
死ぬまで毎年IRONMAN HAWAIIに出るのが目標!体育2のironmaniaのroad to KONAな日々です!

2014 IRONMAN Louisville race recap Vol.2

2014-10-06 23:16:09 | レースレポート
3. 24th IRONMAN Race Day.

Woke up at 4AM, ate Trader Joe's Japanese fried rice and miso soup for breakfast, and went to transition area at 5:15. Once went back to the hotel to put on the pump and went to the swim start at 6:30. Same as the last year, there was a long waiting line for swim start. Louisville's swim start is not mass start. It's individual time-trial start which dive into Ohio River one by one. So the race becomes naturally time-trial race. After 35 minutes from age group start at 7AM, it was my turn. Dive into light-brown color river. The water temperature was perfect for swimming by speed suit. No wave, no current, and comfortable water temperature; I guess it's the easiest swim course of IRONMAN, except light-brown water... The course has J turn. After the turn, we felt some current from right to left, but it was no problem. We need to climb the stairs at swim finish. The time was not so bad for me. Swim 3.8km, 1:15:02.


At T1, I spent many time to wear CEP's compression socks and UV arm cover. They're hard to wear for wet body. I'll change the socks to normal socks and calf guard at IM Maryland. T1, swim to bike, 0:12:35.

The bike course is partially 2 loops. It's almost flat but some tough hills includes it. I tried to keep my pace about 30km/h, following my plans. 1st loop was not so bad, but it was getting hot and humid on the way of 1st loop, so I felt dehydration by degree. Also my tire had air leaking from the screw of valve extender, so I had to have some short stops in order to refill air by cartridge. As a result, my bike rap was delayed about 40minutes from my expected time. 180.2km 6:43:24



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