality of the resulting product.

[0063] FIG. 6 is a plot 660 comparing simulation results generated using an embodiment of the present invention with simulation results generated using an existing methodology. The plot 660 shows acceleration 661 versus displacement 662 of a steel tube frontal car crash zone during a frontal wall collision.

It is noted that the description below only references the steel tube construction mesh. FIG. 6 also shows the electro motor, drive train, and frontal wheels, of the models 666 and 665, which do not deform in the impact. The results 664 in the plot 660 were generated using a conventional 5 mm mesh-based model 665 without modifying the material properties (measurement values thereof).

The results 663 were generated using principles described herein, i.e., modifying material property measurements (amounts or levels) as a function of mesh geometric properties, for a 25 mm mesh model 666. The plot 660 shows that the results 663 and 664 are similar while the results 663 were generated using a model 666 with much larger mesh elements.

As such, the plot 660 shows that embodiments correct for discretization errors and allow simulations to be performed more efficiently than existing methods. As shown in FIG. 6, by employing the functionality described herein, the computational time for performing the simulation was reduced from 4100 CPU seconds (the results 664) to 147 CPU seconds (the results 663). As such, embodiments are suitable for numerous applications, such as interactive design.

The plot 660 also shows the results 667, which are what the results for the model 666 would have been without the discretization error corrections. Here the simulation would have generated a result indicating that the car would hit the wall with 50% higher force and 30% less deformation.

Based on these results 667, the simulation would have generated a result where the car would bounce off the wall instead of absorbing the impact. As such the effects of the present method are quite substantial.

[0037] Several methods of measuring resiliency and/or energy return of foams (e.g., foam preforms and foam components) exist in the art. One method of measuring resiliency of foams is based on ASTM D 2632-92, which is a test for solid rubber materials.
  発泡体(例えば、発泡体予備成形物及び発泡体部品)の弾力性及び/またはエネルギーリターンを測定するいくつかの方法が当該技術分野に存在する。発泡体の弾力性を測定する1つの方法は、固体ゴム材料の試験であるASTM D 2632-92に基づいている。

For use with foams, the test sample is prepared as described in ASTM D2632-92, but uses a sample of foam in place of the sample of solid rubber. This test uses a plunger which is dropped from a height onto a test sample while being guided by a vertical rod.
発泡体で使用するために、試験サンプルは、ASTM D2632-92に記載されているように調製されるが、固体ゴムのサンプルの代わりに発泡体のサンプルを使用する。この試験は、垂直ロッドによって案内されながらある高さから試験サンプル上に落とされるプランジャーを使用する。

The drop height is divided into 100 equal parts, and the height to which the plunger rebounds is measured using this 100 part scale, to determine the resiliency of the sample. Alternative methods which use a ball of standard weight dropped onto a sample, and which measure the rebound height of the ball to determine the resiliency of the sample can also be used.

One or more of the fins 70 may be provided. Preferably, the fins 70 are plate shaped and extend in a proximal direction from the septum 30 or the distal end 20' of the barrel 16.

Various shapes and configurations of the fins 70 are possible. Channels 72 are formed between the fins 70 into which the suspension 14 is urged under force of movement of the plunger 26. The fins 70 reduce flow area and thus cause the suspension 14 to accelerate through the channels 72 in passing to the proximal end 40 of the needle cannula 38.

This increase in velocity helps maintain the suspension thereby minimizing separation therein. In addition, the fins 70 direct any of the suspension 14 which by-passes the proximal end 40 of the needle cannula 38 in a generally distal direction.

The fluid is directed to strike against, and rebound from, the septum 30 and/or the distal end 20 of the barrel 16. Upon rebounding, the suspension 14 is forced to mix with the suspension 14 that is flowing from behind.

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2021-02-11 12:52:01 | 英語特許散策

[0035] FIG. 1 includes a schematic illustration of a cleaning system 100 that may be used to clean microelectronic substrates using aerosol sprays or gas cluster jet (GCJ) sprays and

a cross section illustration 102 of the process chamber 104 where the cleaning takes place.

The aerosol spray or GCJ spray may be formed by expanding cryogenically cooled fluid mixtures into a sub-atmospheric environment in the process chamber 104.

As shown in FIG. 1 , one or more fluid sources 106 may provide pressurized fluid(s) to a cryogenic cooling system 108 prior to being expanded through a nozzle 1 10 in the process chamber 102.

The vacuum system 1 12 may be used to maintain the sub atmospheric environment in the process chamber 104 and to remove the fluid mixture as needed.

[0063] A cryogenic aerosol spray may be formed with a fluid or fluid mixture being subjected to cryogenic temperatures at or near the liquefying temperature of at least one of the fluids and then expanding the fluid mixture through the nozzle 1 10 into a low pressure environment in the process chamber 104.

The expansion conditions and the composition of the fluid mixture may have a role in forming small liquid droplets and/or solid particles which comprise the aerosol spray that may impinge the substrate 1 18.

The aerosol spray may be used to dislodge microelectronic substrate 1 18 contaminants (e.g., particles) by imparting sufficient energy from the aerosol spray (e.g., droplets, solid particles) to overcome the adhesive forces between the contaminants and the microelectronic substrate 1 18.

The momentum of the aerosol spray may play an important role in removing particles based, at least in part, on the amount of energy that may be needed to the aforementioned adhesive forces.

The particle removal efficiency may be optimized by producing cryogenic aerosols that may have components (e.g., droplets, crystals, etc.) of varying mass and/ or velocity.

The momentum needed to dislodge the contaminants is a function of mass and velocity. The mass and velocity may be very important to overcome the strong adhesive forces between the particle and the surface of the substrate, particularly when the particle may be very small (

RF cavities are used to accelerate groups of charged particles towards a target. For many applications, the benefits of using cavities with superconducting internal surfaces outweigh the increased costs associated with cooling the cavities to cryogenic temperatures. The cavities are judged by their quality factor and acceleration gradient.

Quality factor (Q0) gives the inverse of the amount of energy lost in each cycle of the system. High quality factors reduce operating costs by requiring less cryogenic cooling. The acceleration gradient of the cavity describes its ability to accelerate particles. Acceleration gradients for superconducting RF (SRF) cavities are usually given in millions of volts/meter.

Higher gradients require fewer cavities to run a system at the same accelerating field, reducing start-up and operating costs. However, higher gradients require higher internal fields, pushing the performance limits for the superconducting interior surfaces.

Providing refrigeration at temperatures below −50 C has many important applications, especially in industrial manufacturing and test applications. This invention relates to refrigeration systems which provide refrigeration at temperatures between −50 C and −250 C. The temperatures encompassed in this range are variously referred to as low, ultra low and cryogenic. For purposes of this Patent the term “very low” or very low temperature(*極低温)will be used to mean(*定義)the temperature range of −50 C to −250 C.

In many manufacturing processes conducted under vacuum conditions, and for a variety of reasons, the heating of a system element is required. This heating process is known as a defrost cycle. The heating elevates the temperature of the manufacturing system, enabling parts of the system to be accessed and vented to atmosphere without causing condensation of moisture(*結露)in the air. The longer the overall defrost cycle and subsequent resumption of producing very low temperatures, the lower the throughput of the manufacturing system. Enabling a quick defrost and a quick resumption of the cooling of the cryosurface in the vacuum chamber is beneficial. What is needed is a way to increase the throughput of a vacuum process.

There are many vaccuum processes which have the need for such very low temperature cooling. The chief use is to provide water vapor cryopumping(*クライオポンプ動作)for vacuum systems. The very low temperature surface captures and holds water vapor molecules at a much higher rate than they are released. The net effect is to quickly and significantly lower the chamber's water vapor partial pressure. Another application involves thermal radiation shielding. In this application large panels are cooled to very low temperatures. These cooled panels intercept(*阻止、遮断)radiant heat from vacuum chamber surfaces and heaters. This can reduce the heat load on surfaces being cooled to lower temperatures than the panels. Yet another application is the removal of heat from objects being manufactured. In some cases the object is an aluminum disc for a computer hard drive, a silicon wafer for an integrated circuit, or the material for a flat panel display. In these cases the very low temperature provides a means for removing heat from these objects more rapidly than other means, even though the object's final temperature at the end of the process step may be higher than room temperature(*室温). Further, some applications involving, hard disc drive media, silicon wafers, or flat panel display material, involve the deposition of material onto these objects. In such cases heat is released from the object as a result of the deposition and this heat must be removed while maintaining the object within prescribed temperatures. Cooling a surface like a platen is the typical means of removing heat from such objects. In all these cases it is to be understood that the evaporator surface is where the refrigerant is removing heat from these customer applications when providing cooling at very low temperatures.

[0002] A "low temperature” range, as used herein(*本明細書では;定義), refers to a cryogenic temperature(*極低温)range, which starts at or about 77 degrees Kelvin (K) or lower, and down to at least 1 millikelvin (0.001 K), and in some cases as low as practicable, e.g., to 0.000001 K using presently available technology. A "low temperature” is a temperature in the cryogenic temperature range. A semiconductor or superconductor device operating in a cryogenic temperature range is referred to herein as a low temperature device (LTD). Semiconducting device, and/or superconducting devices, produce heat when operating. LTDs operating in a cryogenic temperature range also produce heat while operating, but the heat removal poses unique challenges in low temperature operations.

[0003] Most devices operating at cryogenic temperatures rely on materials(*無冠詞複数)that exhibit superconducting properties at those temperatures. Most superconductors are not good thermal conductors. To be able to remove heat from a structure(*不定冠詞;ある具体例), a material(*不定冠詞;ある具体例)has to be a good thermal conductor. For a material to be regarded as a good thermal conductor, the material must exhibit at least a threshold level of thermal conductivity. For example, a thermal conductivity of greater than a 1 Watt/(centimeter*K) at 4 Kelvin, is an acceptable threshold level of good thermal conductivity according to the illustrative embodiments.

[0004] Thermalization(*熱化)of a structure is the process and apparatus to conduct heat to or from the structure.


The invention is directed to tube picking mechanisms having a tube picking compartment maintained at an ultra-low temperature(*超低温), e.g. from about −50° C. to about −135° C. or at a cryogenic temperature(*極低温)(e.g., about −140° C. to −196° C.). The tube picking mechanisms are particularly well suited for use in an automated, ultra-low temperature or cryogenic storage and retrieval system used to store and retrieve biological and chemical samples.


Storage of biological and chemical samples is becoming widespread(*広まりつつ、普及)in biotechnological and medical industries. Many of these samples must be stored at or below freezing temperatures. Generally speaking(*概して、一般的), a regular(*通常)freezer operates from about −5° C. to −20° C., an ultra-low temperature freezer operates from about −50° C. to about −90° C. (preferably at about −80° C.) and a cryogenic freezer operates from about −140° C. to −196° C. (boiling point of liquid nitrogen). For some applications, it is advantageous to store samples below about −120° C. For purposes of this patent application, the term “ultra-low temperature” shall mean temperatures below about −50° C. and above temperatures(*それ以上の温度)generally considered to be cryogenic(*極低温の定義).

Large automated sample storage and retrieval systems that store samples within one or more ultra-low temperature (e.g., −80° C.) or cryogenic (e.g., about −140° C. to −196° C.) freezer compartments are known. Biological samples stored in these systems are often contained in sealed plastic laboratory tubes or vials having a diameter of 3.5 mm or larger. Larger tubes are sometimes called vials in the art, but both are referred herein as tubes, storage tubes or sample storage tubes. The tubes or vials are typically held in storage racks having an array of tube receptacles, for example, 384, 96, 48 or 24 tubes and having openings in the bottom of the tube receptacles. In most cases, a two-dimensional barcode containing identifying information is adhered to(貼付、貼り付け、接着、付着)the bottom of the storage tube and is able to be read through openings in the bottom of the tube storage racks.

[0041] The composite overwrap in a container according to this invention preferably provides the primary structural support for the operating loads. The composite overwrap is preferably a material system comprising high-performance fibers in a resin matrix capable of cryogenic temperature service. As used herein(*本明細書では;定義) "cryogenic temperature(*極低温)" means any temperature of about -62°C (-80°F) and colder. An example of such a resin is the CTD 525 epoxy cryogenic resin. Two classes of material systems have been designed for this invention.

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2021-02-11 12:15:59 | 英語特許散策(クレーム、通信)

Formation of the acid chloride (Va) involves treatment of (IV) with a chlorinating agent such as thionyl chloride, phosphorous pentachloride or oxalyl chloride, in a solvent such as dichloromethane, in the presence of a catalyst such as DMF, at around room temperature. In certain cases, DMF is also used as a co-solvent. Formation of the anhydride (Vb) (Z is C═O) involves treatment of (IV) with a sterically hindered acid chloride or chloroformate, such as trimethylacetyl chloride or isopropylchloroformate, in an inert solvent such as dichloromethane, in the presence of a non-nucleophilic base, such as triethyl amine or diisopropylamine at room temperature or below. Formation of the activated ester (Vc) involves treatment of (IV) with an activating reagent system such as EDCI, DCC/HOBt, HATU, BOP reagents or TBTU, in a solvent such as DMF, DMA, NMP or dichloromethane at room temperature or below(*室温またはそれ以下で)(International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research (2011), 8(1), 108-119).

Alternatively, the 1,2 diamino-ethyl substructure can be prepared from a suitable aryl-alkyl ketone such as (XX) (SCHEME 5). For example, treatment of (XX) with trimethylsilyl-triflate, in ether, at about 0° C., in the presence of triethylamine provides silyl-enol ether (XXI). Treatment of (XXI) with a halogenating reagent, such as bromine, NCS, or pyridinium tribromide in an inert solvent such as dichloromethane or cyclohexane, at a temperature between −78° C. and room temperature furnishes the α-halo-ketone (XXII). (XXII) is condensed with an amine (NHR4R5) in an inert solvent such as toluene, THF, acetonitrile or DMA, at room temperature or above(*室温またはそれ以上で), to yield the α-amino-ketone (XXIII). Reductive amination of (XXIII) as described above, yields the diamino-ethyl derivative (XXIV) which is further processed (benzyl ether removal and oxidation) to provide the requisite acid (IV) as described above.

 According to another aspect, the dehydrated hydrogel is placed in i) water, saline solution, Ringer's solution, saline solution, buffer solution, etc., or combinations thereof, ii) a humidity chamber, or iii) room temperature or elevated temperature. By being rehydrated.

According to another aspect, the dehydration is carried out by leaving the hydrogel in air, by placing the hydrogel in a vacuum at room temperature or at an elevated temperature, for example, at 40° C., above about 40° C., about 80° C., above 80° C., about 90° C., about 100° C., above 100° C., about 150° C., about 160° C., above 160° C., about 180° C., about 200° C., or above 200° C.

Cold irradiation is described in detail in U.S. Pat. No. 6,641,617, U.S. Pat. No. 6,852,772, and WO 97/29793. In the cold irradiation process, a polymer is provided at room temperature or below room temperature. Preferably, the temperature of the polymer is about 20° C. Then, the polymer is irradiated. In one embodiment of cold irradiation, the polymer may be irradiated at a high enough total dose and/or at a fast enough dose rate to generate enough heat in the polymer to result in at least a partial melting of the crystals of the polymer.

PVA-PAA gels or PVA-PAA-PEG gels can be built up in a layer-by-layer fashion by sequentially molding different concentration solution in the mold to achieve gradient properties. The gradient is thus disposed in a direction perpendicular to the direction of deposit. A hot (for example, about 90° C.) PVA-PAA-PEG mixture solution is poured into a container up to a certain thickness to form the first layer. The solution in the mold is gelled by cooling down to the room temperature or lower temperature. Upon gelling, the first layer in the container is heated to a temperature below the melting temperature with no disruption of the formed layer. Another layer of solution is added from a hot PVA-PAA-PEG mixture to the first layer to ensure adhesion of the two layers. The second layer can be formed from same or different composition of the polymer solution, or a new component can be added in the mixture. The container is again cooled down to form a layered gel structure. This procedure can be repeated to the desired number of layers or thickness. Such layer-by-layer gel formation can be applied to PVA-PEG gels or PVA cryogel as well, followed by PAA diffusion.

In another embodiment, PEG containing PVA hydrogel is prepared by starting with an aqueous PVA solution (at least about 10% (wt) PVA, above about 15% (wt) PVA, about 20% (wt) PVA, about 25% (wt) PVA, about 27% (wt) PVA, about 30% (wt) PVA, about 35% (wt) PVA, about 40% (wt) PVA, about 45% (wt) PVA, about above 50% (wt) PVA) and mixing it with a low molecular weight PEG solution at an elevated temperature (above room temperature or above 50° C.). Upon cooling down to room temperature, the mixture forms a PVA-PAA-hydrogel containing water and the non-solvent PEG. In another embodiment, the hot PVA-PAA/PEG mixture is not cooled to room temperature but instead is subjected to freeze-thaw cycles.

6). In another embodiment of a PAA-incorporated PVA cooling gel and subsequent PEG doping , a hot water-containing poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) solution at room temperature or higher was cast (optionally preheated) to form a PVA cooling gel. ), Cooled to 0 ° C. or lower, and melted at a temperature of 0 ° C. or higher. The total PVA content in the gel is about 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 27%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, or their degree, any value between them, or It can be more than that. The PVA cooling gel is immersed in an aqueous solution of PAA that diffuses the PAA into the gel. Use vigorous stirring and / or high temperature to increase diffusivity. The diffusivity can also be increased by immersing the gel in a supercritical fluid. The gel can then be immersed in the PEG to extract the PEG into the gel while extracting some or all of the water.

In some embodiments, the methods further comprise reacting the compound of Formula I with phosphoric acid to form the phosphate salt. The phosphoric acid salt of the compound of Formula I may be produced by treating a solution of the corresponding free base in an organic solvent, such as ethanol (EtOH), with a solution of phosphoric acid in an organic solvent, such as ethanol, at room temperature or at an elevated temperature (e.g., from about 60 to about 70° C.). The produced crude phosphate salt may then be further purified by recrystallization or re-slurry in an organic solvent or a mixed organic solvent system.

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