
死ぬまで毎年IRONMAN HAWAIIに出るのが目標!体育2のironmaniaのroad to KONAな日々です!

Air force museum vol.2

2014-04-18 15:17:30 | Cincy赴任記
3/29/2014 No training due to snowing.

It was a terrible freezing and snowy day.
So after the English class in the morning, I went to Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH.

It took about 1 hour by car via I-75.
It was 2nd times for me. But the last time, I completed until World War 1 gallery... So in this time, I started at World War 2 gallery.

"Zero" series 21

P-38 lightning

B-29 "Bockscar" dropped the atomic bomb "fat boy" to Nagasaki.

Atomic bomb "Fat boy"

And "Little boy" dropped to Hiroshima.


Trainer for "Ohka" human operated rocket bomb

Korean war gallery.
F-80 shooting star

F-86 Sabre


Southeast Asia war gallery.
B-52 Stratofortress. too big...


F-86 Sabre

Cold war gallery.
F-15 Eagle

"Trabant Deluxe!" national standard car of East Germany

F-4 Phantom cockpit. It's not aviable for fat guys...

And space gallery.
bunch of rockets

and space food. I don't wanna eat Maca-cheese, even if I go to space...

Oops, it's the time to close. That's it! I couldn't look around Presidential gallery, Research & development gallery, and airpark...
I need to visit one more...Too large...


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