
死ぬまで毎年IRONMAN HAWAIIに出るのが目標!体育2のironmaniaのroad to KONAな日々です!

Canceled Toughman and Lake Placid

2014-10-04 18:17:40 | Weblog
I'm so sorry to leave my weblog off for a long time. Since the last update, I was terribly busy until the end of September.

After the last log, I felt the pain in my abdominal, so I canceled TOUGHMAN Indiana in the end of May. After that, I had one week admission in the beginning of June in order to take a treatment by catheter. So I had to stop my training until the end of June to cure my wound. Since I understood not to complete my training for Lake Placid with only half month, so I had to cancel IRONMAN Lake Placid which was held in the end of July.

Fortunately from this year, WTC started transfer program for IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 in the US. So I transferred my entry fee of Lake Placid to Louisville which was held in the end of August. In truth, I wanted to transfer to the race is held in the end of season , like Florida, Arizona, and Cozumel. But Florida and Arizona had already sold out, and Cozumel was not available to this transfer program.

So, I'll update the race recap of IRONMAN Louisville.





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